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Системски информации - во целост

6-17-2024 Жреб за Хеттрик Мастерс

Жребот за 1. коло на Хеттрик Мастерсот е направен.
Ова е прв пат во Мастерсот да учествуваат повеќе од 256 тимови па поради тоа ќе имаме 9 кола оваа сезона:

1. коло: понеделник, 24. јун, 16:00 (5. недела)
2. коло: четврток, 27. јун, 20:00 (5. недела)
3. коло: понеделник, 1. јул, 16:00 (6. недела)
4. коло: четврток, 4. јул, 20:00 (6. недела)
5. коло: понеделник, 8. јул, 16:00 (7. недела)
6. коло: четврток, 11. јул, 20:00 (7. недела)
7. коло: понеделник, 15. јул, 16:00 (8. недела)
8. коло: четврток, 18. јул, 20:00 (8. недела)
9. коло: четврток, 25. јул, 20:00 (9. недела)


Бидјеќи имаше проблем кој резултираше со неможност да се даде понуда за одредени играчи, привремено ги запревме сите активности на трансфер листата додека работевме на решавање на овој проблем. Во овој момент проблемот е решен и сите трансфери помеѓу 20:48 и 21:23 се продолжени за еден час. Се извинуваме доколку сте доживеале некоја непријатност.

6-4-2024 Промоција во Лигата на играчи со срце

Сакаме да објавиме дека во новоформираната лига на играчи со срце ќе има 2 промоции по сезона и додека тимовите не стигнат до првата дивизија. Тоа значи дека првите две екипи во секоја дивизија на крајот од сезоната автоматски ќе се промовираат во следната повисока дивизија. Оваа измена е усогласена со правилото што го имаме во слични специјални лиги, каде што обезбедуваме повеќе можности за напредување, како и за намалување на влијанието на ботови. Во исто време, „среќните губитници“ од пониската дивизија ќе добијат и дополнителна промоција за замена на ботови во V дивизија.

Промоциите ќе се постапуваат рачно, а не во исто време со останатите лиги. Ова значи, секогаш ќе има празнина од неколку дена помеѓу другите лиги и промоциите на лига на играчи со срце.

Ви благодариме и ви посакуваме сезона полна со радост.

5-19-2024 Missing Prize and Promotion money

Teams across Hattrick has not received their league prize money and promotion bonuses as expected today. We are well aware of this and will work to solve this issue as soon as possible. It may very well not be until Monday that the issue is properly solved, but rest assured, the money will come.

5-17-2024 Changes regarding weather updates and match times in some countries

From the next season on, the weather for the day after will not be a forecast that may or may not change, but it will show the actual weather with total certainty. This will help users set the lineup one day prior to the match knowing 100% sure what the weather will be.

Besides this, in some countries we've also changed one weather update that was too close in time to some National Team matches, in order to avoid an unlikely (but possible) situation in which a delay in the weather update could make a NT match be played with the weather of the day before. The affected countries are Liechtenstein and Finland (on Mondays), and Switzerland, Paraguay, Bolivia and Ecuador (on Fridays).

Due to several reasons, we've also had to move the match times of most of the countries on the American continent - Brazil, Panama, Uruguay, Peru, Colombia, Belize, USA, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico and Argentina. After gathering feedback and votes from the local communities, we rearranged the match times from the next season onwards in the affected countries by trying to cause the least inconvenience to the local users.

League matches
Brasil: Mon 0:00 -> Sun 23:55
Panama: Mon 0:15 -> Sun 22:10
Uruguay: Mon 0:30 --> Sun 22:30
Peru: Mon 0:45 --> Sun 22:50
Colombia: Mon 0:50 --> Sun 23:40
Belize: Mon 0:55 --> Sun 21:45
USA: Mon 1:00 --> Sun 23:20
Guatemala: Mon 1:10 --> Sun 23:50
Honduras: Mon 1:15 --> Sun 21:55
El Salvador: Mon 1:45 --> Sun 21:50
Mexico: Sun 17:30 -- Sun 02:00

Cup/Friendly matches:
Brasil: Thu 0:00 -> Wed 23:55
Panama: Thu 0:15 -> Wed 22:10
Uruguay: Thu 0:30 -> Wed 22:30
Peru: Thu 2:15 -> Wed 22:50
Colombia: Thu 0:50 -> Wed 23:40
Belize: Thu 1:20 -> Wed 21:45
USA: Thu 1:00 -> Wed 23:20
Guatemala: Thu 1:10 -> Wed 23:50
Honduras: Thu 1:15 -> Wed 21:55
El Salvador: Thu 1:45 -> Wed 21:50
Argentina: Thu 1:30 -> Wed 23:10
Argentina (friendlies): Thu 3:00 -> Wed 22:20
Mexico: Thu 2:00 -> Wed 2:30

Weather updates
Liechtenstein: Mon 19:59 -> Mon 18:59
Suomi: Mon 20:00 -> Mon 19:00
Switzerland: Fri 19:30 -> Fri 18:50
Paraguay: Fri 23:15 -> Sat 02:35
Bolivia: Fri 22:45 -> Sat 02:40
Ecuador: Fri 23:45 -> Sat 02:45

5-15-2024 Guinea, Homegrown League, new league expansions and Club 200

The new league, Guinea, is now open and ready to welcome all the users that want to open a team there. And as to the Homegrown League, all teams and series have now been created, and there are only a few slots left for more teams.

Along with this, we want to announce that three existing leagues will expand next week, adding a fourth division to each. Those leagues are Belize, RD Congo and Botswana. These expansions will make room in the leagues both for more local users and for new additional teams, just in case you have been waiting for your chance to join.

In addition to that, we want to inform you about the rebranding of one of the new achievements after receiving feedback from several users. The "Goal-Getter" achievement has been renamed as "Club 200" and the top 2 ranks have been reduced to 150 and 200 goals.


Лигата за играчи со срце ќе започне утре и истата ќе биде со големина од пет дивизии. Ова значи дека бројот на тимови ќе биде ограничен и додека го пишуваме ова уште 200 се слободни.

Ако сеуште не сте аплицирале а сакате да го направите тоа сега е време да се регистрирате.

Доколку се надевавте да отворите два тима во лигата на играчи со срце ова ќе бидете во можност да го направите откако првата рунда на регистрација на тимови ќе биде завршена. Можеби ќе има шанса ова да го направите уште утре.

Ова важи и за менаџерите кои се надеваат да регистрираат тим во лигата на играчи со срце кој потекнува од новата држава Гвинеја. Лигата во Гвинеја ќе биде креирана отакако лигата на играчи со срце ќе биде креирана. Постои голем ризик да не добиете тим во новата лига доколку вашиот план е токму ова.

Нема да има пријателски во средина на неделата во првата недела од формирањето на лигата на играчи со срце. Ова значи дека првото ажурирање на тренингот ќе биде во петок наутро ќе има негативно влијание на позадинската форма и кондиција, при што важно е да се напомене дека влијанието е исто за сите натпреварувачи. Ова го правиме за да сите менаџери имаат ист почеток и при креирањето на тимовите не направат грешка и не закажат пријателска.

3-18-2024 Во врска со проблемите во недела

Хеттрик беше офлајн во неделата попладне околу 15.30 часот по средноевропско време и остана неактивен цела вечер. Причината беше харддиск од нашиот сервер, кој сам по себе не беше критичен, но имаше дополнителни софтверски ефекти, што доведе до спонтано рестартирање на оперативниот систем. Кога системот се врати на интернет, моравме да извршиме различни задачи за одржување и поправка за да се осигураме дека сите податоци се недопрени и безбедни пред да се направи резервна копија на страницата.

Кога страницата се врати на интернет, ги продолживме сите трансфери чии рокови беа за време на застојот и веднаш потоа за 24 часа, а потоа го рестартиравме МЕ. Ова му овозможи дека повеќето натпревари и закажаните ажурирања се на распоред до понеделник наутро.

На крајот, не беа изгубени никакви податоци за играта или на друг начин важни податоци. Она што беше изгубено беше времето и шансата за многу корисници да ги достават или ажурираат своите наредби за натпревари во недела попладне и навечер. Размислувавме да го одложиме рестартирањето на играта за да им дадеме на корисниците втор прозорец за поднесување состави, но како што е често случај во ситуации како оваа, тогаш ризикуваме нови проблеми и решивме дека е побезбедно и подобро да не го правиме ова.

Дозволете ова да послужи како потсетник за важноста од рано поднесување наредби за натпревари и стандардна постава како резервна копија. Секогаш можете да ја ревидирате поставената постава блиску до стартот доколку е потребно, но немањето пристојна постава е секогаш ризично.

Денеска применивме мала поправка, што значи дека корисниците кои имаат за цел да ја остварат целта да ги следат сите лигашки натпревари во живо оваа сезона, нема да бидат казнети за овој прекин. Натпреварите ќе се бројат како видени.

3-5-2024 Новини за 5ти март

• Ја променивме почетната страница, па ако ја посетите Hattrick страната за прв пат со нов уред или пребарувач, полето за најавување веќе нема да биде видливо веднаш. Наместо тоа, само копчето за пријавување ќе биде во фокусот и постоечките корисници треба да кликнат на врската „Дали веќе имате налог?“ за да дојдете до дијалогот за најавување.

Ако вие, како и повеќето наши посетители, дојдете на Hattrick од познат прелистувач (со соодветно колаче), сè ќе изгледа исто како порано. Ова е мала промена која повеќето од вас нема да ја забележат, но ќе ја направи целната страница појасна и пофункционална за новодојденците во играта.

• Направено е поправка така што „прегледната заграда“ за Купот, која го прикажува вашиот потенцијален следен противник, сега може да се прикаже и додека тековното коло од Купот неодамна заврши.

• Ја додадовме и врската до старите сериски табели за младински лиги, кои беа погрешно поставени.

3-3-2024 Проблем со одредени натпревари и тактиката контра напади

Свесни сме за проблемот со кој се соочија поголем број на менаџери на нивните натпревари при што невообичаено голем број на шанси преку контра напади беа креирани (само за одредени натпревари). Нашиот тим го проверува проблемот и ќе сподели повеќе информации наскоро.

2-17-2024 Новини за 15ти февруари

Ќе бидат објавени следните подобрувања и корекции:
- На страната со претходните сезони во младинските лиги помеѓу сезоните може да ја видите и последната сезона
- Поправена е визуелната грешка на страната за наредби за натпреварите и кај вештините на младите играчи за Firefox
- Отстранети се временските настани во извештаите на натпреварите за младинските тимови бидејќи датата не беше точна
- Корегирани се проблемите со преводите во кои се појавуваат играчи кои се јавуваат во новите лигашки настани.

Како и секогаш, објавуваме и некои помали подобрувања и корекции на багови како би го подобриле вашето корисничко искуство.

1-28-2024 Проблеми со чатот

Беа идентификувани проблеми со Чет порталот кои го забавија истиот значително. Се извинуваме за непријатностите кои овој проблем ги предизвика.

1-23-2024 Проширување на лига

Најавивме две нови држави на Хеттрик оваа сезона (Гвајана и Тахити).

Би сакале да ја искористиме оваа прилика да го најавиме и проширувањето со четврта дивизија на следните држави: Капо Верде, Брегот на Слонова коска, Тринидад и Тобаго, Никарагва и Доминиканска Република.

Ова проширување ќе направи место за локални корисници и нови тимови, во случај да ја чекате шансата да се приклучите.

1-16-2024 "Single matches" преименовамо во "Duels"

Можеби имате приметено дека наместо терминот “Single match" на нашиот сајт почнавме да користиме термин “Duels“. Кај скоро сите јазици (вклучувајќи го и македонскиот) тоа зема ефект а сега ќе менуваме и на англиски и во останатите јазици. Оваа промена е во склоп на припремата за поголема промена на сите видови натпревари кои не претставуваат јадро на играта (турнири, скалила, дуели итн), а која ќе биде најавена следната недела.

Се ќе работи како и до сега само ќе дојде до промена на името.

1-11-2024 Facebook login issues

There appear to be some issues with logging in through Facebook. We are working hard together with Facebook to try to resolve this problem as soon as possible.

If you are unable or not willing to wait for this, then you can try to reset your password by clicking on the 'Lost your password?' link and submit either your login name or registered email address with which you then can reset your password. We will then send you an email to your registered email address with your login name and the possibility to set a new password.

If this doesn't work, you can contact the 'Privacy & GDPR' who can try to help you get back into your account. A link to the contact form, you can find at the bottom of our website.

1-10-2024 Issue with matches resolved

There was an issue that caused some matches to be delayed. The issue is fixed now and matches are being simulated.


Утринава го отстрнивме проблемот поради кој не беше можно да се нарача Сребрен, Златен или Дијамански супортер. Ако сте биле меѓу корисниците кој го имале овој проблем сега може да одите до продавницата и да ги искористите поволностите на актулената понуда.

Исто така го решивме и проблемот кој влијаеше на купувањето на Златен и Дијамантски супортер помеѓу 10:10 и 12:03 попладнето, со опција 12+3 месеци. Нарачките кои беа погодени со проблемот ќе бидат реализирани во текот на следниот саат, така да можете наскоро да очкувате 3 додатни месеци на супортер на вашиот рачун. Нема потреба да ја конактирате продавницата.

12-18-2023 Shop issue with campaign offer

We are aware of a problem with processing the payment request after selecting the payment method. If this problem affects you, don't worry, we will try to fix this as soon as possible.

There is no longer the need to send us a message about this if you are affected. We will publish a new message here when the issue has been fixed. You can go to bed without a problem now, as the offer will still be here tomorrow!

We apologize for the inconvenience if you have been affected by this unfortunate mishap.

12-7-2023 Chat notification issues

We're having some issues that may cause you to get a chat notification for the Hattrick Masters final. We are working on it.

11-21-2023 Release notes 21st November

The following fixes and improvements have been released:

• As of now you will get a message from your secretary when a scheduled transfer is coming up (24h before) and once again when the player is being transferlisted.
• The badge shown to you when you are able to call your youth scouts will be hidden as soon as you visit that page, and is not shown again until after the next financial update.

As always we also release other minor bug fixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

11-10-2023 Youth Academy Updates

We’re introducing a one-time window until November 17th, 23:59 HT time, where you can leave any youth league you’re part of and join a new one. The 7-day rule from your last match will still apply when you join the new league. Additionally, we’ve added the option to use Hall Of Fame players as scouts on your Scouting Network. We hope you find these updates enjoyable!

11-7-2023 Improved Manager News box

We introduce a recent improvement to your My Office page, enhancing the Manager News sidebar box. Messages will no longer disappear with a single click, offering you more control over your inbox. Unread messages are now clearly highlighted in bold, ensuring you don’t miss any important updates. Plus, we’ve organized bid messages to prevent your inbox from getting cluttered during bidding wars. You can also quickly identify the source of each message as the team name is now prominently displayed. Enjoy your enhanced inbox management!

10-16-2023 Season start reminders

Welcome to the new Hattrick season! As managers prepare for the first league round, we want to give a gentle reminder that two previously announced changes has taken effect.

First of all, specialities for Goalkeepers are now active in the game. These changes were announced in an Editorial published on October 27 of last year.

This season also marks the start when new coaches will be paid a full regular staff salary. Existing coaches are not affected and will be paid whatever you are already paying them.

Read more in our MyHT announcement about this on June 27 earlier this year.

We wish you a great start to the season!

The HT-team

9-11-2023 Update with match lineups bug

We would like to inform you that the recent bug affecting match lineups in certain leagues has been successfully resolved. Our development team has re-simulated the affected matches using the original data, and all updates have been reinstated. All player and team statuses are back to normal.

We appreciate your patience and support during this process and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue.

UPDATE: The final details with series tables, top scorers, finances and achievements are also solved now.

9-9-2023 Issues with match lineups in some leagues

Because of a problem in the match engine this Saturday morning, the lineups and ratings for home teams in league matches were wrong. The affected leagues are:

Chinese Taipei
Mongol Uls
Hong Kong

It's complicated for us to try to resimulate those matches during the weekend while matches for all leagues are being played, so for now we have paused updates for these leagues and will do our best to roll back the matches and related updates, and resimulate them on Monday.

The match data has been saved, so even if the resimulation takes place on Monday, it will be with the player status and all values from today.

8-31-2023 Technical issue with push notifications in our Android app

UPDATE: We've fixed the Android app's push notification problem. To continue receiving updates, please update to the latest version once it's available on the Google Play Store. Usually, it takes a few hours.

We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with the push notifications in our Android app. Our development team is actively working to resolve this issue and restore normal functionality as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

7-13-2023 Release notes 13th July

The following improvement has been released:

• You will now have the ability to retire your current player-coach into the Hall of Fame. This can be done from the player page in the same way that you would fire or promote any player but with the difference that in this case he will remain being your coach. This has also been specified in the message before you confirm.

As always we also release other minor bug fixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

6-15-2023 Delays for Generation Trophies

We will be troubleshooting the issue tomorrow morning. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

4-6-2023 Paypal temporarily unavailable

Paypal has temporarily been disabled as a payment option. We are hopefully able to re-enable it within a couple of days. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

3-5-2023 Тимови не можат да пристапат во Apache лига

Утре наутро ќе работиме на решавање на проблемот на корисниците кои не се во можност да им пристапат на своите тимови во Апачи лигата. Се извинуваме за предизвиканите непријатности.

2-28-2023 Известување за 28ми февруари

Следните унапредувања се ослободени:

* Во функција е нов систем за следење на прекршоците во врска со НТ тимовите, нешто слично на она што се користи за следење на прекршоците на форум. Исто така ќе ја избришеме историјата на казни за сите (исклучок се неколицина на менаџери кои отишле предалеку со своите постапки), бидејќи сакаме да почнеме одново.

Како и секогаш тука се малите корекции на багови и подобрувања за да се подобри впечатокот и искуството на сите корисници.

2-28-2023 Информации во врска со серверите

Преместувањето на серверите е одвива по план. На новата локација е пристигнат сиот хардвер и денес започнува инсталацијата.

Важно е да се напомене дека во нашата иницијална комуникација нагласивме дека финалниот застој ќе биде денес, Вторник наутро. Но ќе се случи утре наутро како што е напоменато во актуелната информација за гасењето на серверите која се наоѓа на сајтот.

Се надеваме дека се ќе се врати во работен режим (вклучувајќи ги и архивите) до среда вечер.

2-28-2023 Нови лиги и кампања

Многу корисници ја искористија можноста на моменталната кампања со Платинум супортерот за да основаат тим во една од трите нови лиги - Непал, Буркина Фасо и Гренада. Важно е да се напоменат следните работи:

* Новите лиги имаа проблем на почетокот при што новите тимови не ги добија играчите. Овој проблем е решен пред викендот.

* Нема повеќе место за нови тимови во Брукина Фасо и Гренада. Вчера овие две држави добија ново лигашко ниво, што значи дека наскоро повторно корисниците ќе можат да аплицираат за тимови во овие држави. Сите нови тимови ќе започнат во новите лиги што значи едно ниво од првата група на менаџери и тимови.

* Продужена е кампањата за купување на Платинум супортер до среда на полноќ (еден ден повоќе).

* Паровите на Националниот куп ќе бидат креирани во четврток наутро. Доколку добиете тим пред тоа ќе бидете во можност да се натпреварувате во првата сезона на купот.

Добра забава!

2-21-2023 Багот за рејтинзите е отстранет

Го решивме проблемот во врска со придонесот на играчите со срце (Home grown) во рејтинзите на натпреварите. Генерално овој баг влијаеше на играчите со висока лојалност (како што се играчите со срце) чии што рејтинзи беа полоши за разлика од играчите со помала лојалност кои покажаа подобри преформанси. Натпреварите играни од средата минатата недела беа афектирани а корекцијата е апликативна од денес на пладне. Се извинуваме за овој проблем и се заблагодаруваме на корисниците кои дадоа допринос при решавање на истиот давајќи детални информации.

2-20-2023 Квалификациски натпревари за HTAL

Бараж натпреварите во Јубилејната лига не се креирани овој викенд. Работиме на ова и натпреварите треба да се појаваат на вашаите листи. Се надеваме на завршување со оваа активност најдоцна до понеделник на пладне.

2-17-2023 Двојно ажурирање на 19ти февруари

Дневното ажуриање кои ги опфаќа навивачите и тренинг интензитетот, во одреден број на држави се случило два пати наместо еднаш, во среда и четврток наместо само во четврток. Причината е баг кој сега е отстранет.
Ефектот на дополнително ажурирање нема да го менуваме и истиот ќе се нормализира со тек на време. Се извинуваме за потенцијалните проблеми кои можеби се појавиле поради ова.

2-13-2023 Известување за 13ти февруари

Направена е следната корекција:

- Отстрането е погрешното прикажување на икончето на матичниот тим заедно со името на екстерниот тренер

Исто така направени се и други помали корекции и подобрувања се со цел да се подобри впечатокот за нашиот веб сајт.

12-22-2022 Мактрик Куп: Повторно испраќање на наредби за натпревар

Извлекувањето за Смарагд купот (Мактрик Куп) беше неправилно, во сите лиги. Натпреварите во купот беа повторно извлечени денес. Ова значи дека сега сите тимови имаат правилно назначени противници.

ВАЖНА НАПОМЕНА: Со повторното извлекување на натпреварите, веќе назначените наредби за натпреварите се поништени. Доколку веќе имавте веќе испратени наредби за натпреварите во Мактрик купот, треба истите повторно да ги поставите и испратете. Се извинуваме за предизвиканите непријатности.

12-16-2022 Проблеми во Рубин (Змејко Наџаков) купот

Заради проблеми со следната рудна во сите Рубин (Змејко Наџаков) купови, за жал моравме да ги избришеме сите натпревари за следната недела и повторно да ги создадеме истите.

Корисниците кои веќе имаат испратено наредби за нивните Рубин (Змејко Наџаков) куп натпревари треба повторно да ги испратат наредбите, корисниците кои се афектирани би требало да имаат добиено ХТ-порака која ги информира за оваа ситуација. Се извинуваме за непријатностите кој Ви се беа предизвикани.

12-10-2022 Бавно работење на сајтот овој викенд

Замената на опремата која беше направена овој викенд е причината за што сајтот работи побавно од нормално. Новата опрема е идентична со претходната, што значи дека не станува збор за несоодветно димензионирање на опремат, туку на конфигурација која не е оптимизирана. Продолжуваме да работиме на проблемот, но треба да се очекува дека сајтот ќе остане бавен во текот на овој викенд. Се извинуваме за ова. Сеуште се видливи последиците од неактивноста предизвикана во последната недела.

11-23-2022 Крај на револуцијата

Сите убави работи имаат свој крај, но и лошите исто така.

Лошата работа на која одлучивме да и ставиме крај е постоењето на достигнувањето „Придружете и се на мојата револуција“. Ова е затоа што предизвикуваше двојно спамирање, со тимовите кои се придружуваа, што ја зголемуваше работата на ГМ-ите, и спамирањето помеѓу корисниците.

Доколку го имате здобиено ова достигнување, ќе може да го видите истото како оневозможено. Но истото нема да биде вбројувано кој вкупниот број на поени и понатаму нема да може да биде достигнато од менаџерите.

11-17-2022 Дополнителни корекции на извлекувањата во купот

Дополнителни неправилно одредени парови во куповите беа откриени во следниве лиги:
• Coupe de France (Франција)
• KNVB Beker (Холандија)
• Puchar Polski (Полска)
• Switzerland Cup (Швајцарија)
• Copa de España (Шпанија)

За околу половина час би требало проблемите да бидат разрешени. Ви благодариме за разбирањето и се извинуваме за предизвиканите непријатности.

11-16-2022 Разрешени проблеми со ждрепката

Вчера, извлекувањата за 2рата рунда во купот во Италија и Германија не беа коректни извршени. Проблемот кој ги предизвика проблемите е разрешен и извлекувањата без повторени во лигите каде беа најдени неправилности.

11-15-2022 Извлекувања за 2ра рунда во Купот

Добивме известувања дека наводно погрешни тимови добиваат предност за играње на домашен терен во 2рата рунда од Националниот Куп. Истрагата е отворена и, доколку е потребно, ќе биде организирано повторно одредување на натпреварите за следната недела.

11-14-2022 Хеттрик - надвор од употреба

Утрово Хеттрик не беше на располагање на многу корисници во период од околу 1 час. Трансферите беа стопирани најбрзо што се можеше и периодот на трансфери беше продолжен за еден час, кога сајтот беше повторно во употреба. Се извинуваме за непријатностите кои Ви беа предизвикани.

11-3-2022 Лимитот на трансфери е повторно во функција

Лимитот на трансфери во Хеттрик Јубилејната Лига поново работи како што е предвидено. Вкупно 118 трансфери кои не беа во согласнот со лимитот на трансфери беа отстранети. На 3 од нив веќе имаше наддавање. На некои од тимовите кои имаа острането трансфер објава е можно да им биде дозволено повторно да стават играчи на трансфер, затоа проверете дали сте под максимално дозволениот лимит.

11-2-2022 Проблем со максималниот број на трансфери во Јубилејната лига

Денес дознавме за грешка која се одразува на бројот на трансфери кои се достапни на тимовите во Јубилејната лига. Со оваа грешка на тимовите кои немаат право да поставуваат играчи на трансфер, да продолжат да го прават истото. Успеавме да ја идентифицираме и корегираме причината, и засега сите играчи кои беа ставени на трансфер остануваат на трансфер листата. Утре, Четврток, повторно ќе ја разгледаме ситуацијата и ќе ги остраниме играчите кои немаат право да бидат продадени. Ова значи дека: сите играчи чии тимови се под нивото на максимално дозволени трансфери ЌЕ ОСТАНАТ на трансфер листата. Тимовите кои кои го имаат надминато лимитот на дозволени трансфери, ќе бидат отстранети од трансфер листата. Овие тимови ќе можат повторно да стават на трансфер оние игрчи кои имаат право да бидат ставени на трансфер почитувајќи го лимитот на можни трансфери.

Ве извинуваме за „стравот“, но вака нема да има играчи кои ќе бидат продадени непочитувајќи ги поставените правила, и тимовите по грешка кои поставиле на трансфер повеќе од дозволите играчи ќе имаат шанса да ги продадат исите со мало задоцнување.

10-26-2022 Одржување на младински тимови и архива на натпревари

Во Понеделник 31ви Октомври ќе се изврши сервисирање на базата на податоци за младински тимови и архивирани податоци (на пример: резултати од стари натпревари).
Сервисирањето ќе биде во тек од 07:00 до 10:00 ХТ-време.

За време на сервисирањето базата на податоци нема да биде достапна. Следствено нема да бидете во можност да поставите играчи на трансфер или да ја видите историјата на играчите од стари натпревари и нивната статистика.

10-9-2022 Грешка во алиликацијата на младински играчи

Беше најден проблем со греши во апликацијата во страницата на младински играчи. Се најдеваме дека ќе најдеме решение на истиот во текот на утрешниот ден. Информирањето на локалните ГМ не е повеќе потребно.

Како начин да се заобиколи проблемот може да ја користите мобилната апликација или веб станата за мобилни уреди (https://m.hattrick.org). Се извинуваме за непријатностите кои овој проблем Ви ги има предизвикано.

10-4-2022 Release notes 4th October

The following fixes and improvements have been released:

• It is now possible to remove your additional teams from your previous teams list on your manager page if for some reason you no longer want to show off with it. Please note that a removal will be irreversible.
• After the final whistle when viewing a live match, players are no longer seen on the pitch. They may have gone to the dressing room, the club house or possibly home.

As always we also release other minor bug fixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

9-2-2022 Friday morning downtime

This morning, the site was down for a few hours due to a database issue. The site was up again around 10.30 HT-time (CET). Transfers with deadline during the downtime, as well as transfers with deadline until 12.00, had their deadlines extended. We are sorry for the inconvenience. All systems are working again now.

8-25-2022 Ladder fairness update

We have changed the intervals of teams which can be challenged when you participate in a ladder competition. Ina ladder you can challenge teams above you, and as you progress upwards the numnber of teams you can challenge will always narrow. By design, there has always been certain bottlenecks in ladders where it becomes harder to find an opponent, since you are a poiunt where your selection is smaller while the teams just behind you still have a bigger selection. We have done a number of changes to make these bottlenecks less painful, primarily by adding more intervals, especially within the Top 200 positions in a ladder. We also fixed a bug which caused some teams with lower ranking to get smaller selections.

These bottlenecks have been especially noteworthy in the Anniversary Ladder competition, given the size of it and the fact that it operates at a higher speed.

Given this, we have also decided to extend the Anniversary Ladder. Teams that end at the top on the original finish date will receive their prizes, but we will also have anew end date at the end of 2022 - four more months in which everyone will get a chance to grab a new set of prizes

The fixes are already in effect, and are applied to all ladders.

7-22-2022 Double promotion bonus, trophies and fan contribution (HTAL)

Because of a bug some HTAL (Anniversary League) teams received the promotion bonus twice, double trophies and fan contributions. This will be corrected on Monday, so be advised to be careful spending this unexpected money.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

7-19-2022 HTAL upcoming seasons info

All teams will play in the same cup. There will be no divisional cup for division 7.

Only the first season for any new league is on neutral stadium. This is because teams don't have any rankings yet. So the upcoming season cup matches will have home and away teams.

The deadline is what counts for transfer limits, so if you put a player on the transfer list at the end of the season and with a deadline in the next season, this would count towards the limit of the upcoming season.

In the upcoming season the top 2 teams in division 6 will promote directly. And for div 7 the "usual" rules will apply. This will continue throughout the whole league, so next season the top 2 of division 5 will promote and so on, until they reach the top division.

By the usual rules we mean only the first position will have the chance to promote, best half directly (will replace positions 7-8 in division 6) and the other half plays qualifiers with teams in positions 5-6 in division 6.

7-12-2022 Release notes 12th July

The following fix has been released:

• We fixed an issue for when you were trying to save your training plans, it did not work because the spinner kept on spinning forever.

As always we also release other minor bug fixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

7-11-2022 Promotion in HTAL

For this first season in Hattrick Anniversary League, all teams placed first and second in the lowest division will be directly promoted and receive the corresponding bonus. For this reason, we have deleted the qualification matches that were erroneously created for next weekend. Sorry for the inconvenience.

6-7-2022 Грешка во апликацијата поврзана со млади играчи

Моментално доколку кликнете на било кој млад играч ќе резултира со грешка во апликацијата. Се обидуваме да го отстраниме овој проблем најбрзо што можеме, но најдоцна утре ќе можеме да ги ангажираме сите ресурси. Не постои потреба да ги информирате Вашите GM-и за ова бидејќи сме свесни за проблемот. Се извинуваме поради непријатностите.

Како еден вид на импровизирано решение засега меже да го користите линкот (https://m.hattrick.org) за да промовирате или отпуштите играч.

Апдејт: Проблемот е решен.

5-23-2022 Youth and archive downtime

The server we use for youth teams and archived data (like old match results) is currently down. The hardware used for this database is not working as it should, and we are moving everything to a backup machine. This takes time, it can take up to 24 hours, but we hope it can be done sooner.
We are sorry for any issues this may cause for you as a user.

UPDATE 1500 CET: The recovery went faster than we hoped. Youth and archive pages should now be working again.

5-13-2022 Board Reserves calculations based on Training Week

Following user feedback, we have changed what days are considered when calculating how much the Board will retain after a player sale (something which only happens to so called "Gold Bar" players).

It used to based on the calendar week (Monday morning 06.00 am being the cutoff), but we will now instead use Training Week (with the training session on Thursday or Friday, depending on your league, being the start and end of the week). We agree with the users that this makes much more sense, since the considerations of how many minutes a player should play are directly aligned with training planning, and to have the two mechanisms follow different schedules is confusing. This change has now been implemented.

5-2-2022 Нерешен резултат за натпревари во Хеттрик Јубилејната Лига

Поради грешка во следното коло на натпревари за Хеттрик Јубилејната Лига, беше неопходно да се избришат сите натпревари од оваа Сабота и да се креираат нови. Се извинуваме за ова, но немаше начин да се реши овој проблем поинаку освен креирање на нови натпревари со службен резултат “нерешено“. Веќе испратените наредби за натпревари од следното коло се неважечки и потребно е да се испратат на ново.
Други лиги освен ХЈЛ не се зафанати со проблемот.

4-9-2022 Multiple league updates

Anniversary league series are looking funny right now since the tables have been updated multiple times. It looks like a purely presentational thing, so should not be a worry, and we are cleaning it up now.

3-26-2022 Saturday delay

We had a short downtime on Saturday afternoon, which caused matches to be delayed. We also stopped the transfer market and postpone some deadlines. We are sorry for this and hope the rest of the day will be event-free.

3-11-2022 Release notes 11th March

The following improvement has been released:

• Now Supporters can hotlist a prospect player with one click directly on the transfer page.

As always we also release other minor bug fixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

2-28-2022 Проблеми со репризи од натпревари

Овој викенд имавме мали проблеми со 20-те репризи за натпревари кои автоматски се покажуваа за Дијамантските супортери, кои беа погрешни во некои случаи.

Поправивме некои од нив, а другите мораа да бидат отстранети, но Дијамантските супортери сеуште можат да ги добијат бесплатно на страницата за натпревари.

Купените репризи не би требало да бидат афектирани.

Само да појасниме, проблемите се појавија само во функционалноста на репризите, резултатите од натпреварите не беа афектирани од сето ова.

12-8-2021 Подобрени понуди за спонзорство

Вчера дознавме дека фиксирани делови од новите договори со спонзорите не се вкалкулирани на наменетиот начин и поради оваа причина формулата за пресметка беше подобрена и зголемена за околу 5% за сите тимови и типови на договори. Ова е веќе врачунато на сајтот и е аплицирано за сите договори за спонзори без разлика дали биле прифатени или не.

11-30-2021 Среќен, но незадоволен?

Додадовме поставување што ќе овозможи менаџерите да се отстранат од можноста да добијат бесплатна промоција преку "Среќен Губитник" механизмот. Доколку се чувствувате дека уживате во моменталнта лига во која се наоѓате и не сакате да бидете промовирани, со активирање на оваа блокада ќе овозможите никогаш да не бидете промовирани освен ако не ја освоите лигата. Нема да ви биде доделен еден од бесплатните места кои понекогаш се доделени на второпласираните доколку се ослободи простор во дивизијата погоре.

11-21-2021 Корегирање на грешка со дупликат на играч

За време на саботните натпревари, грчката лига беше афектирана од грешка што направи некои играчи што играле натпревари да бидат дуплирани во ростерот. Играчите во суштина не беа дуплирани, но некои параметри беа и ова предизвика проблеми на страниците на оние тимови кои ги поседуваа овие играчи. Грешката беше поправена вечерта и двојните извештаи беа избришани.

11-2-2021 Логирање преку фејсбук не функционира

Доколку ги користите генералиите од Фејсбук за да се логирате (или познавате пријатели кои го прават истото) ве молиме припазете затоа што во овој момент тој начин не работи. Доколку немате регуларен пристап за логирање (Корисничко Име/Лозинка) можете да поставите преку "Заборавена Лозинка" функцинијата на сајтот.

Работиме на овој баг за да го решиме што поскоро, но штом зависи од Фејсбук, не можеме да дадеме точна пресметка кога ќе се врати во функција.

10-25-2021 Направени промени на 25-ти Октомври

Следните промени и попракви се направени:

• Со цел да се зголеми транспарентноста на нашите форуми, отсега ќе можете да видите дали некоја објава е избришана од авторот или од официјално лице на Хеттрик.

Како и секогаш ќе корегираме ситни грешки и ќе гледаме да го подобриме вашето искуство на нашиот сајт.

9-15-2021 Направени промени на 14-ти Септември

Следните поправки се направени:

• Поправивме неколку проблеми со извештајот за тренинг и графите каде што многу графикони беа згрешени и не покажуваа вистински вредности. Ова нема повеќе да се случува.

Како и секогаш, ние ќе објавуваме направени промени и подобрувања за да се овозможи одлично искуство за вас на нашиот сајт.

9-10-2021 Стара неконзистентност отстранета од вкупниот збир на искуство

Отстранивме стара неконзистентност од кодот што непотребно пресметуваше вкупно играчко искуство што тимот може да го постигне до 18.5 или "Високо Магично". Ова ни беше пријавено и претходно како недостаток, но бројките што беа прикажани секогаш биле коректните и вкупното играчко искуство не беше искористено за да се пресметаат настаните со играчите. Сега ова ограничување е отстрането што значи дека повисоко тимско искуство може да биде достигнато и ќе биде употребено во симулацијата на натпревари исто така.

8-26-2021 Промени во достигнувањата за НТ

Во системот за достигнувања го заменивме старото достигнување кога ќе бидете одбрани како Селектор со ново. Новото достигнување ќе бара од тренерите не само да бидат избрани туку и да бидат повторно избрани за да се добие ова достигнување. На овој начин, сакаме да ги обесхрабриме оние ловци на достигнувања од станување НТ тренери поради погрешни причини - на овој начин ги приморуваме да допринесат за својата заедница доколку сакаат повторно да бидат избрани. После одредена комуникација од заедниците, видовме дека ова е подобра солуција. Новото достигнување, "Нацијата е Позади Тебе", (коешто никој досега го нема добиено) ќе исчезне.

Достигнувањето доделено за успех со НТ, "Ловец на Национално Богатство", исто така ќе се промени. Ова ќе продолжи да постои, но ќе има вредност од 0 бодови во вкупниот збир. На овој начин, отстрануваме НТ достигнувања од бодовниот систем за да се осигураме дека ќе има здрави мотивации за сите што се инволвирани во Националните Тимови.

Се разбира, менаџерите кои сработиле добро во минатото во НТ сеуште ќе сакаат да се фалат со ова достигнување! Затоа успеавме да го рекреираме достигнувањето "Ловец на Национално Богатство" од претходните сезони, што значи дека го додадовме ова достигнување за сите менаџери кои успеале да стигнат барем до полуфинале во минатото.

8-23-2021 НТ Играчи и Тимови Новости

Минатиот Петок, налетавме на неколку недостатоци со новостите поврзани со играчите по натпреварите за Националните Тимови. Како резултат на тоа, тимските апдејти беа одложени. Го корегиравме овој недостаток денес и се се синхронизира како што треба. Се извинуваме за непријатностите.

8-19-2021 Учество во Апаче лигата и Купот

Во сабота на 21/08 во 15:00 ХТ време ќе креираме куп натпревари. Ова значи дека сите тимови што се приклучија по овој настан нема да имаат загарантирано место во купот. Доколку сакате да учествувате во купот, морате да се пријавите пред овој датум.

8-19-2021 Национален Тим Апдејт

Постоеше доцнење за новостите поврзани со Националниот Тим. Тимскиот дух и самодовербата се корегираа дури 6 часови по оригиналниот распоред (околу 09:00 наместо во 03:00 ХТ време).

7-8-2021 Ситен Недостаток

Поради ситен недостаток, трансферите се привремено стопирани. Тие трансфери со крајни рокови помеѓу 14:10 и 14:25 (СЕВ) се продолжени за половина час. Се извинуваме за настанатите непријатности.

6-30-2021 Одржување во Хеттрик Центарот на Податоци

Во Среда 7/7 - 2021, центарот за податоци што го хостира Хеттрик врши втор обид за комплицирано одржување на своите кабли за напојување. Ќе има два планирани исклучувања од струја, а првиот ќе биде околу 7:00 CET додека другиот ќе биде околу 18:00 CET. Секое исклучување ќе трае околу 5 до 10 минути.

6-18-2021 Пропуштени Знамиња

Неодамна направивме промена во архивирање на колекцијата на знамиња и во процесот на конвертирање, некои корисници немаа точен распоред, па доколку вас ви недостигаат знамиња, тоа е поради оваа причина.

Добрите вести се тоа што нашите Гејм Мастери можат брзо да го решат ова за вас доколку сте афектирани од овој проблем. Се што треба да направите е да испратите порака. Се извинуваме поради настанатите непријатностни.

6-9-2021 Ново Време за Одигрување Мастерс Натпревари во Понеделник

Ве молиме запазете дека сите натпревари од тековната сезона од Хеттрик Мастерс турнирот во Понеделник ќе бидат одиграни во 16:00 ХТ-време наместо во регуларното време од 20:00.

Ова е направено за да се избегнат било какви конфликти со распоредот за Националните Тимови.

Останатите времиња за одигрување на Мастерс Купот оваа сезона се следните:

2021-06-10 20:00:00
2021-06-14 16:00:00 (НОВО)
2021-06-17 20:00:00
2021-06-21 16:00:00 (НОВО)
2021-06-24 20:00:00

Оваа информација е испратена во форма на ХТ-порака до сите тимови учесници, а објавена е и како Системска Информација.

5-10-2021 Пропуштени новости по последниот петочен пријателски натпревар на Репрезентацијата

Минатиот Петок имавме неколку пропуштени новости за време на транзицијата на стариот НТ систем во новиот. Ги поправивме грешките и се осигуравме дека нема да се повторат следниот пат. Работевме на вистински пропуштени информации и ги имаме следните забелешки:

- Од новостите за играчите ги вративме искуство на играч, статистика за голови и натпревари за НТ. Натпреварот нема да биде видлив во натпревари или во историјата на перформанси.
- Испративме бонус за плата до сопствениците на НТ играчите.
- Наново пресметавме искуство за постава базирано на стартната формација од натпреварот.

Можеби ќе имате неколку пропуштени настани наоколу, но останатото е само презентациски. Ви благодариме и ви се извинуваме за непријатностите.

5-6-2021 Направени промени на 6-ти Мај

Следните поправки и корекции се извршени:

• Корегиравме грешка каде не се покажуваа натпреварите за тековната сезона.
• Додадовме и мала алатка во Хеттрик-МЛ (форум, ХТ-пошта, итн.) за користење на клуч за пристап + И, +У, +Б за побрзо вметнување на Italic, Underline и Bold, тагови исто како што би направиле со кликање на копчето. Клучот за пристап ќе зависи од пребарувачот кој го користите, за Chrome пребарувачи тоа е Alt, за Firefox тоа е Alt+Shift, а можат да бидат и други комбинации за другите пребарувачи.

4-22-2021 Одржување наутро на Април 22-ри

Рано денес, околу 10:30 часот (СЕВ) нашите сервери ненадејно престанаа да работат. Трансфер маркетот се паузираше одма после овој настан, а ние работевме на случајот за да го вратиме назад системот, што се случи околу 11:00 (СЕВ). Сите трансфери се продолжени за 60 минути. Се извинуваме поради настанатите непријатности.

3-31-2021 Одржување во центарот за податоци на Хеттрик

Во Вторник 6/4 - 20221, центарот за податоци што служи како хост за Хеттрик ќе има сложено одржување на каблите за напојување. Ќе има два настани со исклучување на струја, првиот во 7:00 СЕВ, а вториот околу 18:00 СЕВ. Двата настани ќе траат од 5 до 10 минути.

3-28-2021 Одржување на интернет провајдери

Од Вторник наутро 30-03 нашите интернет провајдери ќе имаат планирано одржување помеѓу 01:00 - 06:00 СЕВ (00:00 - 05:00 ГМТ) и очекуваме овој прекин да трае околу 60 минути во овој оптек.

3-9-2021 Непристапност во утринските часови на 9-ти Март

Вторникот наутро во околу 09:30 средноевропско време нашите сервери неочекувано се исклучија. Трансфер маркетот беше стопиран накратко после овој настан, а ние работевме на случајот да го вратиме системот назад во функција, нешто што се случи 2 часа подоцна околу 11:30. Ви се извинуваме за непријатностите и ќе продолжиме да анализираме што точно се случи и ќе се обидеме да го спречиме за во иднина да не се повтори.

3-2-2021 Направени промени на 2ри март

Беа тргнати рамките околу сликите на играчите во страната за „наредби за мечот“. И како и секогаш, корегиравме некои ситни грешки за да го подобриме вашето искуство на нашата страница.

2-8-2021 Направени промени на 8-ми Февруари

Следните грешки и поправки беа средени:

• Повеќе нема да можете да поставите ново наддавање кога ќе купите "Дополнително Авто-Наддавање" доколку го имате највисокото наддавање.
• Поправивме грешка што беше присутна веќе долго време додека кога поканивме нов корисник преку линкот за покани од бот во вашата серија, а каде всушност не се резервираше тоа место.

Како и секогаш ќе се обидуваме да корегираме ситни грешки и поголеми поправки за да го подобриме вашето искуство на нашата страница.

2-8-2021 Нови времиња за одигрување на Америчкиот Куп и дневни апдејти за НТ.

Откако започна новиот формат на Светски Куп, добивме сугестии од неколку корисници дека Америчкиот Куп и времињата на одигрување не се соодветни за националните тренери. Апдејтот на тимскиот дух беше многу блиску до натпреварот што ја отежнуваше работата за користење на рејтинг предвидувачот и технички различниот ден за одигрување (Сабота 01:00) креираше дополнителни компликации за У20 достапноста на играчите по возраст. За да се подобри ова, започнувајќи од 6-та седмица ќе ги преместиме сите натпреварите од Америчкиот Куп од Сабота 01:00 во Петок 23:30, а исто така и дневните апдејти за Националните Тимови (за сите НТ) од 00:30 во 03:00. Ќе ги преместиве дневните апдејти следниот Понеделник, но уште отсега можете да ги видите новите времиња на одигрување за натпреварите во Петок.

2-1-2021 У20 КШ Натпревари одложени во Азиа-Океанија

Денешните натпревари од Азиа-Океанија Континеналниот Шампионати ќе бидат одложени за кратко време поради поправки на потенцијален проблем пред тој да се случи. Очекуваме дека одложувањето ќе биде не повеќе од 20 минути.

АПДЕЈТ: Проблемот е решен. Натпреварите сега се во тек!

1-18-2021 Погрешни Кандидати во Канцеларија, Сега Ибзришани

У20 изборите завршија денес и додека резултатите од изборите покажуваат коректност користејќи ги новите правила за избори, за кратко време (околу 5 минути) погрешни кандидати добија клучеви од канцелариите. Ова беше за брзо корегирано а тие кандидати беа избришани и коректните кандидати беа поставени со што се поправи оваа грешка. Ви се извинуваме за збунетоста и грешката што настана кон менаџерите кои искусија брилијантни но неочекувани моменти на слава, а сега ќе мора да се вратат назад во мрачност.

1-12-2021 Сезонски Извештај - Грешка со Емаил

На почетокот на секоја сезона, ние праќаме мејл со извештај до секој тим за тековната сезона. Грешка се појави и некои јазици имаа погрешен емаил тект. Доколку користите некој од следниве јазици, тоа значи и вие сте добиле таков меил.

Англиски (УС)

Утре ќе пратиме нови меилови, но некои наши корисници можат да ги добијат тие мејлови по два пати од старата и од новата пратка. Нема потреба да пријавите грешка до нашите Гејм Мастери.

Ви благодариме и ви се извинуваме за непријатностите.

1-11-2021 Поправка во грешка со Избори

Ова утро започнаа изборите. Една нова алатка за оааа сезона е што сопствениците на дополнителни тимови сега можат да гласаат и во "посвоените" лиги.

Но, една грешка се појави и повеќето рани гласови не беа регистрирани. Ако сте сопственик на дополнителен тим и сте гласале пред 11.00 ХТ-време, ве молиме проверете на страната на кандидатот и гласајте повторно доколку е потребно.

Ви благодариме и ви се извинуваме за непријатностите!

12-8-2020 Одржување на Архива - Дел 3

Утрото во понеделник на 14-ти декември планираме да завршиме со нашиот долгогодишен архивски проект за да можеме да зачувуваме податоци за натпревари за сите љубители на статистики. Архивата нема да работи од 05:00 до 12:00 (CET).

Кога архивата ќе биде офлајн, вие нема да можете да поставувате играчи на трансфер листата или да гледате историја на натпревари на играчи, а исто така и нема да можете да превземете точна информација за постари натпревари, статистики или колекција на знамиња.

11-4-2020 Направени промени на 4ти ноември

Визуелно подобривме некои работи околу сајтот, а и истовремено упростивме некои работи за нас кои што ќе ни помогнат за полесно да се справиме со визуелните проблеми во иднина. И како и секогаш, пуштивме во употреба неколку мали поправки и подобрувања.

10-27-2020 Ажурирање на iOS апликацијата

Денес пуштивме во употреба нова верзија на iOS мобилната апликација (v4.10.0) во која што овозможивме да се пријавите со вашата Apple сметка. Ова исто така значи дека има и нова опција за пријавување на самиот сајт. Сепак, сеуште нема да можете да ја поврзите вашата тековна сметка со таа на Apple. Следната голема надградба на аплилацијата доаѓа многу скоро.

9-24-2020 Тековно одржување на архивата (2 дел)

Во понеделник наутро (28ми септември) продолжуваме со тековното одржување на архивата кое што го започнавме на 21ви. Ахивата ќе биде недостапна од 05:00 до 16:00 по ХТ време.

Кога архивата ќе биде недостапна, нема да можете да ставате играчи на трансфер листата, ниту да ја гледате историјата на натпревари за играчите, а може и да забележите неконзистентност во податоците за минатите натпревари, статистиките, и колекцијата на знамиња.

9-21-2020 Тековно одржување на архивата

За денеска (понеделник 21ви септември) е планирано да се направи тековно одржување на архивата. Архивата ќе биде недостапна до 16:00(CET)

Кога архивата ќе биде недостапна може да забележите неконзистентност во податоците за минатите натпревари, статистиките и колекцијата на знамиња.

9-18-2020 Закажан прекин

Во понеделник наутро, на 21ви септември, ќе го подготвувавме системот за претстојната сезона и ќе мораме да го исклучиме Hattrick за 2 часа, од 05:00 до 07:00(CET).

После овој прекин, тековното одржување на архивата сеуште ќе трае, некаде до 12:00(CET). При оваа операција, нема да може да добиете точни податоци за старите натпревари, статистиките и за колекцијата на знамиња.

8-21-2020 Направени промени на 21-ви Август

Следните поправки и подобрувања се превземени:

• Капацитетот и присуството на публика на младинските стадиони е дуплирано
• Поправивме грешка која го оневозможуваше бот тимот да добива искуство од одиграна формација

Како и секогаш ќе превземаме и поправаме и други мали грешки и подобрувања со цел да се подобри вашето искуство на нашата страница.

8-10-2020 Супортер не е Активиран

Работиме на проблем каде што Супортерот не е активен откако бил купен или обновен, а веќе парите биле префрлени од Вашата сметка. Ако ова Ви се случило Вам, тогаш контактирајте персонал на Хеттрик Продавницата, за да можеме да реагираме за што поскоро да се реши овој проблем. Ви се извинуваме за било какви непријатности кои можеби се создадоа од овој проблем.

6-22-2020 Надградба на Системот за Мечеви (Match Engine)

Денеска е пуштена во употреба планираната надградба на Системот за Мечеви (Match Engine) во врска со специјалноста „непредвидлив“ на играчите, која што беше објавена минатата седмица.

6-15-2020 Нови младински натпревари не се генерирани

Добивме известувања дека нови младински лиги се заглавени во исчекување на нови натпревари. Истражуваме што би можело да биде проблем и ќе се обидеме да го корегираме овој недостаток што е можно поскоро, но корекцијата ќе биде достапна најверојатно утре наутро.

6-4-2020 Недостига Глобално Скалило

Се соочуваме со губиток на податоци од нашата база на податоци и Глобалното Скалило, вклучувајќи и натпревари кои исчезнаа од нашата веб страница. Работиме на поврат на овие податоци. Не можеме да дадеме проценка кога ќе се заврши сето ова, но ќе се потрудиме да Ве информираме. Извинете за непријатностите.

Едит: Се би требало да функционира нормално сега освен за постари натпревари од 1ви Мај. Тие ќе бидат вратени утре.

6-1-2020 Продолжен рок за Трансфери

Имавме неочекуван прекин во работата и сите трансфери од 18:14 ХТ време ќе бидат продолжени за 60 минути.

5-27-2020 Поправка на грешка во Системот за Мечеви

Денес поправивме една грешка во системот за мечеви каде специјалниот настан "Непредвидлив Автогол" беше даден на погрешен тим.

Специјалниот настан има повеќе шанса да биде доделен на тим што има повеќе Непредвидливи Крилни и Централни напаѓачи на теренот, но не беше така. Грешката е сега корегирана.

5-22-2020 Недостигаат ЕМаилови

Моментално има неколку грешки со нашите е-пошти што се праќаат до "hotmail, live, msn и outlook" за кои се надеваме дека ќе бидат решени до крајот на следната недела. Ако се обидувате да валидирате ваш емаил акаунт и ако сте биле дел од ова, можете да го валидирате вашиот акаунт со друга емаил адреса или со Фејсбук и Гугл.

Апдејт 2020-05-25: Проблемот е решен.

5-22-2020 Направени промени 22ри Мај

Следните грешки се поправени и подобрени:

• Сега можете да давате изјави за натпреварите од вашата младинска школа

Како и секогаш ние ќе се обидуваме да ги корегираме малите грешки и да го подобриме искустсвото на нашата страница.

5-8-2020 Направени промени на 4ти Мај

Направени беа следните промени:

• Поправивме неколку грешки со чатот и го зголемивме времето на пораки за да можете да ги видите пораките од претходните 2 до 7 денови.

Како и секогаш, пуштени се во употреба неколку мали поправки и подобрувања, кои не се толку важни да се споменат одделно, но ќе направат Hattrick да функционира подобро.

4-29-2020 Нови правила за авто-наддавање

Го менуваме механизмот за автоматски наддавања да дадееме повеќе предност на рачните наддавачи. Ако правите рачно наддавање и има поставено веќе максимално автоматско наддавање од истата сума, Вие ќе ја превземете аукцијата и покрај фактот што автоматското наддавање било поставено порано. Исто така ќе ја добиете аукцијата ако поставите помала вредност и доколку системот не може автоматски да го зголеми минималната потребна сума без да ја пречекори максималната автоматски наддадена вредност.

Промената е веќе активна и е поставена за да се избегнат ситуации каде веќе постоечките автоматски наддавачи ќе бидат "истражени" од корисници без тие да постават било каква вредност.

4-3-2020 Направени промени на 3ти Април

Направени беа следните промени:

• Додадовме копче во календарот на Мојата Канцеларија да носи директно назад во моменталната недела доколку сте се поместиле најмалку две недели понапред или поназад.

И како и секогаш, пуштени се во употреба неколку мали поправки и подобрувања, кои не се толку важни да се споменат одделно, но ќе направат Hattrick да функционира подобро.

3-11-2020 Направени промени на 11ти март

Направени беа следните промени:

• Повеќе нема да биде дозволено да го затворите Вашиот дополнителен тим доколку сеуште имате активни играчи на трансфер пазарот од тој тим.
• Доколку користите клубска тема тогаш ќе можете сега да ја пронајдете и на некои други страници што досега не беа достапни.

И како и секогаш, пуштени се во употреба неколку мали поправки и подобрувања, кои не се толку важни да се споменат одделно, но ќе направат Hattrick да функционира подобро.

1-10-2020 Закажан прекин во одржување на Интернет Провајдерот

Од понеделник 13-01 до вторник 14-01 нашиот интернет провајдер ќе изврши закажан преглед и одржување во саатите помеѓу 23:00 и 05:00 по локално време и очекуваме кратење на услугите на хатрик за околу 30 минути во овој период.

12-19-2019 Направени промени на 18ти декември

Направени беа следните промени:

• Во употреба е новиот код за live viewer-от на кој што работевме изминатиот период, со цел да ја подобриме стабилноста и функционалноста на натпреварите во живо.

И како и секогаш, пуштени се во употреба неколку мали поправки и подобрувања, кои не се толку важни да се споменат одделно, но ќе направат Hattrick да функционира подобро.

12-6-2019 Направени промени на 06-ти Декември

Објавени се следните поправени грешки и подобрувања:

• Секретарот беше повторно додаден поради популарност кај играчите.
• Додадовме бројчаник во левото мени што ќе го покажува бројот на непрочитани пораки во Мојата Канцеларија.

Како и секогаш, исто така објавуваме и други ситни грешки, поправки и подобрувања со цел да го подобриме Вашето искуство поминато на нашата страница.

12-5-2019 Направени промени на 05-ти Декември

Објавени се следните поправени грешки и подобрувања:

• Го апдејтиравме офисот, така да Вашиот секретар нема да се појавува повеќе, освен ако има нешто важно да каже.
• Исто така го избришавме "Hattrick на интернет" делот. Сеуште ќе покажуваме последни блог постови доколку биле постирани во последните две недели. Можете да пристапите до блогот во било кое време преку Мојот Hattrick Менито, а Фејсбук и Твитер линковите сеуште ќе бидат достапни на долниот дел од сајтот.

Како и секогаш, исто така објавуваме и други ситни грешки, поправки и подобрувања со цел да го подобриме Вашето искуство поминато на нашата страница.

11-28-2019 Направени промени на 28-ми Ноември

Објавени се следните поправени грешки и подобрувања:

• Додадовме страница за алатките за дивизиските битки.
• Кога Вашето наддавање биде зголемено поради автоматско наддавање, ќе добиете нов тип на новости во Мојата Канцеларија, со тоа што ќе биде комплетно одделено од новоста кога сте биле наддадени.

Како и секогаш, исто така објавуваме и други ситни грешки, поправки и подобрувања со цел да го подобриме Вашето искуство поминато на нашата страница.

11-26-2019 ISP одржување и офлајн период

Поради закажано одржување од страна на нашиот провајдер, интернет-страницата на Hattrick беше офлајн приближно од околу 03:58ч. до 04:51ч. Трансферите во текот на ова време се продолжени за 60 минути.

11-19-2019 Продолжени трансфери и планирани прекини

Поради неочекуван пад на системот ова утро, сите трансфери почнувајќи од 02:37 беа продолжени.

Следниот понеделник (25.11) нашиот ISP провајдер ќе има планиран прекин на работата меѓу 02:00 и 06:00, во кој период ќе очекуваме прекин и во работата на Hattrick во период од 60тина минути.

Во вторник пак (26.11), ќе имаме мал очекуван прекин во работата на Hattrick за да ги поправиме работите што го предизвикаа непланираниот прекин ова утро.

11-18-2019 Направени промени на 18ти Ноември

Објавени се следните поправени грешки:

• Неколку поправки во врска со Дивизиските Битки.

Како и секогаш, исто така објавуваме и други ситни грешки, поправки и подобрувања со цел да го подобриме Вашето искуство поминато на нашата страница.

11-15-2019 Прекреирани мечеви од второто коло на Дивизиските Битки

Поради проблеми кои што настанаа со спарувањето на тимовите за второто коло, за лигите чии што мечеви завршија пред 11:00 часот денеска, моравме да ги избришеме и рекреираме натпреварите за второто коло. Се извинуваме за предизвиканите непријатности.

11-12-2019 Презакажани мечеви од Дивизиските Битки

Поради технички причини, моравме да презакажеме мал дел од Дивизиските Битки да започнат сабота наутро наместо овој и наредниот петок. Само неколку турнири беа опфатени, но ви советуваме да си го проверите времето на одигрување и да се осигурате доколку има промени токму во вашиот натпревар. Се извинуваме за сите непријатности.

11-11-2019 Направени промени на 11-ти Ноември

Објавени е следната поправена грешка и подобрување:

• Должината на повредата на младинските играчи сега ќе биде попрецизна, а што е поважно, нема да биде покажана како "+1" за сите повредени играчи при поставување на наредби.

Како и секогаш, исто така објавуваме и други ситни грешки, поправки и подобрувања со цел да го подобриме Вашето искуство поминато на нашата страница.

10-31-2019 Прекин во текот на ноќта

Минатата вечер Hattrick беше нефункционален од 00:30 до 01:59 (по HT време) поради прекин на сервисот на еден од нашите дата центри. Како последица на тоа, сите трансфери во тој период (околу 400) беа продолжени за времето во кое Hattrick не функционираше. Се извинуваме за предизвиканите непријатности.

10-22-2019 За застојот во Понеделникот

Нашето планирано одржување во понеделникот наиде на проблеми, и требаше да го задржиме сајтот офлајн подолго отколку што очекувавме. Како резултат на ова, ги продолживме и роковите за трансфери. Трансферите со рок помеѓу 13:34 - 17:30 беа одложени за 8 часа, а трансферите со рок помеѓу 17:30 - 19:30 беа одложени за 4 часа. Откако страницата се врати во нормала веднаш по 19 часот, форумите и младинскиот систем продолжија да со работа. Ее надеваме дека ќе бидат повторно активни во текот на ноќта. Извинете за непријатностите, но овие периоди за одржување се неопходни за да се подготви новата сезона.

10-21-2019 Закажани работи за одржување денес

Поради одржување на базата на податоци подоцна денес, форумот и младинските клубови нема да бидат достапни приближно од 12:30 до 15:30 часот.

Ви благодариме за трпеливоста и имајте убав ден сите!

10-14-2019 Направени промени на 14ти Октомври

Објавени е следната поправена грешка:

• Почнувајќи од сега, скриена ќе биде позицијата на тимот во серијата и рангирањето на тимската страница додека се игра натпревар.

Како и секогаш, исто така објавуваме и други ситни грешки, поправки и подобрувања со цел да го подобриме Вашето искуство поминато на нашата страница.

10-4-2019 Направени промени на 3ти Октомври

Објавени се следните подобрувања и поправени грешки:

• За Асистентите на Тренерите на Националните Тимови е поправен рејтинг секторот и други мали грешки за нив на страницата за поставување на наредби.
• Сега е возможно да споделите играчи што се на трансфер пазарот на Социјалните мрежи од страната на играчот како и Вашата лигашка серија од страната на лигашката серија.

Како и секогаш, исто така објавуваме и други ситни грешки, поправки и подобрувања со цел да го подобриме Вашето искуство поминато на нашата страница.

9-16-2019 Направени промени на 16ти септември

Објавени се следните поправени грешки:

• Поправивме еден куп грешки поврзани со завршени натпревари и натпревари во живо.
• Исто така, објавивме и поправена грешка во лиценцата за менаџер за корисници кои се регистрирале од мобилен телефон.

Како и секогаш, исто така објавуваме и други ситни грешки, поправки и подобрувања со цел да го подобриме Вашето искуство поминато на нашата страница.

8-28-2019 Направени промени на 28-ми август

Следната поправка е објавена:

• Поправивме проблем каде што може да се случи страната во живо да заглавува повремено.

Како и секогаш, ние исто така објавуваме други ситни поправки на грешки и подобрувања за да го подобриме Вашето искуство на нашата страница.

8-1-2019 Направени промени на 1ви август

Поправките и подобрувањата што беа пуштени во употреба:

• Подобрен дизајн и перформанси на стартната страна.

И како и секогаш, уште многу мали поправки беа пуштени во употреба кои што ќе ви го подобрат искуството на сајтот.

6-27-2019 Release notes 27th June

The following improvement has been released:

• We have made a small change for when placing bids on a player, that instead of 2 input fields (one for bid and another for max bid) and one button, we now have one input field and 2 buttons.

As always we also release other minor bug fixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

6-27-2019 Веб Сервери

Имаме некои проблеми со страницата во овој момент што предизвикува нови конекции кои понекогаш се одбиени додека оние што се на серверите ќе можат да продолжат да ја користат играта како сакаат. Ги паузиравме трансферите засега и ќе ги отвориме наново следното утро. Дури и да добиете порака со грешка кога се обидувате да влезете во Хеттрик страницата, можете да пробате преку m.hattrick.org или директно преку некои од веб серверите како www91.hattrick.org или www93hattrick.org - ова ќе го заобиколи проблемот.

5-14-2019 Release notes 14th May

The following fixes and improvements have been released:

• We now show a bot icon in league tables for teams without an owner.
• It will no longer be possible to move the start date of your youth league sooner than allowed.

As always we also release other minor bug fixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

4-3-2019 Негативен приход

Добивме неколку пријави од корисници дека приходот од нивниот последен натпревар е прикажан како негативен број. Ова е само визуелна грешка, и ќе биде корегирана до утре наутро. Нема потреба да го пријавувате овој проблем, доколку го забележите.

3-7-2019 Направени промени на 7ми март

Беше пуштена во употреба поправка на багот каде што новите HT-мејлови не беа прикажани како „Нова порака“, туку веднаш беа префрлени во „Прочитани пораки“. И секако, уште неколку други помали поправки и подобрувања кои нема потреба да бидат детално спомнати.

3-5-2019 Bug in Team Spirit updates for National Teams

A few weeks ago, we started investigating a bug regarding the team spirit (TS) updates of the National Teams. Users had realised that the TS drop in these updates were faster than usual. The bug was during on Sundays's update where the code would either be triggered twice (leading to two team spirit updates, one after the other) or to no update at all. The team spirit update is applied to all teams at once, so there was never any case that some National Teams had a missed daily update while others had a double drop. Now the bug is fixed and it is the second week the update was problem-free.

2-27-2019 Release notes 27th February

The following fixes and improvements have been released:

• We have added the ability to find a specific mentor by their user name.
• Also we added links to the match type icons which you can find on the matches page and in the matches archive.

As always we also release other minor bug fixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

2-22-2019 Stamina training failure

We are currently investigating why the stamina training of this week didn't take place.

Update: We have found the problem and concluded that the stamina training did take place, but that any skill updates weren't presented to you. The bug itself has already been fixed, so that everything will be back to normal next week, however inserting the training events for this week will be done on Monday.

If you already want to check if your player had a skill update, then you can check this against the player performance history. If the player played a match during this training week, their stamina value will be stored there so you can compare.

2-12-2019 Release notes 12th February

The following fixes and improvements have been released:

• Man marking orders will no longer be saved in default lineups (and we have also deleted all man marking orders that were saved in a default lineup before now). This does not affect regular lineups or saved (named) lineups.
• Youth avatars have changed so that they are no longer grey (except the background) but instead use the same colored avatars as the senior team, this to make it possible for to add the match kits everywhere for youth as well.

As always we also release other minor bug fixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

2-6-2019 Release notes 6th February

The following fixes and improvements have been released:

• An issue where the player's avatar mood on the transfer search results page wasn't the same as elsewhere - has been fixed.
• We now show the fan club changes in absolute numbers besides the percentual changes.
• Fixed a bug in matches when a Resilient player got injured, but because of his speciality he just got bruised instead.

As always we also release other minor bug fixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

12-13-2018 Cups issues fixed

The following Sapphire Cups have been affected from a bug yesterday.

România, Schweiz, Hong Kong, Kenya, Makedonija, Bénin, Tanzania, Comoros

Teams that supposed to be on the next round on Sapphire Cup were missing. We fixed the original bug and we recreated the next round with the correct teams. We will contact all the users that participate in the next round to inform them about missing match orders.

We are sorry for this and hope you all have an enjoyable competition despite this problematic week!

11-21-2018 Release notes 21st November

The following fixes have been released:

• We fixed an issue where you couldn't complete a Manager License task when using QuickBid.
• For Youth we fixed the scout comments when you come back to the overview page.

As always we also release other minor bugfixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

11-14-2018 Проблемите со новите лиги решени

Ги поправивме баговите што ги спречуваа корисниците да се зачленат во новите лиги кои ги најавивме вчера. Ефектот најмногу беше почувствуван кај Platinum или Supporter корисниците кои ја искористија новата понуда во тековната кампања. Еве што специфично е поправено:

* Лимитот од 16 недели за креирање на нов дополнителен тим е тргнат. Овој лимит беше причината што корисниците не можеа да затворат еден од нивните постоечки тимови и да отворат нов. Овој лимит ќе биде вратен подоцна, но ќе остане тргнат за време на кампањата.
* Четврта лига беше додадена за сите нови лиги наведени погоре, и сите нови тимови ќе бидат активирани во овие четврти лиги.
* Младинските академии за новите лиги треба исто така да проработат, со измените што ги направивме.

Ви благодариме на трпението и нека почне забавата!

11-6-2018 Дати на одигрување на мечевите од Генерацискиот Трофеј

Натпреварите на Генерацискиот Трофеј ова утро се одиграа 4 часа подоцна од планираното. Причината за ова е откриена и поправена, така што наредните мечеви ќе се одиграат во стандардното, планирано време за натпреварите.

11-6-2018 Нов/стар дизајн и Foxtrick

Како што беше објаснато во статиите од пред неколку недели, денес го пуштивме во употреба новиот дизајн за вештините на играчите, и резултатите од трансфер пребарувањата. Овие се измени кои веруваме дека ќе го направат Hattrick подобар и ќе ни овозможат да го забрзаме развојниот процес во иднина, така што сега ќе имаме унифициран изглед на прикажување на поважните информации низ целиот сајт а и на мобилната апликација.

Доколку овој дизајн не ви се допаѓа, имате опција да останете на стариот дизајн. Одете на страната за Прилагодувања На Сајтот, и одберете ја опцијата „Користи ги старите страни“, и работите ќе си останат како што си беа порано.

Исто така треба да напоменеме дека доколку ја користите Foxtrick екстензијата и имате проблеми со новиот дизајн, ќе морате да ја превземете новата бета верзија на Foxtrick. Оваа нова верзија работи добро со новиот дизајн, и покрај малите багови кои сеуште треба да се допоправат. Стариот дизајн сеуште си работи перфектно и со старата верзија на Foxtrick.

10-29-2018 Тековно одржување на 1ви ноември

Нашиот интернет сервис провајдер (ISP) ќе прави тековно одржување на нивната опрема, па можно е Hattrick сајтот да не е достапен меѓу 02:00 и 06:00 (CET) на 1ви ноември.

Сите трансфери дури сајтот е недостапен ќе бидат продолжени.

10-28-2018 Трансферите продолжени

Ноќеска имавме проблеми со load balancing функционалноста на сајтот, при што некои корисници не можеа да се логираат на сајтот (мобилните апликации работеа како што треба). Но, за се да остане фер, трансферите беа стопирани и кога проблемот беше решен, трансферите беа продолжени за 10 часа. Моментално се функционира како што треба.

9-3-2018 Направени промени на 3ти септември

Поправките и подобрувањата што беа пуштени во употреба:

• Подобрен дизајн на теренот во приказот на мечевите во живо.
• Во рејтинзите на приказот во живо и во тактичките анализи, ќе го прикажеме и однесувањето на играчите (нормално, офанзивно, дефанзивно...).

И како и секогаш, уште многу мали поправки беа пуштени во употреба кои што ќе ви го подобрат искуството на сајтот.

6-22-2018 Improved Replay breakdown

What's new:

• The average home and away goals doesn't include penalty shootouts anymore.
• If a match is with cup rules, then there is another bar which shows the W/D/L ratio for 120' results.
• It now has a more detailed breakdown with extra stats.

5-21-2018 Release notes 21st May

The following fixes and improvements have been released:

• We have renewed the transfer compare page. Amongst others we now show the speciality of the player.
• Instead of after 5 seasons, you should be able to give your players' avatar a makeover after only one season.
• The Hall of Fame now also includes the caps from players for their National Teams and the number of matches played for the Hattrick Masters.
• Users are now able to follow the HTs without giving up a or multiple bookmarks for them. You can set this in your forum preferences if you are interested in what we share with our community. This feature is available to both Supporter and non-Supporters.

As always we also release other minor bugfixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

5-7-2018 This morning's scheduled downtime

When we were about to bring Hattrick back online this morning after the scheduled maintenance we experienced a problem with one of our supporting systems and we had to extend the downtime for another 35 minutes.
Transfers between 5:00h and 7:30h (CET) was extended by 5 hours.

4-27-2018 Downtime and extended transfers

This morning, we had error on some pages and we had to close the site for a little less than an hour to refresh database indexes. We are up again now and transfers have been extended by 2 hours. Sorry for the inconvenience!

4-14-2018 Slow Hattrick and Application Errors

The last few hours we encounter performance issues and application errors around the website. We are aware of the situation and we will let you know with more information when we have the details. Thank you for your patience.

Edit: We found the problem and the performance now should be back to the regular speed. Thank you all for the reports

4-4-2018 Release notes 3rd April

The following fixes and improvements have been released:

• We reorganized the cash information on the finances page.
• We have fixed a bug for saving a standard lineup when your are a non-Supporter.
• League tables are no longer empty right after the league matches have finished.
• Users can sign up again for Stage , the platform where we test new features for our game.
• We have updated the manual for Hattrick International.

As always we also release other minor bugfixes and improvements to improve your experience on our site.

3-30-2018 Trophy delays again

This evening we again had a delay in the scheduling of the next round of the Generation Trophies. This is now sorted and the next round will run as planned at Saturday morning (2 AM HT-time). This delay was caused by another issue, this time by the Supporor Week Trophy, which failed to start as planned, but is now on track too. We hope that this is the last of the Easter eggs for this week :) Our apologies again for these issues!

3-29-2018 New promotion status for Hattrick International

Due to some database issues, we had to rerun the promotion process for HTI (qualification-relegation matches). Please be sure that you have up to date lineups for the upcoming matches. As a side note, from now on, the promotion rules for HTI will be the same as the rest of Hattrick leagues except the Division III and Division II (next season), since the upper division has only bots.

3-28-2018 Update Generation Trophies

After some further issues, we will reschedule round 2 of most Generation trophies for tomorrow evening, starting at 18 HT-time. These matches will be visible from Wednesday morning. Trophy of Legends and Heroes of 2018 Trophy will continue according to the schedule communicated yesterday evening. We are sorru for the continued delay!

3-27-2018 Delayed Hero Trophy matches

Because of an issue, no fixtures have been created for the second round of the Hero Trophy. A fix will be applied in the coming hours, but because of the problems, these matches will be delayed by 8 hours.

3-26-2018 Delayed Generation Trophies

This weekend, there was a problem with the scheduling of the matches for this week's Generation Trophies,. This has now been fixed, but the schedule of the tournaments will change as follows:

Trophy of Legends: The first matches were played as expected, however the second round was never scheduled. This second round will now be played on Wednesday morning instead, starting around 2 AM (HT-time).

All other tournaments will have their first round played on Tuesday evening, starting around 6 PM (HT-time), and the second round will be played on Wednesday morning.

In other words: ALLl tournaments will be 24 hour delayed from their original schedule, up to and including the finals.

We are sorry for this and hope you all have an enjoyable competition despite this delay!

3-8-2018 Направени промени на 8ми март

Поправките и подобрувањата што беа пуштени во употреба се однесуваат на:

• Поправен е баг во пристапот на страната за проценка на тренинг за ментори, ако нивниот ученик не е Supporter.
• Отсега натаму ќе ги прикажуваме мечевите поинаку кога противникот нема скорешни натпревари со валидна постава, во табот за наредби за натпреварот и во страната за анализи.
• Platinum и Diamond Supporter-ите немаат лимит за номинирање на играчи за Алеата на Славните.
• Во Турнирите, Скалилата и Single натпреварите отсега ќе информираме и за времето.
• Играчи од клупата ќе биде дозволено да се поставуваат како маркери. Ќе можат да се постават во табот за наредби, и ќе почнат со маркирањето кога ќе влезат во игра.
• Отсега ќе можете да го видите придонесот на помошните тренери врз позадинската форма во сумирањето во страната за персонал. Исто така го додадовме придонесот во табелата за поглавјето на персоналот во прирачникот.
• Во табелата за дистрибуција на шанси (пост-меч), нетактичките удари од далечина сега се сметаат како 'Друго'.
• Го ажуриравме прирачникот со параграфи за маркирање на играчот. Ова ќе го најдете во поглавјето Постава: основи'.

И како и секогаш, уште многу мали поправки беа пуштени во употреба кои што ќе ви го подобрат искуството на сајтот.

2-8-2018 Поправен проблем со Super Replay

Проблемот се афектираше на околу 700 Super Replays меѓу 31-01-2018 и 05-02-2018, како резултат на интерен тест кој што го правевме овие денови. Проблемот е поправен, и сите Super Replays се ажурирани со точните вредности. Вредностите се кеширани и ќе треба да помине некое време да бидат достапни на серверот. Ви благодариме за вашето разбирање.

2-7-2018 Направени промени на 7ми февруари

Поправките и подобрувањата што беа пуштени во употреба се однесуваат на:

• Поправен е баг во страната за проценка на тренинг, каде што беа прикажувани различни вредности споредено со оние за специфичен играч.
• Кога ќе отстраните номинација на играч за Алејата на Славните, слободното место ќе биде повторно додадено. Исто така, прекарите на играчите сега ќе бидат видливи насекаде.
• Поправивме неколку багови во страната за наредби на мечот, вклучувајќи го неправилното отстранување на капитенот и изведувачот на слободни удари кога местите изведувачи на пенали, и некои Firefox специфични дизајн проблеми.

А како и секогаш, пуштени во употреба се и многу мали поправки и подобрувања кои ќе ви го подобрат искуството на нашиот сајт.

1-10-2018 Нова жрепка за Hattrick Masters

Поради технички проблеми за време на последното ажурирање на Hattrick Masters, на неколку тимови им беа закажани повеќе натпревари во рамките на колото. Затоа, жрепката за паровите беше направена повторно, и сега проблемот е решен. Доколку веќе сте ги поставиле наредбите за натпреварите, ќе мора тоа да го направите уште еднаш. Ви благодариме на разбирањето.

12-15-2017 Old match engine

All matches (except youth, ladder and tournament matches) will use the old match engine until Monday morning. We replaced it so that NT and U20 matches will not have any issue with the new special events.

12-15-2017 Problems with youth matches

Yesterday we had some problems with the youth match engine which resulted in many matches being played with incorrect lineups, something which also affected the training. This issue was fixed yesterday. Today we've been trying to find a way to fix the data and training, but unfortunately we've been unsuccessful. This means that the matches stay as they were played. Training has not been lost, but it has been applied according to those faulty lineups. We offer our sincerest apologies for this inconvenience.

12-14-2017 Release notes 14th December

Today we released improved loading time (no spinner) for the matchorder and team analyzer pages.

12-9-2017 (Fixed) No matches yet for the next Generation Cup round

Next round of Generation Cups hasn't been created. We are investigating the reason and will fix it as soon as possible.

We are sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you!

Edit: We created the matches for next round and we will keep any eye during the weekend if it happens again.

12-4-2017 New matches schedule for the Generation Cups

Due to the high amount of participants on the Generation Cups, we had to change the schedule and add 5 minutes break between the tournaments. All new match times are available now on the main tournament's page.

We are sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you!

11-23-2017 Short downtime

At 14:00h (CET) there will be a short downtime of approximately 20 minutes because of some maintenance to our database server. Transfers with a deadline during the downtime will be extended.

Update 14:20h (CET): All transfers with a deadline between 14:03h and 14:20h have been extended by 30 minutes.

9-28-2017 Changes on NT & U20 matches

Last week, we ran a poll on the National Coaches forum about the duration of the closed window before the matches. The option to increase the “fog of war”, as it is called in the fora, won by 65%. Starting next week (6th October 2017), all related data of NT and U20 teams will not be available in public for 8 hours instead of 4 hours.

9-22-2017 Fixed bugs and improvements on the match orders page

Today, we released a new version of the match orders page with the following fixed bugs and improvements:

1) Bug: You couldn't remove a player from the set piecers tab
2) Bug: Fixed several minor presentational issues on lineup, team orders and review tab
3) Improvement: Potential skill wasn't visible on Youth players if you had enabled the text only from the site preferences. You can see it now as a background skill bar
4) Improvement: We gave another try to the hovering player card behaviour. Now when you hover on a player, there will be a fixed card on the bottom of the list.
5) Improvement: We added the fixed player card on team orders tab as well

If you have any issue with the changes, you might need to clear your browser cache first.

9-18-2017 Downtime September 18

This night and morning Hattrick experienced downtime due to maintenance work carried out by our network provider. The work was rescheduled from a previous time, and was supposed to take less than one hour. But something went wrong and we were down for much longer than that. The fact that this was a rescheduled downtime led to our failure of alerting you ahead of time that this was happening. We are sorry for this, and of course also for the downtime itself, even though we had less ability to control this.

On the brighter side of things, transfers did not process during this downtime. All transfers with deadline after 02.08 HT-time are still open, and we will extend their deadlines. Transfers with deadlines between 02AM and 09AM will be extended by 12 hours, transfers with deadlines after that by 6 hours. We will also extend the deadlines of transfers happening between now and 15.00 HT time by three hours, to make sure users have time to make it back to the site and bid.

There might be some things on the site that are delayed in addition to this, such as league tables which are now in a queue to synch up. But most things should work as they are intended.

Welcome back!

9-13-2017 Mobile sub orders issue

Currently there are some issues with repositioning players on sub orders through the mobile app, whereas the desktop version works as it should. We will fix this problem tomorrow.

9-8-2017 Release notes 8th September

The following fixes and improvements have been released:

• We have release many improvements for mobile as well as other improvements and general bug fixes based on your feedback regarding the new match order page.
• We have decreased the initial load on the team analyzer for Supporters from 16 to 8 weeks. The maximum possible for Supporters remains unchanged at 32 weeks.

8-28-2017 Updates on new match orders page

During the weekend, we gathered feedback about what we can do to improve the user's experience on the new match orders page. We worked on it today and we plan to do another batch of improvements next week. In specific:

- We added the option to sort by all skills
- Skill level names are now shown as text, when hovering over a skill bar
- If you have a default lineup or if you have already sent orders for a match, you will enter the match order form on the second tab 'Lineup' during the initial loading of the page. If a player is missing in your saved lineup (due to being sold or fired), the first tab will be opened instead, prompting you to load another lineup or start over from scratch.
- We have removed the salary from the detailed player's card to reduce the visual clutter a little bit.
- Player cards will be expanded automatically when you hover over them in the Collapsed view mode. However, to enable this behaviour, you need to move the mouse to the right and hover over the form meter. This way, you can use the Player list without automatic expanding of the player cards, by scrolling down the left side, over the player names, or you can choose to do it with player card expansion, on the right side of the list. If you have enabled expansion and move out of the player list, it will be disabled, to reduce the impression of a " jumpy" interface. In addition, we enabled the hover effect on field and bench's players
- To clarify the individual order process, we have added a shadow background to the player currently selected. We also inverted the arrow colors. The new background should make the edges between players clearer and reduce the risk of mistakenly deselecting a player you are focusing on.

Fixed bugs:
- Shorting by shirt numbers didn't work on Youth Academy
- Shorting by category had different order on match orders page compared to the players page
- Training mode didn't work if your mid-week match was a cup match

6-1-2017 Paypal issue

Currently it is not possible to successfully pay through Paypal for purchases done in the shop. We are investigating with our payment provider why this happens and to try to solve this problem as soon as possible.

If possible please choose another payment method until we have resolved this issue. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

5-28-2017 Saturday downtime

On Saturday night, the site was unreachable for about one and a half hour, between 22.30 and 23.45 HT-time. This was due to a power failure in the colocation facility which cause the whole network to go down.

The Hattrick servers were never affected but since we could not reach the site ourselves, we were not able to pause the transfer market during the downtime. Once the site was up again, we postponed upcoming transfers for 90 minutes to give users a chance to return to the site.

We are sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you!

5-9-2017 Delays on cup matches

Unfortunately we are facing severe delays for the cup matches. We will look into the problem and try to solve it is as soon as possible. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

Update: Everything should work fine now. Just need some time to catch up with the matches.

4-28-2017 Hattrick International prize money

Please be aware that a number of teams that joined Hattrick International this week have received prize money that were awarded to the previous team. If you received money for last season, which you did not participate in, please do not spend this money. If you already did, stay tuned for how we will adjust your money and any transfers you may already have done. We may also delete bids in live auctions in some cases.

UPDATE: The wrongly distributed prize money has now been withdrawn from the teams in question. Since most teams had not used the extra money, nothing will change for them. We have identified a very small number of teams that have overspent, they will be offered a chance to cancel their purchases to avoid bankruptcy.

4-25-2017 Player ratings fix

Since long time there was a bug in how we presented the average player ratings, so the end of the match had a lot more weight than any other minute. This is why people thought that the player ratings were from the end of the match, when in fact they were supposed to be an average. Now we have really taken them from the end of the match, which means that in general the ratings will be perceived as lower because of the stamina impact.

4-25-2017 Golden ticket activation

We have received several issues about the Golden ticket activation and the team assignment. Some users couldn't activate the ticket, but a fix will be online in the next few minutes. If you still have a problem, please try again in a while. Other users reported that they lost access right after they got the new team. This will be fixed during the day, but unfortunately, you will have to apply again. Finally, none of the new Golden ticket teams will promote to Division V, regardless of the league position of the botified team they replace.

3-23-2017 Release notes 23rd March

The following fixes and improvements have been released:

• On the team cup page, you can now see how many rounds are still left.
• A few bug fixes for HT-Live and the Team Analyzer.
• We fixed a problem with saving the lineup for official matches.

3-20-2017 Matches delayed during the weekend

During the weekend, we had delays on youth, league and tournament matches. While we were fixing some of them, we only found the source of the issue today. All have been fixed now, but youth matches will need a couple of hours to catch up.

3-16-2017 Release notes 16th March

This time mainly changes in the background of which performance improvements for the team analyzer is the most important one.

3-10-2017 Match order bug

This week we had a bug where orders saved for the Away team could result in an empty substitution bench for the Home team, as well as all planned substitutions being invalid.

This bug has ONLY affected match orders for Tournaments, Ladders and Single Matches - no other matches are affected, including no League or Cup games.

The bug would only occur for match orders saved through our Stage server between Wednesday 17.00 HT-time and Thursday 10 AM HT-time. All in all a few hundred matches are affected.

If you are involved in a Tournament, Single Match or Ladder match in the coming week, please verify that your orders look OK. The actual bug has now been fixed and any new match orders saved (on Stage or elsewhere) will be working as intended.

2-17-2017 Changes on Quick and Pass Special Event

Last week, we fixed an old, reported bug on the Match Engine, about the "quick rush and passing to another player" special event. Contrary to the rest of the offensive events, this one could be finished only by a forward. We tested the code during the week and now, both wingers and forwards can be the ball receivers.

1-16-2017 Delay on scheduled maintenance

This morning we closed the site for a scheduled maintenance, which unfortunately took a lot longer than expected. We had no choice but to wait until this update was completed until we could open the site again. Now, at least, we are back up and everything is working fine. Transfers have been postponed a full 24 hours because of this downtime. Also, teams that entered Hattrick International in league level 5, instead of league level 6, have now been moved to the correct place.

Enjoy the new season!

1-14-2017 Confirmed bug on Hattrick International league

We have several reports for new assigned teams in division V for Hattrick International League, while all of them should start from division VI. It is confirmed as a bug and we will move every team to VI as soon as possible. From now on, new teams will be assigned on VI. We try our best to solve it before Monday, but we ask for your patience until then.

12-16-2016 Database issues

Because of some database issues our site was hard to reach or not at all. These problems have now been solved. Transfers with a deadline between 12:34 and 13:22 CET have been extended by 90 minutes.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

12-5-2016 Release notes 2nd December

The following fixes and improvements have been released:

• You can no longer join a youth league if you have a friendly match too close to the first league match, to avoid training loss.
• We finally fixed the clones bug!
• The issue when joining the friendly pool which sometimes returned an error for no reason has been fixed.
• The issues with training reports, which sometimes were redundant or skipped reporting a skill have been fixed.

• We now also inform in your team events when you accept a player to your academy and when you promote a player.

11-26-2016 Missing financial reports

We found the bug that caused the missing financial reports on several teams. The problem occurred after the actual financial update, while we were creating the presentational report only. As a result, the cash on your account is correct. We will work on Monday to retrieve all the available lost data for the financial overview. Sorry for the inconvenience.

11-12-2016 Delayed matches

We have delays on matches today starting with Taiwan at 05:00. All the leagues after that have been affected. We have already found the issue behind the delay and the fix is on it's way. Thank you for your understanding.

11-9-2016 Release notes 9th November

The following fixes and improvements have been released:

• We've added different themes to the switch club bar, even if you don't have a club theme.
• Training events in the dashboard have been restructured, so they're shown for both teams. We also restructured the team events box in the dashboard so they're grouped by date, shown by team and scrollable.
• If your stadium has hosted any matches that are played on neutral ground, such as national team matches, you will now be able to to see that on your stadium page. At the same time we've made your stadium usage visible to everyone.

10-28-2016 Browser notifications

It is now possible to activate browser notifications for matches that you follow in the Live Viewer. If you do, you will be notified of new events even if you are browsing in another browser tab or if the browser is in the background.

If you want this, you may need to give permission several times since we need one for each server. If you don't want, it should be enough to reject it only once. A more detailed announcement will be released next week, but we wanted to give a quick heads up as the feature goes live immediately.

10-11-2016 Направени промени на 11ти октомври

Поправките и подобрувањата што беа пуштени во употреба се однесуваат на:

• Скаутите во младинските академии. Кога пребарувате било каков тип на играч, шансите да најдете фантастично талентиран играч се поголеми. Шансите да добиете одличен играч кога пребарувате специфичен тип се помали, и максималниот потенцијал на вештините на таков играч ќе биде помал.
• Стадионите во неутралните натпревари. Имавме многу случаи каде што стадионот во неутралните натпревари не беше оптимален, или пак во скоро време беше редуциран. Бидејќи менаџерите не можат да направат ништо во таков случај, овозможивме на фановите да си донесат монтажни столчиња за натпреварите каде што има повеќе гледачи од капацитетот на стадионот.

10-6-2016 Грешки во апликацијата и застој во ажурирањата

Добивме неколку пријави ова утро за грешки во апликацијата и застој во ажурирањата на тимовите. Проблемот е лоциран и отстранет. Работите се средуваат и доколку вашиот тим беше инволвиран во ова, за кратко време ќе биде ажуриран.

9-8-2016 Lost training

Because of the issue with 'unknown players' yesterday, unfortunately players who played a midweek match in Bolivia, Angola and Tanzania didn't receive training as their data got lost and which we are unable to restore. Affected players who played during the weekend matches will naturally receive their training for that. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

9-7-2016 Unknown Players on Tuesday's matches

In some finished match reports from yesterday matches, players show up without names, instead calling all players "Unknown Players". It does not affect the game, results or training in any way so please have patience with this presentational error until we have a chance to fix it.

8-30-2016 Release notes 30th August

The following fixes and improvements have been released:

• Stadium attendance is now visible for all.
• The checkbox on the matches page will now remember your last choice on whether to show tournament matches or not.

Apart from this we released various minor bugfixes and improvements regarding the new Live experience.

8-16-2016 Release notes 15th August

The following fixes and improvements have been released:

• Fixed loyalty in pre-match which was shown incorrectly previously.
• You have now full access to style of play in the Lineup Simulator without a Tactical Assistant
• We have added forum tags for national teams.
• Mentors can now see scout reports on youth academies.
• When searching for a youth league, they are now sorted by first match date instead of by name.

We also released various bugfixes regarding the new Live experience.

8-10-2016 Update on the time when NT, U20 and Hattrick Masters matches are simulated

As you may know, match orders cannot be sent 20 minutes before the match. We do this, in order to have time to simulate the upcoming matches. However, National Team, U20 and Hattrick Masters matches were simulated only a couple of minutes before the match. From now on, these matches will be simulated the same minutes in advance as all other matches.

8-1-2016 Additional time

All ladder, single and tournament matches from 14:46 (CET) today and onwards have the possibility of additional time at the end of the match. Matches that go into overtime will have a 5 minutes break during which players can recover a little bit.

7-12-2016 Update on delayed matches and unknown players

The last few weekends, we had delays on matches and players without an actual player name, calling "unknown player" instead.

Yesterday we spent the whole day running analysis and optimisations to try to avoid this from happening again.

We're making a lot of improvements on the site in general, but mostly while matches are played, and we'll have someone online on Saturday to both see how our improvements are working out and to catch any other potential issues "live".

So, this is top priority for us now and we're doing our best so it doesn't happen again.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

7-11-2016 Проблеми со логирањето

Серверски проблем беше причината што некои корисници имаа проблеми при обидот да се логираат на Hattrick. Трансферите беа стопирани веднаш штом проблемот беше пријавен.

Проблемот е сега решем, и сите трансфери што требаше да се случат од 07:30 до 09:30 по HT време се продолжени за 2 часа.

Се извинуваме за непријатностите.

7-9-2016 Задоцнети мечеви и „непознати играчи“

За жал, се појавија проблеми со HT Live и извештајот од мечевите во неколку лиги ќе доцни. Се обидуваме да го решиме овој проблем што е можно поскоро. Не е потребно да го пријавувате проблемот на GM.

Во некои лиги, табелите не беа ажурирани на време, и на денешните завршени натпревари, играчите се појавија без имиња, и наместо името пишуваше „Непознати Играчи“. Овој проблем се случи заради задоцнетото ажурирање на мечевите, што сега треба да се направи рачно. Ова нема да има никаков ефект врз играта, резултатот на натпреварите или некакво губење на тренинг, па ве молиме за трпение додека го средиме проблемот.

Се извинуваме за предизвиканите проблеми.

7-5-2016 Нова ждрепка за Hattrick Masters

Поради техничи проблеми на последното ажурирање на Hattrick Masters, неколку тимови добија повеќе противници за наредното коло. Ждрепката беше повторена за да го поправиме проблемот. Ако веќе сте наместиле постава за натпреварот во Hattrick Masters, ќе треба тоа да го сторите пак. Ви благодариме на разбирањето.

6-22-2016 Downtime this morning

Earlier this morning, we encountered a technical issue with one of our servers and the site was down. We acted as soon as possible to stop the transfers and we have extended all between 07:30 and 10:00 HT Time by 3 hours. Thank you for your understanding.

6-11-2016 We have some servers issues that we are working on...

We received a few reports about Application Errors during login process. Some of our servers behave abnormal. We are working on it, but until then, if you encounter any issues, try to refresh the page a couple of times to get into another web server.

6-9-2016 Направени промени на 8ми јуни

Одсега кондицијата ќе биде пресметувана правилно во продолженијата на натпреварите, за играчите што го започнале натпреварот после првото полувреме, во склоп со уште голем број мали измени кои што ќе ви го подобрат Hattrick искуството.

Исто така, одсега ќе бидат прикажани натпреварите на вашите Национални Репрезентации, заедно со уште неколку нови додатоци кои се однесуваат на Националните Репрезентации, нешто за што имавме пишувано во нашиот најнов едиторијал.

5-21-2016 Непознати Играчи

Во некои лиги, на денешните завршени натпревари, играчите се појавија без имиња, и наместо името пишуваше „Непознати Играчи“. Овој проблем се случи заради задоцнетото ажурирање на мечевите, што сега треба да се направи рачно. Ова нема да има никаков ефект врз играта, резултатот на натпреварите или некакво губење на тренинг, па ве молиме за трпение додека го средиме проблемот.

4-19-2016 Одложени пријателски мечеви

Поради проблемите што се појавија со HT Live, одложени се пријателските натпревари што требаше да се одиграат околу 18:20. Се обидуваме да го отстраниме проблемот што е можно поскоро, така да не мора да ги известувате ГМ-ите околу ова.

Се извинуваме за сите предизвикани непријатности.

Update: Проблемот е решен и сите недовршени натпревари ќе завршат во наредниот час, час и половина.

3-15-2016 Направени промени на 15ти март

При отворање на страната за „Наредби за Натпреварот“, стандардната постава ќе биде вчитана. Ажурирани се предвидувањата за тренингот во однос на новите промени на Асистентите, земајќи го во предвид нивниот нов процентуален ефект.

Ја поправивме страната за пријавување на банери, и исто така додадовме опција за пријавување на страничен банер.

2-23-2016 Трансферите во прекин

Вчера, околу 03:15 ноќта, имаше планиран прекин на интернет конекцијата со нашиот Интернер Сервис Провајдер (ISP) поради нивно тековно одржување на системот. Пред една недела, имплементиравме систем што автоматски ги стопира трансферите при технички проблеми. Но, делот каде што ние требаше да добиеме известување за прекинот, не работеше како што треба. Сега трансферите се повторно овозможени.

2-22-2016 Архивите за одиграните мечеви се вратени

Архивите за одиграните мечеви се целосно вратени, што значи дека сите податоци за мечевите сега ќе бидат достапни на сајтот. Ќе продолжиме да работиме на рекреирање на приходите од претходен клуб, за кои што се надеваме дека ќе бидат поправени во наредните денови.

2-18-2016 [Ажурирано] Враќањето на архивите на одиграни мечеви е направено, но...

Ресторирањето на податоците од архивите за одиграни мечеви е направено, и целата постапка помина добро. Но сеуште не сме готови, бидејќки сега имаме 2 милијарди линии текст што треба да се вметнат во постоечката база одново. Оваа операција ќе одземе приближно 2 дена (моментално нешто повеќе од 50 саати).

Кога се ќе се заврши, ќе се обидеме да ги комплетираме сите заостанати „приходи од претходен клуб“ трансакции. Исто така, сите податоци што се однесуваат на одиграни мечеви ќе се вратат во нормала. Ви благодариме за трпението.

2-17-2016 Update on match archive

We are still working on restoring the match archive for Seasons 56 to 60, which are currently unavailable. This could still take a few days to complete. While the backup is restored, previous club money will not work, however we plan to try to to run these transactions retroactively when the match archive is back up. We cannot guarantee that this will work perfectly, we haven’t done it before, but we will do our very best to make sure no team loses out because of this. Mother club money continues to works as usual. We hope for your patience while we resolve this.

2-16-2016 Недостапност на архивите за одиграните мечеви

При чистењето на податоците пред почетокот на сезоната, архивата на одиграни мечеви меѓу сезона 56 и 60 се изгуби, и моментално работиме на враќањето на овие податоци. Оваа операција нема да има никаков ефект во нормалното функционирање на Hattrick (вклучувајќи ги и тренинзите) и не е никаков проблем за сезоната што треба да започне, но, во наредните неколку дена овие податоци нема да бидат достапни. Ќе се обидеме да ги вратиме најскорешните податоци во следните неколку саати, па ако успееме, тие ќе бидат видливи и достапни веднаш штом се готови. Се извинуваме за ова и се надеваме дека проблемот ќе биде решен многу скоро.

2-10-2016 Прекин и ажурирање на трансферите

Вчера Hattrick беше во прекин неколку часа поради проблеми со нашиот Интернет Сервис Провајдер (ISP), кој почна некаде околу 18:30 и траеше некаде околу полноќ. Иако технички прекинот не беше по наша вина, се извинуваме за тоа а и особено ни е жал за одложувањето на натпреварите на учесниците во Supporter Week трофејот.

Она што не го направивме навреме вчера е тоа што не ги стопиравме трансферите, како што тоа обично го правиме кога има прекин, што значи дека многу наддавања завршија без продажба, резултирајќи со загуба на тимовите што продаваа играчи во тој период. Нашата политика во вакви случаи е да не ги компензираме загубите, затоа што немавме начин како да ги процениме и пресметаме. Но овојпат решивме да компензираме, затоа што сега имаме алгоритам што ги анализира цените на играчите на пазарот, и мислиме дека тоа ќе ни помогне да компензацијата што ќе ја направиме ќе биде фер спрема сите. Ги замолуваме менаџерите кои што имаа играчи на продажба во овој период да бидат трпеливи, бидејќи ќе ни одземе неколку дена пред било кој да добие пари.

Компензацијата ќе се однесува на играчи што имале наддавање во периодот на прекинот, и за играчите чие што наддавање завршило во периодот на прекинот. Од компензацијата се исклучени играчите со ниска цена (под 200 000 MKD).

Исто така работиме на решение кое што автоматски ќе ги суспендира трансферите кога Hattrick е во прекин. Додека оваа функционалност добро се искалибрира, може да забележите суспендирање на трансферите и при нормална работа на Hattrick, но се надеваме дека таквите случаи ќе бидат сведени на минимум и дека за брзо време ќе имаме стабилно сигурносно решение за ситуациите како вчера да не се повторат.

12-28-2015 Прекин

Поради проблемите што се јавија за време на тековното одржување на нашиот Центар на податоци, најавувањето на сајтот ова утро беше оневозможено скоро еден час. Сите трансфери помеѓу 11:29 и 12:35 по HT време се продолжени за 90 минути.

12-19-2015 Проблем со ажурирањето на финансиите

Добивме забелешки во врска со последното ажурирање на финансиите, каде што сумата за платите на Персоналот е повисока од она што требаше да биде. Проблемот се истражува во моментов.

Се извинуваме за сите непријатности предизвикани од оваа грешка.

EDIT: Проблемот е решен, сите финансиски ажурирања се корегирани. Уште еднаш се извинуваме на корисниците.

12-16-2015 Направени промени на 14ти декември

Го поправивме проблемот со позицијата на тимот во старите изданија на Supporter Week трофејот.

За да се избегнат грешки про сетирање на наредби за натпреварите, ќе биде прикажано предупредување за сите измени/наредби кои не се условени со еден од понудените услови: црвени картони, минута од натпреварот или резултатска состојба.

11-24-2015 Промена на распоредот на колата за Hattrick Masters

Поради грешка во калкулациите имаме еден тим повеќе во второто коло од Hattrick Masters. Да за го решиме проблемот, ќе ги поместиме сите следни кола за половина недела. Исто така ќе избереме два тима кои имаа директен пласман во второто коло да играат меѓусебе во четврток за да го добиеме точниот број на учесници. Се извинуваме за направените непријатности.

11-11-2015 Непланиран прекин ова утро

Поради проблемите што се јавија за време на тековното одржување на нашиот Центар на податоци, беше оневозможен пристапот до нашиот веб сајт ова утро. Во соработка со техничката поддршка на Центарот за податоци, работевме напорно за да го овозможиме пристапот до сајтот, и успеавме во тоа некаде пред пладне. Трансферите беа стопирани 20 минути после паѓањето на сајтот, па сега ги продолживме за 4 часа трансферите чиј рок истекуваше меѓу 09:34 и 12:45 по ХТ време.

Сеуште има проблеми на кои што се работи. Најважни во моментот се грешките во апликацијата, неможноста да се следат натпреварите во живо, а исто така и мобилните апликации не работат како што треба.

Исто би сакале да ве информираме дека, додека ги поправаме гореспоменатите проблеми, делот за младинците ќе биде недостапен, а очекуваме да го вратиме онлајн некаде во текот на оваа вечер.

Се извинуваме за сите непријатности кои што ги предизвика овој непланиран прекин.

11-3-2015 Проблеми со HT Live 2

За жал, сеуште имаме проблеми сo HT Live. Се обидуваме да ги поправиме проблемите што е можно поскоро. Не е потребно да ги пријавувате проблемите поврзани со овој дел.

Уште еднаш се извинуваме за сите непријатности предизвикани од проблемот.

Update: Проблемите се решени, а сите незавршени натпревари ќе се ажурираат во текот на наредните неколку саати.

11-1-2015 "New staff" bugs now fixed

We have fixed a number of bugs that appeared during in the first week matches, and which are all related to the new staff member changes.

Tactical Assistants (TA) and Style of Play: Many teams had their matches simulated as if they had a neutral coach, when in fact they expected either an offensive or defensive style of play due to their coach and TA settings. This is now changed so that the correct coach is always applied before any TA choices kick in.

Spokespersons: The Spokesperson has been removed and the effects of a Level 5 spokesperson should now be active for all teams in Hattrick permanently and free of charge. We solved an issue with this implementation that caused fan mood not to react the way it should have after the league games.

The fixes are now live since an hour or so, and as far as we can tell, all reported issues have been taken care of. But we will keep a close eye on this and also follow up these emergency fixes tomorrow to make sure things are running as they should. We apologize for this bumpy start to the season.

10-28-2015 Проблеми со HT Live

Во моментот имаме проблем со функционирањето на HT Live. Се обидуваме да го поправиме проблемот што е можно поскоро.

Како алтернатива, сеуште можете да ги следите натпреварите преку страната за натпревари, со кликање на соодветниот натпревар.

Се извинуваме за непријатностите што ги предизвикавме.

Update 18:10 HT Time: Проблемот е решен.

10-21-2015 Supporter Week Trophy подобрувања

Направивме измена во рангирањето на тимовите. Претходно, рангирањето беше пресметувано како во нормална лига: поени па гол разлика итн. Сега, ако два или повеќе тимови имаат ист број на поени, тимот со најголем број на победи до првиот нерешен или изгубен натпревар ќе биде рангиран прв. После тоа, гол разликата се зема во предвид.

10-8-2015 Friendly pool improvement

We have made some improvements to the friendly pool, which means it will now be easier to get a match.

8-20-2015 Ball posession (2)

Last month we informed you about a new version of the match engine where we were had started to show the actual average of the ball posession during each half of a match instead of showing the ball posession percentage at the end of each half.

Due to some misunderstanding we would like to highlight that currently this is only being used in tournament matches, ladder and single matches. Starting next season this will be released to all matches, including league and cup matches.

8-10-2015 Maintenance

Because of server maintenance, the forum, youth and the match archives may be temporarily unavailable during the coming hours. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Update: Unfortunately as not everything went smoothly, we were forced to extend all transfers with their deadline between 16:28 and 18:00 HT Time by 200 minutes. We apologize for this.

8-7-2015 Release notes 7th August

Today we released a nice new feature at the fixtures page, where you will be able to see the standings after each match round for the current season.

8-5-2015 Delayed youth matches

We are looking into a problem with youth matches being delayed. There is no need to inform your Gamemaster about it.

Update: Problem has been solved and matches played.

8-5-2015 Проблем со серверот

Поради проблеми со серверот, моравме да ги стопираме трансферите утринава. Проблемите беа решени и трансферите беа стартирани повторно. Сите трансфери меѓу 08:18 и 11:18 по HT време беа продолжени за 200 минути.

Update 12:10 HT време: Очигледно проблемите не беа решени во предвидениот рок, па моравме да ги продолжиме трансферите уште еднаш. Овој пат, сите трансфери меѓу 11:18 и 12:10 по HT време беа продолжени за 60 минути.

Се извинуваме за сите непријатности кои беа предизвикани со овој прекин.

7-21-2015 Ball posession

Recently we released a new version of the match engine. As of this update we started showing the actual average of the ball posession during each half of a match instead of showing the ball posession percentage at the end of each half.

7-7-2015 Confidence update

Some users have reacted to the fact that with the new way the confident updates work, there is no confidence update between the reset for the new season and the first Cup game. The new system works as it is supposed to, and while we are sorry if this detail has not been clear to everyone, it will stay this way and there will be no compensation or extra updates. Users that have a lower confidence than they had hoped for for this first game will soon catch up through matches played and hired Sports Psychologists, these mechanics works just as usual.

6-18-2015 Release notes 18th June

Today, along with the Supporter Week Trophy, we have released a new default lineup type for Supporters, to be used in Tournament, Ladder and Single matches if no other match order has been placed.

5-6-2015 Release notes 6th May

Today we have a few releases concerning mobile phones. Now if you want to login to Hattrick from your mobile phone, you get automatically redirected to m.hattrick.org. There you can then find a link to our desktop site and upon clicking giving you the ability to permanently prevent automatic redirects in the future.

Also in the reminders page, we have a new option now, which makes it possible for you to receive push reminders in your phone.

4-28-2015 Challenging problems

Currently we receive many reports from users not being able to arrange friendlies. We are looking into the problem and hope to solve this as soon possible. It is no longer necessary to report this to your GMs. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Update 23.30: We have now located and fixed the problem and you will be able to arrange friendlies again.

4-25-2015 Connection issues

We have been facing some problems with our servers earlier today which made it impossible to connect through the regular site. Access to our site has been restored. Please note that we have disabled login to our http site for the time being. Instead please login through (https://www.hattrick.org)

Transfers were stopped shortly after the connection problems started and all transfers between 18:23 and 19:30 HT-Time have been extended by 90 minutes.

Please note that transfers with a deadline between 19:30 and 19:45 HT-time have been extended by 30 minutes.

1-21-2015 Downtime

This morning Hattrick has been down for several hours due to a problem with our Internet Service Provider (ISP). For the same reason we have not been able to stop the transfer market and therefore there will be no transfer extensions. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

1-19-2015 Release notes 19th January

From now on you will be able to see how many of your players have an individual instruction on the training page for Senior teams. You should now be able to find all players matching the criteria when searching for experience and leadership on the transferlist, no matter their other abilites. You will also be informed when you have received an invite for a youth league.

There were also a bunch of other applied fixes that didn't make it to today's release notes.

1-9-2015 Release notes 8th January

We fixed a bug where you could see that substitutes were going to happen when watching a 'Live match'. We also fixed a problem where attendance was not shown in walkover matches. And from now on you can also see which of your players have a red card in the lineup page.

Furthermore various other fixes that didn't make it to these release notes have been applied in order to give you a better Hattrick experience.

1-5-2015 Cup problems

Last week the cup games in some leagues were not played correctly. Unfortunately as a consequence a small number of teams (less than 48) have lost training. This training will not be recuperated, we are sorry to say.

12-11-2014 Shop orders not activated

During the past few weeks we have had some problems with several (not all) shop orders that were paid by bank transfer not being activated after we received payment confirmation by Global Collect. We have fixed this problem now.

There may however be some orders still left unhandled. Should your order not have been activated within 5 business days, please contact Customer Service and they will help you with seeing to it that your order gets activated as soon as possible.

Orders made after 8th december have not been affected by this problem.

11-25-2014 Small change to coach hiring

When hiring a new coach, the system will now check your actual finances right now rather than the cash your club had on the latest financial update. This small change has been done to make the coach system work closer to user expectations, as well as making it a bit safer to use for clubs that are low on funds.

9-8-2014 Youth team activation problem

Currently there is a problem with youth teams not being activated. We aim to have a fix available tomorrow latest. There is no further need to inform your GMs about this problem.

Update: Problem has been solved.

8-25-2014 Release notes 25th August

From now on, you can see how much money has been moved from and to your board reserves at the finance page. Apart from this we also fixed the set pieces bonus not being taken into account at the team training estimation page.

8-19-2014 Release notes 19th August

Today we have released a bunch of stuff that you may like. You can now see all league names in your own language. In case you do not like it, then you can change it here (/MyHattrick/Preferences/ProfileSettings.aspx)

Now all shapes, patterns and colors are available for non-supporter in the logo editor. Symbols are the only thing that is not available to non-supporters now.

Further we have released fixes to the ratings predictor which only used half of the home grown bonus. Youth league admins can now leave their league without being forced to delete them and we have fixed issues when activating your youth academy for the first time.

8-18-2014 Wrongly reported skill drops

Today some of you may have noticed an excessive amount of skill drops in your training report. Many of these reports were incorrect and we have fixed the issue, but we're still working on correcting those reports. This is only a presentational issue, so there is no need for alarm. Your players have been updated correctly.

Update 13:30 HT Time: All reports has now been corrected.

8-12-2014 Cup attendance improvements

We have fixed a bug that caused a low attendance when playing against street teams. We also improved the attendance in divisional cups so that it will generate more income than international friendlies.

8-8-2014 Tweak to new cup system

We have made a tweak to the cup system in order to prevent that the consolation cup will consist of mainly street teams. This means that losing teams in round one of the Emerald Challenger Cup and round one of the Ruby Challenger Cup will move on to the Consolation Cup. Originally only losing teams in round one and two of the Emerald Challenger Cup would continue in the consolation cup.

8-5-2014 Disturbance of the services

Tonight we suffered from some problems which caused several pages from becoming inaccessible and which forced us to stop the transfers. The problems have been taken care of now and service will continue as it did before. Transfers between 22:13:06 and 22:45:00 HT Time have been extended by 60 minutes.

7-22-2014 Weekend friendlies and qualifiers

We would like to remind everyone to check your line-ups for the weekend friendlies as they will use the friendly lineup by default, whereas you might want to use your league lineup instead.

As of this season you will now also find the upcoming qualification matches on your series page. This will help you to see in a blink of an eye which teams in your series have a qualifier scheduled.

6-26-2014 Tournaments fix

Today we have released a fix for a problem where we were charging 2 credits to Supporters when creating or restarting a Supporter free tournament. We have refunded the affected users and in that case you should find a notice about this in the credit usage log.

6-9-2014 Updates on the Manager Network

Today we have fixed some bugs for the Manager Network, and also added two new things:
- When a request has been sent out and accepted, the user who made the request will receive a notification about this in their Dashboard
- It is now possible to add a Shortcut to the Manager Network. If you have modified your default shortcuts in the past, you need to add this new shortcuts manually in your Preferences page (/MyHattrick/Preferences/ShortCutSettings.aspx). Everyone else will see the Network icon by default.

6-5-2014 Release notes 5th June

Today we have added ability to search by any specialty in the transfer market.

5-26-2014 Match engine fix

About half a year ago we applied a fix to the match engine for Tournaments, Ladders, Preparation and single matches. If you add a substitution or order change to a player on the bench that order will be executed as soon as he steps on to the field, where previously the order wouldn't be executed. Since a couple of weeks this fix is also being applied to all other matches.

5-7-2014 Release notes 7th May

As of today we will filter out all tournament, ladder and single matches from the latest matches tab when previewing an upcoming match that is not a tournament, ladder or single match.

5-6-2014 Unexpected downtime

Hattrick unexpectedly went down earlier today because of database problems. Transfers were stopped almost right away and all transfers between 14:18 and 20:00 HT Time have been extended by 10 hours. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

4-25-2014 Release Notes April 25

We've removed the advanced newbie tutorial that was introduced in the autumn. After thorough analysis, we found it was not improving the stay-rates for new users. This means new users in Hattrick will have a first experience that is more in line with what most users in the game today had when they started, and which is also much more in line with how they game is really played. We will look at other ways to improve the game experience for new users instead.

4-22-2014 Release Notes April 22

Public Forum users

It is now possible to sign up for Hattrick without also getting a team to manage. This "light" registration is mostly intended for people that wants to participate in our forums but who are not yet ready to take part in the game. Also, the limited registration will only be available for users who reach Hattrick through our public forum pages. We don't expect to see a huge impact of "forum-only users" for now , but we just wanted to point out that they do exist and that they commit to the same forum conduct rules as everyone else.

4-15-2014 Training formulas not correctly shown

We have spotted some issues in formulas relating to the Assistant Coaches in the new staff system. Currently, the training effects received from Assistant Coaches is not correctly shown in the manual. It was also incorrectly shown in the Training Estimation tool (a Supporter feature), but this bug has now been fixed. The manual will be updated with the correct numbers this week.

4-13-2014 Youth match and Facebook login problems

We are currently investigating problems with youth matches not running and not being able to login through Facebook.

Update 21:10 HT Time: Youth matches are running again. Expect delays until tomorrow morning.

Update 9:07 HT Time: Facebook login has been fixed.

4-11-2014 Bob no longer goes to the bank

It will no longer be possible to get the achievement 'Met Bob at the bank'. Those who already have the achievement will keep it, but lose the points for this achievement.

4-9-2014 Match engine fix

Yesterday we released a fix for a small bug in the match engine related to special events.

It used to happen in a few very specific cases that a team could get more special event oportunities than it should according to its ball posession.

This has been fixed now, starting from yesterday's friendly matches.

4-9-2014 Transfers stopped

We've temporarily stopped transfers because of an urgent network maintenance from our provider that might cause the site to become unavailable.

We will restart them once everything is stable.

UPDATE: Now we've started transfers again, everything should catch up soon.

3-27-2014 Release notes 27th March

We have done a major change in the way we present banners and which hopefully will make browsing much faster for non Supporters. It should also fix some of the problems we were having with banners.

HT press articles are public now and can be accessed without login.

3-24-2014 Release notes 24th March

We have made a couple of improvements on the ratings.

1) The timeline looks slightly different. There are now 2 parts of 45 minutes (and 90 minutes if the game went to overtime), one before break and one after the break. To clarify this, there is a small divider to indicate these breaks. Finally we made it slightly narrower.

2) For live ratings we fixed the ratings shown at the beginning of the second half.

3-19-2014 Forum ignore function available to everyone

Today we have made the possibility to ignore certain users on the forums available to all users (should you have the desire to do so). Previously this was a Supporter only feature.

3-17-2014 Release notes 17th March

Starting from today's matches, you will always be able to see who is the set pieces taker. Before it was only available on the "Average", now it will be available on the minutes as well.

3-15-2014 Downtime this weekend

23.55 - We're currently (and since about 15.00 on Saturday, Hattrick time) been having serious problems with what seems to be our connections. Everything has been running fine in the background, and as soon as you're able to log on matches and updates has been completed as scheduled.

Update (00.30) - The problem has now been solved, it was indeed a problem with our ISP. Transfers between 22:55 (Saturday) and 11:00 (Sunday) has been postponed by 12 hours.

Again, we apologize sincerely for any inconvenience!

3-3-2014 Release notes 3rd March

We have removed the tournament restrictions for Supporters whose Supporter runs out before the tournament ends. This means that you can join a tournament without having to pay credits as long as you are a Supporter at the time you join the tournament, even if your Supporter will run out the next day.

Further we fixed the average match ratings for youth matches.

2-21-2014 Bankruptcy change

We have made a change to how bankruptcy works. From now on, if a team has players for sale with bids enough to reach the "safe zone", the team will not go bankrupt.

2-10-2014 Release notes 10th February

Here a few small additions:
- We increased the number of HT Press articles shown per page from 5 to 10.
- You can sort HT Press articles by views, likes and comments as well.
- Ongoing matches and old matches will now use the "new" match report page, this means the end of the old match report page.

1-31-2014 Распоредот за младинските мечеви не е генериран

Го анализираме проблемот со негенерирање на мечевите за новите младински лиги.

Обновено: Мечевите се генерираат сега.

1-27-2014 Новости, 27 јануари

Оваа недела може да се забележат неколку подобрувања во врска со анализата на мечевите: кога ќе поминете со глувчете над клучните моменти на есната страна, ќе биде истакнат соодветниот настан во извештајот. Младинските натпревари отсега исто така се птикажуваат на новите страници за мечеви.

Ако ви е вклучена опцијата за прикажување на аватарите, сега ќе ви бидат прикажани сликите на играчите наместо дресовите на сраницата за налози. Во иднина ќе бидат прикажуван и учинок на играчите дури и кога натпреварот е добиен без борба.

1-26-2014 Delayed matches in Germany and Poland

We are looking into a problem with delayed matches in Germany. You no longer need to notify your GMs about it.

Update: Matches have caught up now.

1-19-2014 Доцнење на економските ажурирања

Го проверуваме проблемот со доцнењето на економските ажурирања во Јужна и Централна Америка. Нема потреба да контактирате со вашите ГМ во врска со ова.

Новости: Проблемот сега е решен.

1-2-2014 Release notes 2nd January

A few nice additions to kick off the new year with:
- you are now informed about any unsold players through the news ticker when the deadline passes
- in the clubnews we now link to a new Supporter or if he quits supporting you
- in the historical standings table, the teams currently in the series are now bolded
- we have added the user name at the page of supported teams

And of course we wish you all a happy New Year!

12-23-2013 Нема талент?

Изгледа дека постојат некои јуниорски скаути што сѐ уште не можат да пронајдат нови таленти, како што најавивме во претходната објава. ФФМ ќе се погрижи сите скаути да бидат известени што е можно побрзо. Ќе ве известиме за новите измени.

12-13-2013 Подобри јуниорски скаути

Последниве неколку дена јуниорските скаути учествуваа на интензиве курс, кој треба да им помогне во откривањето нови таленти. Поради ова јуниорските скаути сега можат да ви гарантираат дека секогаш ќе ви предложат нов талент кога ќе ги побарате. Претходно понекогаш се случуваше да ви кажат дека не се во можност да најдат нов талент таа недела. Ова веќе нема да се случува.

12-11-2013 Исправка во системот за пресметување на натправарите (match engine)

Денеска направивме исправка во системот за пресметување натправари за турнирите, скалилата, подготвителните и единичните мечеви.
Ако додадете измена или промена на индивидуалното однесување на играчот што е на клупа, таа промена ќе се случи кога тој ќе влезе во игра, за разлика од претходно кога овие измени не се случуваа.

11-28-2013 Нарушувања во работата на сервисите

Поради некои тестови во нашиот податочен центар, се соочивме со пречки во некои од нашите услуги, вклучувајќи ги и трансферите. Проблемот е сега решен. Трансферите не се продолжени и сите продадени играчи наскоро треба да го пронајдат својот пат до своите нови сопственици, ако веќе не стигнале. Ви се извинуваме за непријатностите што можеби сте ги имале.

11-18-2013 Extended transfers

Due to a server problem we erroneously extended transfers. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

11-9-2013 Delayed financial updates

Currently we are facing a problem with financial updates not running as they should. We are looking into the issue, but right now we cannot tell when things are back to normal. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Update 03:25 HT-time: Problems have been solved. We will continue to have delays until the match engine has caught up.

11-7-2013 Fixed substitution issues

We have fixed an issue where planned substitutions in the dying minutes of the extra time were not executed. So if you want your set pieces star to come on the pitch in the 119th minute, the referee will no longer stop him from doing so.

Also in individual cases some substitutions got delayed and executed later than planned. We also solved this problem.

10-14-2013 Release Notes 14th October

We fixed a problem where incorrect data was shown on the bookmark statistics page. Additionally we will now show the correct number of online users in a region.

Chapter 4 in the manual saw a small update regarding walkovers which have their own section now. Last but not least from now on we inform you if your transferlisted players have not been sold.

10-4-2013 Small glitch in the Hattrick Masters draw

Today in the Hattrick Masters draw for the third round, there was a small glitch that caused 3 extra matches to be scheduled.

This has been fixed now, but the affected teams should make sure to review their match orders in case they submitted them for the wrong match.

10-1-2013 Transfers extended

All transfers that had a deadline between 14:00 and 00:00 HT time have been extended by 720 minutes.

Transfers with a deadline between 00:34 and 01:00 HT time saw another extension of 60 minutes.

9-10-2013 Release notes 10th September

As already announced in our latest editorial we have now removed the 'Offerwalls'.

9-5-2013 Release notes 5th September

Today we go back in time with the updated Hattrick History with six more seasons added.

We applied many fixes related to CHPP and solved a forum application error for users without a team.

8-27-2013 Новости

Денеска се појави можноста за подредување на играчите според нивната плата, која беше барана подолго време. Се разбира, таа опција беше додадена и на страницата за играчите.

Го отстранивме и проблемот за споредување на екипите во турнирски и во мечевите од скалилата. Некои текстови што недостасуваа порано, сега беа преведени.

Испраќањето на поставата за едната екипа, кога веќе сте извршиле промена на друга, веќе нема да јавува порака за грешка. Наместо тоа, поставата ќе биде биде наместена и фокусот повторно ќе биде променет на вистинската екипа.

8-23-2013 Не работи системот за известувања преку СМС

СМС-системот за известувања преку мобилните телефони не работи. Системот нема да биде во функција најмалку до поендленик попладне по ХТ-време, а можеби дури и повеќе.

8-5-2013 Проблемот со известувањата - решен

Во последно време имавме проблеми да испратиме известувања до Ајфон-апаратите. Причината за ова беше сертификат со поминат рок. Поради проблемите на Епл со нивниот Центар за развој, не бевме во можност да го обновиме сè досега. Денеска ова беше поправено и отсега треба да ги добивате Вашите известувања.
Исто така, го порапвивме проблемот со известувањата за Андроид-уредите. Ова засегаше многу мал дел од нашите корисници. Ако бевте меѓу нив, отсега натаму треба да ги добивате според очекуваното.

7-22-2013 Доцнење на турнирските и натпреварите од скалилата

Поради некои неправилно закажани натпревари, многу Скалила и турнирски натпревари се одложени викендов. Проблемот сега е решен и натпреварите се одиграни. Ви се извинуваме за доцнењата и за скромните инфорамции додека траеше проблемот.

6-13-2013 Прекин во работата в четврток попладне

Страницата не рабoтеше речиси час и половина поради проблем со серверот со базата на податоци. Трансферите се продолжени по прекинот.

6-10-2013 Доцнење на Мастерсот

Се соочуваме со доцнење на натпреварите од Хеттрик Мастерсот. Во моментов ги истражуваме причините

Натпреварите од Хеттрик Мастерсот сега се играат. Се извинуваме за доцнењето!

6-7-2013 Белешки за објавата

Во денешната објава на кодовите се истакнува една работа:

- Опцијата да се сокријат/прикажат турнирските натпревари (вклучувајќи ги и оние од скалилата и од екстра мечеите) на страницата за натпревари. Само отштиклирајте ги ако не сакате да ги гледате турснирските/екстра натпреварите.

5-13-2013 Проблеми со работата на страницата

Поради проблеми со работата на страницата, бевме принудени, за жал, да ја затвориме за околу половина час денеска напладне по ХТ-време. Трансферите што имаа краен рок меѓу 11:42 и 12:15 по ХТ-време се продолжени за еден час.

5-7-2013 Проблеми со ждрепката за купот

Синоќа се забележани проблеми со ждрепката во купот, така што некои тимови немаа противник за своите напревари. Ќе се позанимаваме со ова веднаш наутро (и, да, тоа може да значи дека ќе мора да направиме нова ждрепка).

ДОполнето, 8 мај, 11:55: Сите купови што беа засегнати сега се средени (ждрепката беше направена одново во сите засегнати држави), а, исто така, проблемот беше решен и засите идни дрепки, исто така.

5-7-2013 Прекин во работата во вторник навечер

Поради проблеми со нашите веб-сервери, страницата беше недостапна околу 2,5 часа во вторник навечер. Изворот на проблемот беше пронајден и отстранет.

Трансферите меѓу 16:43 и 22:25 по ХТ-време се продолжени за три часа.

4-29-2013 Ќе нема „победа без борба“ во пријателските натпревари

Веќе нема да има победа без борба во приајтелските натпревари. Во случај екипата да нема доволно играчи на теренот во моментот кога почнува натпреварот, група луѓе, кои случајно се затекнале во соседството, ќе се погрижат мечот секако да биде изигран.

Во основа, ова ќе функционира исто како што е за младинските тимови во моментов, но за сениорските екипи ќе биде само на пријателските натпревари.

Со ова ќе направиме и измени за дополнителните тимови и ќе им дозволиме на клубовите со ист менаџер да играат пријателски натпревари меѓу себе.

4-15-2013 Manual updates

The manual has been updated with two clarifications in the Tactics chapter:

- About counter-attacks, a clarification when the tactical penalty is applied (you have to lose midfield before the penalty is applied to obtain any tactical counter-attacks).

- New phrasing in the tactical skill section, regarding that the effect from tactics also depends on how good the players on the pitch are.

Please note that these two changes may not have been updated in your local language version yet, but if not then your language version will be updated soon.

About moving promoted/demoted teams in Season's end
From now on we will move all promoted and demoted teams to their new series after qualification matches have ended.

4-8-2013 Problems with second club registration

Heavy usage of the registration form for applying for a second club caused the site to run very slow for about 30 minutes today. We wanted the listing of leagues to show up-to-date information about number of available slots, but the number of simultaneous loads of this data was too much. The problem got worse with everyone trying to refresh the page when it loaded slowly, causing even more loads of this data.

In order to solve it we needed to add a cache that caches the data a few seconds. The downside of this is that the numbers shown in the list might be a few seconds old, but this is necessary for the page and the site as a whole to run efficiently.

We are truly sorry for the inconvenience these problems caused. In hindsight we should of course have had the cache from the start, although all our testing and measuring showed that it should not be needed. Our lesson learned is that next time we will choose an approach that plays it more safe rather than trying to show absolute correct information.

Edit: For the first hour of registration you also got an error when choosing Canada, Bolivia, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia or South Korea. Our deepest apologies to all users affected, and especially to users in those countries who because of this could not apply at all for the first hour (as your own league is chosen per default in the dropdown).

4-8-2013 Second club registration numbers

Showing exactly how many available slots for all leagues (and keep that updated accordingly) on the registration page made the site slow. As a temporary solution we've turned that off and show fixed numbers instead.

This means that the number you currently see on the registration page is not correct, and there may me more (or less) spots than what's currently shown.

But if your application for a certain league/country is accepted (and you're able to update or remove your application), you've secured a spot. And if there isn't any available spot left in that league, your application will not go through.

3-8-2013 Release notes

There's been a busy week in the Hattrick headquarter, with the release of the new Supporter tiers and the new shop. But apart from that we've also released quite a few fixes and other things during the week:

- Marking a HT-Mail as unread now moves it to the new messages folder.
- Fixed a small bug related to series switching in the season end
- Some few users could not remove a Supporter from their list, now fixed.
- Fixed a bug in e-mail reminders (causing them not to work).
- Fixed a bug in youth match player orders, they're now visible after match as it should be
- Non-Supporters can now see player faces in the lineup page
- WO games now show your team attitude for that match
- Matches won by WO is no longer included in the series stats calculation

2-23-2013 Delayed Teamupdates

We've experienced some problems with the team updates during the night and day today. We have fixed the problem and the match engine are working on catching up. Meanwhile we may see some delayed matches.

2-18-2013 Release notes

Some fixes and stuff for you today:

- We added loyalty to Head to head (pre-match analysis).
- Forum posts by ignored users don't appear as "posts to me" anymore.
- Fixed flag collection tabs, for visually impaired.
- Type of player order change (sub, swap or behaviour change) is now visible in Player Orders.
- A problem with refresh/show bid history buttons on transfer listed players (only worked once for some users) is fixed.
- Fixed a problem with the "Any" option in the Youth League search, it only showed results from your own region. It now shows results from all countries/regions.
- Minor bug fix in default match orders for different matches, if you now set your default lineup from a cup or a friendly match - the default option is now that it will be saved as your default cup (or friendly) order.

1-31-2013 Release notes

Today we released a fix for a problem where non-Supporters were not able to see their fanclub's name in the head-to-head overview.

1-28-2013 Facebook login working again

Logging in (and signing up) with Facebook is now working again. The problem with the proxy server has been fixed.

1-25-2013 Friday evening downtime

We had experienced slowness and problems with our servers during Friday evening, causing downtime for about 3 hours. It turned out to be a problem with a proxy server causing the problems, so we had to take it out of the system until we can have a closer look on it (which will we do after the weekend).

Because of this, logging in with Facebook will unfortunately not work during the weekend.

Transfer deadlines during the downtime/problems have been extended.

1-23-2013 Delayed Teamupdates & Forums acting up

We have had several performance issues on the site this evening, which we have tried to handle as they have come up. Unfortunately this led to cup games in some leagues to be delayed, as well as to slo forums at times. This should be less of a problem now, but there could be some delays on team updates as the server catches up. We are sorry for this and wish you an otherwise enjoyable start to Season 51!

1-22-2013 Where's my club?

It seems we have a bug this morning with clubs being displayed as old clubs, and not active clubs as it should be. We're looking into this.

Update: This problem is now fixed (since around 8.30 HT-time). Some teams are now however displayed as located in foreign regions (regions not part of your country). We're looking into that.

Update 10:45 HT-Time: The region problem has been fixed now. Currently we are facing one more related problem. Transferlisted players are not showing up on the transfer page. We are working on a fix for that.

Update 13:45 HT-Time: All problems should have been solved now.

1-21-2013 Release notes

Today we released an improved transfer search. When you're searching the transfer you can not only specify the age by years, but you'll also be able to specify by days (you'll need to select advanced filters).

1-17-2013 Swwapping problem

Right now we are looking into a problem with swapping leagues and hope to be able to launch a fix for the problem shortly. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Update 11:20 HT-Time: The problem is solved now and everyone who experienced problems before should be able to try to swap again.

Update 14:10 HT-Time: We have applied another fix as we still received reports that our previous fix did not work for everyone affected.

12-10-2012 Downtime

Hattrick was down for around 40 minutes this morning because of database problems. Transfers with a deadline between 10:56:55 and 12:00 HT-Time have therefore been exteneded by 90 minutes. We apologize for the unexpected interruption.

12-4-2012 Sponsors mood fixed

The sudden sponsor mood drop has now been fixed, and the sponsors are now as happy as they should be again.

This problem was purely presentational.

12-3-2012 Transfer search change

We didn't just release a major update of Supporter today, we also released a quite nice change to the Transfer search page.

From today on you will search the whole transfer by default when doing a transfer search. So, no need to define whether you want to search for deadlines within 2 hours (and that box has also been removed).

The search result is however limited to 100 players now.

12-3-2012 Sponsor mood dropped?

We're received reports about a sudden sponsor mood drop for many users world-wide. It looks like it's only a presentational problem, but we will look into it nevertheless.

11-20-2012 Release notes

Quite a lot of stuff in this release:

- Mail character limit is increased 4000 characters (was 1000).
- The match type icons in the match result/rating page (top right) is now linked to the corresponding series or cup round.
- We have highlighted Supporter features on the site for our non-Supporters, to make the features included in Supporter more visible and overall to make it easier to see what Supporter has to offer.

11-9-2012 Training updates delayed!

We are having a delay on training updates in several countries. We are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Update: The problem was fixed and training has caught up. Everyone now received their complete training update.

11-8-2012 Release notes 8 November

Today we see the release of the 'My account' box where you can keep track of how many credits and days of Supporter you have left. We have also highlighted Supporter features, so you can easily see what is included in the Supporter package and what is not.

11-1-2012 Faster Android app

We have made a bunch of speed improvements to our Android app. An update with these speed improvements included are now available on Google Play.

11-1-2012 Release notes

The box to stop adding your team automatically to the pool is back, after been missing for a week. Included in today's release is also a fix for non-Supporters to opt-out from challenges (friendlies and Single matches), for some reason it didn't work after the release of single matches.

10-23-2012 Youth match delays

We are currently looking into a problem with delayed youth matches. It is no longer necessary to inform your GMs about it.

Update 13:03 HT Time: We have solved the problem, matches are catching up now.

10-23-2012 Short downtime

It was necessary to take down the site for a short period to do some urgent maintenance. The transfers were stopped during this time and all transfers until 10:30 HT Time have been extended by 2 hours. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

10-5-2012 Skill drops update:

We have discovered and fixed a bug that caused drops to be bigger than intended on titanic and et levels. This fix will be applied from now on, but it can't be made retroactively (so there's nothing we can do about the drops that happened this Monday).

Generally about skill drops, the rule "the higher the skill, the bigger drop" is still valid.

10-4-2012 Cup match problems

We are currently experiencing huge delays with cup matches. We are looking into the problem.

Update 04:12 HT-Time: We have localized the problem for tonights delays with the cup matches. Matches are catching up now, except for Cup matches in Colombia for which we will provide a fix later today.

Update: 12.14 HT time: The Match Engine has now caught up, and the issue with Cup matches in Columbia has been fixed.

10-3-2012 Database hick-up

A little after 14h we experienced problems in one of our databases. Unfortunately we had to take the site down in order to fix it. We stopped the transfermarket while the site was down.
The site is now back up and running, the transfermarket has been restarted and all transfers between 14h and 16h have been extended with 3h.

10-1-2012 National Team Pages are down.

We are experiencing a database issue that causes the National Team pages to return with an Aplication error. We have started a fix on the database, but it will take some time to complete. We expect the problem to be solved in the course of this evening.

9-26-2012 Release notes 26 September

Wednesday is release day for once :)
This week we upgraded the arena size of all bots who still had 7k arena's to 12k capacity. Furthermore, Apple approved a new version of our iPhone App that should have solved the bug preventing the push notifications.
We also reinvited ex-users to rejoin Hattrick and not miss the start of the next season.

9-20-2012 Instant Supporter Trial for new users

From this week on new users signing up to the game will also get 30 day Supporter Trial activated immediately. Also, they will be informed about some of the major Supporter features. Earlier on, new users got this trial after about 1 month in the game, but we hope and think getting it instantly will have a positive effect on both stay rates among new users as well as the Supporter rate. At least we want to try this out.

9-20-2012 Release notes

Today's release contains some things worth knowing:
- A fix for HoF players' stats, which for some could be wrong. Now corrected.
- Fix for the star rating achievement, which said only 1 user had achieved it.
- Youth league admin is now visible on the youth league page.
- For youth leagues that are not full and lacking an admin, any members of that league are shown a note about the state of the league.

9-14-2012 Release notes 14 September

Today we released a fix for a bug in the Manager License that caused users to not be able to complete the task related to the credits.
Some other various small bugs were fixed as well.

9-12-2012 Forum downtime friday 14\09

The forums will be down this friday between 6AM and 7AM (HT time) due to a database move.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

8-23-2012 Release notes 23 August

A number of bugs were fixed this week, the most important ones were related to the recruitment center and finished tournaments.
- Users that signed up through invites ended up with different country in manager and team.
- There was also a bug that messed with the way finished tournaments were showed, now the last 5 tournaments will be showed.

8-16-2012 Manager License, for me?

We accidently happened to switch on the new revamped Manager License for all users. We're on this and it will be removed within a short while (any money collected will also be removed later). Naturally only new user should get this.

8-10-2012 Training settings for new teams

Since yesterday, new teams that join Hattrick start with 100% training intensity and 15% stamina share per default.

8-9-2012 Release notes 09 August

We added a 15th Anniversary category to Hattrick Press where the best articles from the writing contest will be displayed.
We fixed a bug in the Recruitment Centre dealing with pending invites.
We fixed some other minor bugs.

8-2-2012 Release notes 02 August

New users now need to validate their account by email or Facebook in order to write HT-Mails or forum posts or bid on players.
We added the 'Add round to live' button for World Cup games.
We fixed various other minor bugs.

7-27-2012 Release notes 27 July

We have released some new features today:
- The trainer will now allways have a face, even for non-supporters.
- We added a top 50 for our top-recruiters in the recruiters in the Recruitment Centre.
- We also fixed some minor bugs.

7-24-2012 Friendly pool problem

Several users report that they get 'CouldNotCreateMatch' as an error message when trying to join the friendly pool. We will look into the problem and hope to release a fix as soon as possible. It is no longer necessary to report this problem to your GMs.

7-10-2012 Cleanup unread 'my office' messages

From now on we are going to mark unread 'my office' messages as read, two weeks after they have been issued. This is to prevent managers stockpiling unread messages as some managers are believed to have collected over 300 messages.

7-10-2012 Hattrick United problem

There is currently a problem with Hattrick United. We are looking into the problem and hopefully have it fixed soon.

Update: Everything should be fixed and back to normal now.

6-6-2012 Cup draw problems

We are currently looking into a problem with the cup draw. It is no longer necessary to inform your GMs about the problem.

Update: The problems with the cup draw have been solved now. Cup matches for the leagues where the draw went wrong have already been created or will be created in the next few hours. Tomorrow we will delete the matches of those users who managed to book a friendly because of the cup draw problems

5-31-2012 About transfers

The transfer engine is stopped since 19:32, which means no transfers will be executed. It will remain so until we're more sure that normal situation is restored, then we'll start it again. Transfers will then be extended, and given what time it is now (22.00 HT-time) - deadlines are likely to be extended by 24 hours when that happens.

Update: All transfers with a deadline between 19:32 and 00:30 HT time have been extended by 24 hours.

5-31-2012 Unexpected downtime

Tonight we have been confronted with an unexpected downtime (17:20 – 18:50 HT time) because of a firewall problem. Because of the very same problem we were also unable to stop the transfer market and therefore we are unfortunately not able to extend any transfers that ended during the time the site was unavailable. We are very sorry for the consequences this may have for the affected managers.

Update 19:00: We managed to extend the transfers of the last few minutes of the downtime as they had not been finished yet. Transfer with a deadline between 18:47 and 19:15 have been extended by half an hour.

Update 19:37: The site went down again at 19:07 until 19:36 HT time. We have immediately stopped the transfers (from 19:31:52 onwards) when we were able to and will not restart it before we have ensured we are good to go.

Update 19:50: Right now we have strong suspicions pointing towards us having been confronted with DDoS attacks.

Update 21:50: We were down again from around 19:55 to 21:40. Let's hope we can get back to normal again now. For the time being, transfer engine will continue being stopped.

Training updates, youth matches etc have happened just as they should during these problems to reach the site.

5-30-2012 Key players

We have added a little feature called key players, which is aimed mostly as a help for new players. But naturally everyone get access to it. You find your key players (in your trainer's opinion) in the top right box on your players list page.

5-29-2012 Power breakdown

Due to a power breakdown in the server hall, we were down from just before 12.00 HT-time to around 12.50. Transfer deadlines have been extended by 90 minutes.

5-27-2012 Finance updates facing problem in some leagues

There is weekly finance updates problem in some leagues. Unfortunately it is hard to solve, we are sorry that this can not be solved by tonight. We will try our best to tackle the problem tomorrow.

5-26-2012 Old Team Events are not available at the moment

Please be informed that all the old Team Events are temporarily not available until we solve the problem next week.

5-26-2012 Delayed updates

We have problems with some post-game updates being delayed, such as league table generation and top scorer updates. These will tick through eventually, we are sorry for the trouble this may cause in the mean time. Transfers are also executed with some delays tonight. We are working to solve this, but we will probably see delays throughout the evening.

5-22-2012 Release notes

We've released some small fixes today:

- On the tournaments page, the displayed date for the last match round is now correct.
- Fixed a bug in the dashboard that could cause old editorials to be published again.
- In the simple matchorder form, the Supporter feature "played since last training" is now shown (for Supporters).

5-12-2012 Server reboot

We restarted the server on saturday morning, causing about 30 minutes downtime. This to solve issues on the site during the morning. Transfers were delayed two hours from around 10 HT-time.

5-10-2012 Release notes

Today's release contained mostly stuff in the background and some pretty minor changes/improvements for newbies. But some fixes worth mentioning were released as well:

- Some fixes for the blue border indication in the match order (for Supporters), for RTL languages and older IE versions.

- Fixes for a few bugs that could cause pages to crash (transfer, youth player, bid history and youth player history pages).

5-7-2012 About match income (related to the delayed updates)

Please note that if you played a home match during this weekend, for most people the income ended up as an income for last week on your finance page (because of the delayed update).

We had some cases where teams received double match takings (they played at home last week and got that income for this week as well), probably because their updates were running at the same time as matches were played. These cases have now been fixed (double income removed). The vast majority of these teams played in Denmark, but there were some few other cases in other leagues as well.

5-7-2012 The aftermath of the delayed team updates

In some leagues the effect of the delayed weekly updates was just that the update happened later than usual. But in some leagues, the update happened after the league matches, and then it also had out of the ordinary effects on team spirit and team confidence.

This is naturally not a good thing, but there's really no way to fix it in a good way afterwards. So, we will not try to compensate this in any way - as it's just not really possible to do. We unfortunately just have to accept the consequences and that they're not really fair. This is also how we have dealt with issues like this in the past.

The issue causing the delays in the first place is fixed and will not happen again. We will also look into our routines, so we can catch problems like this one at an earlier stage.

Sorry about all this!

5-6-2012 Team updates delayed

Due to a database issue, the weekly team updates (including financial updates, youth scout call and more) are delayed for many countries. The issue is resolved and the remaining updates will occur soon.

5-3-2012 More improvements for new teams

Apart from the Tournaments update release earlier this week, we have focused on doing a lot of (small) things to make the newbie experience better, just as we did last week. Some of these things are worth to mention for everyone:

- New teams are automatically added to the friendly pool in order to get a friendly (their first week only, after that it's up to the manager).
- New teams' trainers automatically arrange a preparation match in the beginning of managers' careers.
- New teams now gets a passable trainer with weak leadership by default.

4-26-2012 Clarification when restarting a tournament

A clarification about something that hasn't been clear enough: When you start a new season of a tournament, the old matches disappears when a new season is created. We have now added information about this when you start a new tournament season.

For all other tournaments which aren't restarted, matches stay for 2 seasons. The final standings are always saved and archived, even for restarted tournaments.

4-26-2012 Release notes

Mostly stuff for new teams today:

- New team activation is now done every 5th minute (previously 15)

- Fixed lineup assistant for preparation matches

- For all teams, the trainer will field a simple lineup to avoid WO if the managers hasn't set any lineup at all (= if team has 0 players in the lineup). Will more or less only occur for new teams.

- The first time a new manager visit the order page, a default lineup is created automatically (4-4-2, as suggested by the lineup assistant)

- We started testing if showing player faces have an impact on new users' stay rates. 50% of the new users will see player faces (despite not being Supporters), the other 50% will see the silhouettes as normal.

- Added some missing leagues to the Currency exchange rates appendix.

4-21-2012 Severe delays

We've had severer delays and slowness on the site today which we have worked hard to diagnose and fix. We took down the server to reboot the database, and now all systems are up and running but the site is still not responding as quickly as we'd like. We are continuing trying to solve this. In the mean time, we have postponed all transfers from between 9 and 17 today by between 12 and 3 hours (so they all have deadlines tonight). If necessary, we may extend these deadlines again. We are very sorry for not making it possible for all our users to enjoy their games today.

4-21-2012 Server to restart

We will take the site down to make a full restart of all system. We hope this can resolve the slowness we have experienced today.

3-31-2012 Morning issue caused delays

We had a small hiccup with the database this morning between 9.10 and 10 HT-time. The site is now running as it should again, but with some delays that should recover within the next hours if not sooner. Transfers between 8.30 and 10.30 were postponed by 3 hours.

3-30-2012 Still occasional problems arranging friendlies

We are still suffering from some occasional errors when trying to arrange a friendly, just as the two past weeks. We have done quite a lot of troubleshooting and work on this, but we haven't nailed the root to these errors yet. We will naturally continue to work on this until a solution is found.

If you get a strange error (Can't create match) when trying to arrange a friendly, please just try again.

3-30-2012 Friday morning database issue

During early Friday morning our database ran into some issues, which affected the site. The site was hard to access (ultimately not accessible at all). This was solved around 7.30 and we then also postponed between 6.48 and 8.00 by 3 hours. We are sorry for the inconvenience!

3-20-2012 Release notes

Some fixes for you today:

- Fix for fixed team spirit level in tournament games, now works on content level as it should.
- Fix in MLC, some new users did not get the 3 credits as they should get after completing challenge #17.
- Removed Facebook like for RTL languages (until that API has better support for RTL), as it caused the site to move to the right instead of being in the center.
- Fix for the occasional application error you could experience when going to the world or country (league) page.

3-16-2012 Occasional problems arranging friendlies

We have got some reports about occasional errors when trying to arrange a friendly. If you get a strange error (Can't create match) when trying to arrange a friendly, please just try again.

We will look closer into these problems on Monday.

3-15-2012 Release notes

Some bug fixes and small additions included in today's release:

- Fixed a presentational bug in the fan number changes, the fan loss when changing region or team name was not included.
- Fixed a recent bug in the arena page, which messed up the look of the arena page in case you changed something related to the arena (such as cutting pattern or arena name).
- Added matchtype icons to match report
- Added "Points per played game" to Historical standings

3-13-2012 Small change in Tournament start time

The distribution for the tournament starting time wasn't working as it should (it should pick a time within the selected 55 minute range), so all tournaments created so far had an exact starting time.

We have fixed it and have changed the time for tournaments that are not filled out yet, adding the corresponding minutes.

Tournaments with already created matches have not been affected.

3-13-2012 Release notes

Apart from the major feature Tournaments (see editorial space for more info), today's release also contains some fixes:

- Fix for a (presentational) issue when changing coach
- Fix for flag tooltip problem in the friendly pool

3-8-2012 Newbie matches, removed evil spirits and more in today's release

The biggest news in the today's release is Newbie preparation matches. New users can set up and play instant preparation matches, making it easier for them to find players' best positions and get a better understanding of how the matches work.

New users set up these matches from the match list page, and are matched against another newbie also wanting a match. If no other user is found within some minutes, you play against a bot team instead. The match start 30 minutes after setting it up and orders have to be submitted 5 minutes before match start.

These matches are available for new users for their first 60 days in the game. You can play 3 matches per 7 days. However, you can't play a preparation match if you're already playing a game or if your next match starts within 150 minutes.

Apart from this, we've cast a few magic spells to remove the evil spirits that has affected players since the end of last week (players have had angry faces). We have also:

- Fixed a few site problems for RTL languages
- Fixed a login bug for users using IE7
- Fixed a few bugs related to our big code optimization last week
- Made a few SEO (search engine optimization) improvements

3-5-2012 Forum downtime at 12:00 today

The forums will be down from 12:00 HT-time today, because of maintenance. We are moving the forum to faster disks.

We estimate that this move will take about 1,5 hours.

Update @12:35
It seems we're getting errors on other pages when closing down the forums, so the forums are up again. We're troubleshooting this, and while doing so you may experience errors from time to time.

Update @13:15
We have called this forum maintenance off, we will not move the forums today. We'll do it another day instead (after we've sorted out what's causing the errors).

2-29-2012 The past weekend's delays: Reasons and solutions

There were several reasons for the delays this past weekend, which in combination - and together with the heavy load on the site - caused the severe delays we experienced. Because it's important to remember; the load on the servers and the database is always heavier during first league round (mainly because the large number of online users), which decreases the normal 'safety margins'.

Here are a short summary of the reasons, and what we do about them:

- We have optimized the code and database functions on several places, and more optimizing will take place before the end of the week. Because it's apparent that some new code released the past couple of months wasn't efficient enough to cope with this heavy load.

- One disk in our disk storage system broke down in the beginning of the weekend. While rebuilding itself to a spare one (which takes quite a while), the system is slower than usual. On Sunday this spare one broke as well (Mr Murphy, we will keep an eye on you from now on!). Both these disks have now been replaced by new ones.

- We have moved the forum to a new database, to allow main Hattrick more resources (bigger safety margins).

- We have moved several processes and updates that don't have to be run on match days to other days instead, also to allow main Hattrick more resources (bigger safety margins).

2-28-2012 Forum down

The forum will be down until approximately 12:40 HT-time due to it being moved to another database to increase the performance of Hattrick.

2-26-2012 Delayed games from saturday

The delayed games from yesterday that cannot be viewed, probably won't be available until tomorrow. The games have been played but can't be shown properly, and we need a code release to fix this, something we can't do today with causing new delays. But training, finances, etc should be safe. We are sorry for this and hope for your patience in this matter.

We were able to make the changes to the system and now this problem should be solved.

2-25-2012 Delays and general slowness

We are experiencing some problems now which manifests themselves to you as delays and a slow site.

We're working on solving the issue.

Transfers between 14:00 and 15:30 (HT-Time) has been extended with 180 minutes.

We had to take the site offline for a while to help the system catch up a bit.

We now hope the system will start to catch up but it will be a slow process. Delays are to be expected through out the day.

UPDATE SUNDAY MORNING: No delays any longer, and Sunday morning games have started on time. We have made several changes to the system over the night which we hope will have effect. However, we cannot guarantee that there will be no delays today and we will monitor the site closely.

2-24-2012 Series stats change and added match icons in today's release

Most of our time is devoted to the upcoming feature Tournaments, so today's release will not exactly be remembered as one of the biggest in our history. But it does include things we know will be very welcomed.

- From this season on only league matches (not qualifiers or other games) will count for series stats and series ranking.

- We have added match type icons when you load the list of past matches lineups (in the match order form). Gives you a better overview.

2-18-2012 Wrong teams advanced in U20 world cup

When the groups for round 2 in the U20 world cup was drawn someone had been mixing up the tables, and the wrong teams ended up in next round while some teams were wrongfully eliminated. The tables will be corrected and round 2 will be recalculated as soon as possible.

Update: The tables for round 1 and the groups/matches for next round has now been corrected.

2-15-2012 Logos Upload

There is a problem with uploading logos to hattrick, including match kits.
We are in process to solve the problem, and it will work in the next few of hours.
In case you are missing some logos, they will also appear soon.

2-15-2012 Double friendlies

Because of the delays yesterday evening there are some teams who've arranged double friendlies this week. However, we will not remove/delete these friendlies in this late hour as it would be unfair to the opponents (who then might not get to play a friendly at all).

2-15-2012 Major match delays

Tonight we've had some major delays caused by the creation of matches for the cup that starts next week. Unfortunately we won't be able to fix this tonight, so the delays are likely to increase even more. We're sorry for any inconvenience, we're working as fast as we can.

The matchengine caught up during the night and we've been working today on optimizing the creation of cupmatches, so hopefully it will run smoothly from now on. Thank you for your patience.

2-13-2012 Release notes

This release includes a lot of small changes and improvements (some 1000-2000) to the background code, mostly related to how matches are handled. This is nothing you will really see anything of, but nevertheless it's worth to mention. All this was needed for a coming feature we're working on, but will also be great help (and sometimes needed) in general in our future development of Hattrick.

Apart from all this we've also fixed a problem related to the rating achievement:

- There's been a difference between how the average match rating is calculated in the match report and for the rating achievement. This is now fixed and both use the same calculation (the one earlier used for the match report). Please note that this change will only apply for any new achievement you get from now on.

2-1-2012 Release notes

Some small fixes for you:

- Fixed rounding issue on sector ratings prediction (causing inconsistency between viewing the ratings in bars and denominations)

- HT-mails with only blank spaces in subject are now possible to open

- Added missing HT Live links on the cup match page

1-27-2012 Release notes

In this week's release there are a few fixes you should be aware about:

- The training report for non-Supporters is now shown in My Office, as intended.

- When a cup is finished, the last round of it is also shown.

- The option to set team attitude (play it cool, match of the season) for a youth match has been removed from the order interfaces. This because the team spirit in youth teams is always the same (team attitude settings don't effect team spirit after a youth game has been played).

- The flag map in French is now working as it should again.

1-17-2012 Short interruptions

After the today's downtime we've experienced two short interruptions, and there might perhaps be a few more. Although it can be a bit irritating, it's nothing to worry about. It's just due to some relocating work in the server hall, but there will not be any interruptions after 18:00 (when matches start) at least.

Sorry about this, we'll try to keep it to the very minimum.

1-11-2012 Forum posts not being marked as read

We have received notice that forum posts are not being marked as read, which can be very annoying. We are aiming to release a fix for this problem tomorrow.

Edit: This problem should be sorted out now.

1-9-2012 Various youth academy problems

During the weekend we've had problems with the youth academies, of various kinds. Matches have been late, some youth leagues are waiting for fixtures, etc. We're looking into this.

Update: These problems should now be sorted out. If you still encounter any problem, please report it to your local GM using the contact form in the Help section.

12-10-2011 Concerning failed transfers

There were some failed transfers between HT time 08 Dec 2011 23:00 and 09 Dec 2011 06:00, i.e. players sold not move to the new team; players bought not move to the new team. Some teams have received the sale's amount more than once.

If you are affected, please do not re-list your player and do not spend the money not belonged to you. We are trying to solve the problem.

Updates: We have decided not to move the failed-to-transfer players. All the buyers will get money refunded, all the sellers will get sale's money deducted and transfer fee refunded, teams that received previous club and mother club money from the failed transfers will also get their money deducted. Sellers can go ahead to re-list their players. Everyone affected will get receive a Staff message explaining the amount of money refunded/deducted.

We will update you when this is finally solved. Until then, thanks for the patience and we are sorry for the inconvenience caused. Lastly, we will find the culprit of the failed transfers and fix it for good.

12-5-2011 Problems with financial updates in some leagues

We are looking into problems with the financial updates in some leagues, where (some) teams received too much money from the weekly update. We don't yet know if it's possible to correct this, but we are investigating which leagues (and which teams in those leagues) are affected and then we'll see what we can do about this. More info to follow.

Update 14:00
These problems have now been solved. Four leagues (Poland, Sweden, Austria and Ukraine) were affected, and most teams (but not all) in those leagues got a erroneous update.

Please note that some of your income for this week may be displayed as income from last week (if you were affected). This is however just a presentational issue, the amount of money is correct.

12-1-2011 Release Notes December 1

Some minor changes in the release today.

* Fixed a bug that caused the MLC to break for returning users
* Fixed a bug that caused the youth match archive to display incorrectly
* Fixed a bug that caused the series page to sometimes display the wrong amount of recent visits
* Fixed a recent bug that caused notifications for transfer-listed bookmarked players to not work

11-28-2011 Release notes November 28

This release contains many small tweaks and fixes to recently released things, such as Gears, youth files for CHPP, Stats, and the option for returning users to skip the MLC. One visible thing that has changed is the fixing of a rounding error of the Loyalty values in the match order interface.

During the past week we have also devoted a lot of attention to improving the overall speed on the site. We have fine-tuned many pages which had reduced the overall load on the database to around one third of what it was before. This means the site should be perceived as more responsive at any given moment. However, we still have problems with team updates and matched being delayed, and we are continuing to work on this.

11-26-2011 Match delays

We have several leagues with delayed matches today. We have been working hard on optimizing the site in the last 2 weeks, which has led to a faster overall site, but we have still not been able to prevent the match delays, for which we are sorry. But we are working on this!

11-17-2011 Release notes for November 17

This week we have worked on backend stuff, such as further tweaking the new stats. But we have also released new files for CHPP developers, who will now be able to access player pages of the youth academies. It will be interesting to see what comes out of that. Here are the other things we have changed that may be of public interest this week:

- Bug fixed in Rating Prediction: Away team was being treated as always being in a derby game
- Fixed that sorting did not work as expected after clicking links on the series stats page, when reaching it through a link
- At signup, new team names will be checked against a list of blacklisted names
- Price info about Gears was added to About Gears page
- Fixed rounding error in Loyalty ratings - now it works similar to all other skills
- Added possibility for returning users to skip MLC
- Fixed bug that prevented U20 coaches from using the simple match order interface
- Fixed bug that teams could (very rarely) go without a trainer, something which caused pages to break
- Fixed error in ratings bars and numbers displayed when actual rating value was non-existent
- We removed some broken links on the Hattrick Downweb page (let's hope we never get to see it again, anyway!)

10-31-2011 Loyalty bugs

We're currently looking into two bugs related to loyalty (which has just been released today):

- Players bought directly from the mother club are shown as they will get full loyalty even in their new club.
- Rating predictor, some strange behaviour reported.

Edit: These two bugs have now been fixed.

10-28-2011 Release Notes for October 28

It's been a busy week at Hattrick HQ, in anticipation of next week's releases. For the release today, the obvious thing is the new election system which went live this morning. Apart from that, these are the fixes and updates that we want to share with you today:

- Added support for coming Loyalty feature in the Ratings Predictor

- Fixed a layout issue in RTL Simple skin where the sidebar box got shifted 10px only in match setup page, updated styles ...

- Fix for no captain in lineup blocking order form load

- Removed unnecessary white spaces in youth series page

- Langificiation issue in the youth league admin page

- Sort by shirt number by default for youth players in match orders page

- Bug fix login issue on new startpage

10-26-2011 Database problems

We're currently having some trouble with the database being heavily overloaded. This can result in various actions not working, sacking players for one. We're working on it and expect to have it back to normal before midnight. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

10-25-2011 Hardware failure

Due to a hardware failure our site was unavailable for slightly more than half an hour. Because of this, transfers between 16:00:35 and 16:35:00 have been extended by 1 hour. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

10-20-2011 Release notes for Thursday 20th October 2011

This week we have mainly worked on things that will be released in the coming weeks, such as the loyalty change. But there is a collection of smaller changes to the site as well:

You may notice some minor changes to the training page, including a new box for training status summary and a right hand menu link to training status page. Individual instructions page has been tidied up.

A bug that caused an application error when clicking the breadcrumb links of a series was fixed.

We added a qualifier icon to the "next season" series table, to clarify what teams may end up where

We have done a few fixes to the ratings predictor during the week, to make sure it works as described.

10-13-2011 Release notes for Thursday October 13th 2011

Today is release Thursday and here is what we have coming for you :

- The lineup suggestion tool for newbies and the ratings predictor are now available in the simple match order form.

- As announced last week, a player sold while his team is playing a match doesn't change team until after the game is over. This exception also applies if the buyer is playing a game. The transfer is blocked from 15 minutes before the game starts to 10 minutes after the final whistle. A message on the player's page will inform you of this change, 120 minutes before the end of the transfer.

- The ratings predictor always took overcrowding into account when giving ratings, we have now fixed it so that overcrowding is factored in only when it occurs.

As always there were other tweaks and fixes behind the scenes to better improve your Hattrick experience.

10-8-2011 Summary of today's downtime

Starting at around 14.30 the site became unavailable. The system itself (databases and game engine) worked fine, but the web was overloaded and we started troubleshooting this. This is fairly normal, it happens daily and most of the time users never notice since the system automatically handles this. But when the site is more busy we sometimes need to give the system a hand ourselves.

In any case, this didn't work so we had to look at other potential causes. The firewall did not respond which is very rare, so we took the site down and restarted it manually. We also started checking through all code changes in the last weeks to see if we had added anywhere something that might cause heavier load on the servers. It turns out we had, and those changes have been reverted.

It is a weakness of Hattrick that problems like this (which are, after all, natural when you have a system that constantly evolves) are often exposed on Saturdays, when we have most people online and bottlenecks are more likely to emerge. We are very aware of this and try to time releases so that we minimize these kinds of risks, but we will try and think of other ways to avoid this happening again.

Because of the problems we decided to extend all transfers which had their deadline between 14:30 and 21:00 HT Time by 24 hours.

10-6-2011 Release notes for Thursday October 6th 2011

This is release Thursday and here is what we have coming for you.

- As some of you may have noticed, we have had issues with re-Live recently. These should all be fixed now and the "next" button should work as intended.

- We have removed the Most Expensive transfers on the Stats Players page, as the data there wasn't correct and it was misleading.

- We've added a cookie that remembers your last login date so that we can distinguish returning users from new users and better cater which login page is shown to whom. The privacy policy has been updated to reflect this change.

- We've added a link called On going match that will show up in the header during your matches. With it you can easily access the live page for your on going match if you surf away. It also acts as a reminder that you have a match going on right now.

As always there were other tweaks and fixes behind the scenes to better improve your Hattrick experience.

9-29-2011 New transfer compare

As you may have noticed, a new transfer compare was announced in the release notes. The changes focus on giving better comparisons with a focus on removing behaviors which created an option to exploit the tool to making profit while improving the quality of the results. There are no fixed ranges anymore for skills in certain domains. Each skill, if it is high enough, is compared in a range (and not an exact value) which is no longer set in stone.

The tool now compares, in range of ages, unique players and not that common old players. To compensate for the range of ages, the range of skills that are of third and fourth in order of importance are compared in a wider range with an upside bias.

9-29-2011 Release notes for Thursday September 29th 2011

This is release Thursday and here is what we have coming for you :

- We've slightly modified the House rules in regards to federations, to more closely represent the rules applied.

- We've modified the formula for Transfer Compare to give you a more accurate comparison. (more details in the other system info)

- If there is an error during the saving of a lineup, you will no longer be redirected away from the match order page.

As always there were other tweaks and fixes behind the scenes to better improve your Hattrick experience.

9-28-2011 All coaches finally know when they arrived.

All coaches that have not been "Hall of Famed" now know when they have joined your club. As for the coaches in your Hall of Fame, there is no plan right now to fix their dates.

9-27-2011 Coaches finally know when they arrived.

It has been a long lasting bug in Hattrick that when you converted a player into a coach, the date of his joining your club would be reset. This is no more! Coaches converted from now on will now show the original date they joined your club.

We are still working on fixing the dates for past coaches. We will keep you informed once it's done!

9-25-2011 Service Unavailable

We had a short down time in our services and had to stop the transfers because of it. The service is back to normal now and transfers with their deadline between 13.32 and 13.40 have been extended by 15 minutes.

9-22-2011 Release notes for Thursday September 22nd 2011

Today is release Thursday and here is what we have coming for you:

- You can no longer report federation posts. But the link is still there and it explains to you how things should be dealt with when you stumble upon a post or situation that you think is unacceptable.

- It used to be that once you had booked a match through the friendly pool, you couldn't unsubscribe from it, until you had entered it again. This has now changed. You can now unsubscribe from the friendly pool at anytime.

- Now to reset your password you only need your login name or email address instead of both.

-Also some of you may have come across some weird text on your match order interface these past couple of weeks. This was a problem with caching of the interface. We've now resolved those caching issues, so they don't happen again in the future.

- For the past few weeks, the colours on the player list in the match order interface had mistakenly changed making it harder for some to differentiate them. We've brought back the old and trusted shades.

- And finally, still in the match order interface, the player skills are now ordered the same way as on your players' page.

As always there were other tweaks and fixes behind the scenes to better improve your Hattrick experience.

9-19-2011 What's in that tea? Stamina bug fixed.

Thanks to Lizardopoli's research, we were able to discover that ever since we have moved to minute based training, any player being substituted in at minute 51 or after would perform at max level with no drops, no matter if he had excellent or disastrous stamina.

So this has now been fixed. We have changed the recipe for the half time tea and players entering in the second half will perform according to their stamina level.

9-15-2011 Release notes for Thursday, September 15

Today we have made a release, and the list is a little longer than usual since we did a Bugsmash workshop to clean up our to do lists a bit after the summer.

This went live today:

- A bug fix in the match highlights when showing substitution + reposition without formation change
- Simplified interface for rejoining the friendly pool
- Invite links in series table removed for users who are already waiting to have an invite accepted
- A big pile of small RTL (Right-to-left) issues
- We now display the average age stats with years and days more correctly
- We activated player-swap also on the simple match order interface (released for advanced on Monday)
- The ability for HtPress authors to delete comments was removed
- We now allow CHPP developers to moderate their product forums
- We localized some texts in press announcements page (so that it can be read in your user language rather the just english)
- We added 20 minutes to the IsPlayingMatch-check before the game starts. This means the warning about players on the transfer market who may be about to play a game has been extended
- Error-box if something went wrong while saving match order is now shown
- Former users now shown as "Previous user" in PA comments
- Skillbars added to the matchorder interface for youth
- Fixed bug in flip match orders for IE7/8
- Fixed bug with datepicker on forum page
- Final SMS when bidding closes is now sent
- Mother club and previous fund money are now given when buying your own player
- NT achievement is given when period is finished instead of when it starts
- Fixed corrupt data for Cup round achievements
- Inactivity e-mail reminders now include the loginname
- Small tweaks to the start up and registration pages, part of an ongoing project to encourage visitors to sign up for a team. Includes things like screenshots, updated About Hattrick page, slimmer registration form, etc. These are tests only which means features may come and go.

Finally, some changes from last week:

- The match order form now takes user preference for show skill bars into account
- Made phone number required on shipping details
- Added downloads page for wallpapers and moved them from About Hattrick to downloads
- Added new wallpapers with the correct aspect ratio
- Bug fix on Stamina graph on playerchart
- Made the arena usage percentage an option (from pie charts) in the site preferences.

9-7-2011 Small hick up

We had a small hick up in our services and had to stop the transfers because of it. The service is back to normal now and transfers with their deadline between 14:26:25 and 14:44:00 have been extended by half an hour.

8-31-2011 Incorrect data about formupdates

We have had an error in the old form data for some players. This error can be seen in the latest form changes on the trainingpage for supporters where the old form is wrong for some players.

The data will be corrected at the next training update.

8-29-2011 Not possible to promote youth players and application errors

At the moment it is not possible to promote youth players. At the same time several pages give application errors. We are looking into the problems and try to fix them as soon as possible. There is no further need to report this to your GMs.

Update: These problems have been solved now.

8-27-2011 Delayed youth matches

We are aware matches in the youth academy have delays. We are investigating the causes and try to have them up and running as soon as possible.

Some club officials are also working hard on printing player names on the match jerseys. Right now they are missing for players in several youth matches and therefore they appear as unknown player in the match report.

Update: Matches have caught up.

Update2: The club officials have caught up with printing the player names and there should be no more unknown players now.

8-20-2011 CHPP Closing

It seems that the problems with CHPP are still with us, so we are opting to turn off all CHPP for the time being.

We will keep you updated as we monitor the situation.

We thank you for your patience as we try to solve these problems once and for all.

Update : CHPP is now back on. We will work this week again on solving the issues CHPP has been causing.

8-18-2011 Training page not responding

Some of you may experience an application error when trying to access your training page. This mostly affects new users.

Due to a planned database maintenance, we are unable to fix it right away, but we will get it sorted as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience.

Update : The pages should now be accessible by everyone once again.

8-18-2011 Release notes for Thursday August 18th 2011

Today is release Thursday and here is what we have coming for you :

- On your CHPP Products preferences page, you can now find the dates at which those products were last accessed.

We have been hard at work on fixing the issues with CHPP that have been causing the problems on Saturdays. We are hopeful that this time, they are solved for good!

And of course as usual there were other tweaks and fixes behind the scenes to better improve your Hattrick experience.

8-13-2011 CHPP closed this weekend

We believe we've finally pinned down CHPP as the cause of the delays during the weekends lately. Because of this CHPP will be completely closed for the rest of the weekend. Not only for Live viewers as previously stated, but all CHPP programs.

We will now start to investigate exactly what in CHPP it is that is causing this, and hope that next weekend we can finally be rid of all the delays!

We're sorry for any inconvenience this causes you and thank you for your patience.


CHPP was reopened on Monday morning and we have since then worked on the issue that was causing this problem. We believe that it is resolved and that we will be able to have CHPP running this weekend (and onwards).

8-12-2011 CHPP Live viewers disabled this weekend

In an effort to solve our performance problems on Saturdays, starting tonight after the NT matches, we will disable the Live xml files. This means that all CHPP Live viewers will return errors when trying to access that information. In essence those files gives CHPP products live data during matches.

We thank you for your patience while we try to solve those problems and we are sorry for any and all inconvenience this has caused you.

8-11-2011 Release notes for Thursday August 11th 2011

Today is release Thursday and here is what we have coming for you :

- We've brought back the live tables to HT Live.

- We fixed some minor bugs in the match order form.

And of course as usual there were other tweaks and fixes behind the scenes to better improve your Hattrick experience as we keep working on fixing the problems that have been plaguing the site on weekends.

8-5-2011 Wage reduction

All players who aged in the night of Thursday to Friday and should have had a salary update haven't.

We are looking into it. There is no need to report it to your local GMs.

Update : Players have now aged properly and gotten their salary update.

8-4-2011 Release notes for Thursday August 4th 2011

Today is release Thursday and here is what we have coming for you.

- You can now add a comment when reporting a forum post explaining why you feel it needs a moderator's attention.

- In the Youth Academy match reports have had weird formations appearing after certain swaps. This presentational bug has been fixed.

- We've temporarily removed the live tables from HT Live to see if it helps solve the weekend delay problems.

- The Hall of Fame is viewable again for non supporters. This had been removed by mistake.

And of course as usual there were other tweaks and fixes behind the scenes to better improve your Hattrick experience.

7-28-2011 Release notes for Thursday July 28th 2011

Today is release Thursday and here is what we have coming for you :

- Directly from Gusy's goody bag, you can now search your received or sent HT-Mails by alias or user ID.

-There was a bug in the match order form, in regards to the click and swap from subs to player list, making the player on the subs bench disappear but no player coming in to replace him. This has been fixed.

-Show faces settings is now available for non supporters under site preferences.

-Walkovers shouldn't be breaking the series fixtures any longer.

And of course as usual there were other tweaks and fixes behind the scenes to better improve your Hattrick experience.

7-23-2011 Matches delayed

Due to a problem with the server running matches, all matches are currently delayed. The matches are running at full speed and will catch up eventually.

Update: Matches have caught up.

Update 2 : Matches and updates are late. The engine will eventually catch up. This goes for youth matches as well.

Update 3: Seniors matches are back on track. Youthmatches will probably need most of the day to catch up.

Final update : The engine has finally caught up to everything. Matches are now being played as scheduled.

7-21-2011 Release notes for Thursday July 21st 2011

This is release Thursday and here is what we have coming for you.

-You can now delete in one click, all the finished transfers that you had hotlisted.

- On the youth player page, in the right column, you now have a drop down menu to all your other youth players, just like you can find on your senior players' pages.

There were other fixes and optimizations done behind the scenes to better your Hattrick experience.

7-7-2011 Release notes for Thursday July 7th 2011

And we are back to our regularly scheduled release Thursday and here is what we have coming for you.

- You now have alternative video links in the Hosting competition page should the content of Youtube be blocked where you are.

- We've added a new FB like button to the Start page. This is part of a bigger Facebook integration project, that is starting slowly. You will eventually get a setting for Facebook in your preferences, once the project is further along.

There are, as always, many other tweaks and fixes mostly behind the scenes to give you a better Hattrick experience.

6-30-2011 Release notes for Thursday June 30th 2011

This week we have a second release!

-A much awaited feature is being introduced on your team page. You can now find out, from the source itself, what series you will be promoting or demoting to.

-We've also added a new ball on the system info page for CHPP. That way, if for a reason or another we need to deactivate CHPP, you will be able to find out at a glance!

-When, or rather if, we have to disable the dashboard, also known as My Office, you will now find the System info box on the MyHT page.

-You can now hotlist a player directly from the transfer search result page.

-The problem caused by banners with the match order form and the invitation page are now solved.

There are, as always, a few other minor tweaks and fixes.

6-29-2011 My Office's disappearance

You might have noticed My Office missing on and off for the past few days. As we are doing some optimization work on it, we have had to do that.

It is disabled right now, and will remain like that till tomorrow at the earliest. We are sorry for the inconvenience this creates to new users especially, but to everyone who has gotten used to seeing it there.

You can find the system info messages by clicking on Help and then System info and you can read the latest news by clicking on News.

6-29-2011 Another down time, another transfer extension

Because of a down time of a few minutes the transfers between 11:42 and 12:00 have been extended by 30 minutes.

We know these problems are irritating, we are doing what we can to regulate the situation.

6-28-2011 Extended transfers

Because of short down time transfers between 21:50 to 22:30 HT Time have been extended by for 40 minutes.

6-28-2011 Release notes for Tuesday June 28th 2011

Today is release Tuesday and here is what we have coming for you :

-Today we are releasing player swaps to the Youth Academy.

-We've added a tool tip to explain the different types of default lineups. Make sure you have a look, it might clear things up for you.

-The privacy settings are back for non supporters. They were mistakenly hidden.

- The current match box on the team page will now show the right information when facing a walk over.

- There is a new Hattrick United widget for National Teams

- There is now a link on the national team page leading directly to the group of the team.

There were also some other minor tweaks and fixes.

6-27-2011 Exceptional down time transfer extension.

Transfers set to finish between 10:10 HT Time this morning and 23:00 HT Time tonight have been extended by 24hours.

6-26-2011 Weekend woes.

Because of the issues we've had this weekend, some of the teams got their qualifiers given before the league tables were updated with this week's results. This caused some teams to not get their deserved qualifying match and others to get a match they shouldn't have gotten.

We are aware of the situation and we are working on it.

Keep in mind that in the affected leagues, the qualifiers will need to be recalculated. We can't say exactly when this will happen, but it will be done in good time before the games next weekend and there will be a My Hattrick message informing the leagues concerned.

We've also brought back My Office. In order for it to work as it should, you might need to log out and back in.

6-25-2011 Transfers extended, again.

Because of slowness on the site again, transfers between 14:15 and 15 HT time, they have been extended by 60 minutes.

We recommend that you set a lineup as soon as possible, in these unstable times, it is best to be safe than sorry.

UPDATE: Transfers between 18:05 and 19:05 have also been extended for 60 minutes because of the site being slow again.

6-25-2011 Transfers extended.

Transfers between approximately 12:30 and 14:00 HT Time have now been extended by 90 minutes.

6-25-2011 Saturday Slow times

In a continued effort to solve these slow times on Saturday, we are having to disable Foxtrick. This is to see if they could be the cause of the problems.

Update : We have also now disabled My Office.

Update 2 (13:30) : We have now re-enabled Foxtrick.

6-24-2011 Problem setting lineups

If you are encountering problems accessing the match order interface. Try clearing your cache, ctrl F5 will do the trick on most browsers. Try even a couple of times.

We are investigating the issue to fix it permanently but until then, this might work.

6-21-2011 Working on problems

As we are working to solve the problems that have been causing the down times on Saturdays, we need to disable My Office for a few minutes to eliminate it from the suspects list. It will be back promptly.

6-18-2011 Unplanned maintenance

We had to take the site down for unplanned maintenance after the system experiencing a lot of problems throughout the evening. We were completely down for around 30 min. Transfers between 18:00 and 20:40 unfortunately could not be extended. Transfers between 20:40 and 22:20 HT time have however been extended by 2,5 hours. There might still be some lingering problems for CHPP apps but this will sort itself out in an hour or so. Thanks for your patience.

6-18-2011 Transfers extended.

Because of today's down time, transfers between 13:10 and 14:30 HT Time have been extended by 3 hours and transfers between 14:30 and 15:05 have been extended by 2 hours.

We are still investigating the cause of these frustrating Saturdays down times. We thank you for your patience.

6-13-2011 Maintenance information

Tomorrow between 8:00 and 11:00 HT Time we are running maintenance on some of our servers. The application running the transfers will be down, so we've extended transfers between 8 and 11 tomorrow by three hours.

The site will be up and running as usual. You will still be able to place bids during that time, simply no players will have deadlines scheduled then.

Also matches on HTO will not be played for those three hours.

6-10-2011 Transfers extended.

We had a short down time this evening. We were able to stop transfers at 19:35 HT Time. Transfers between 19:35 and 19:50 were extended by 30 minutes.

We thank you for your patience and we apologize for the inconvenience.

6-8-2011 Release notes for June 8th 2011

Today is release Wednesday and here is what we have coming for you.

We've tweaked many of the supporter features released last week in regards to avatars and press announcements.

You will again be able to see editorials on the news page. A bug had made them disappear.

And for those who didn't have an avatar but want one, the page will now allow you access.

There were also minor tweaks and fixes.

6-7-2011 Short downtime

Around 22.30 HT-time we had a short downtime, and because of this transfers were extended by 30 minutes. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

6-7-2011 Avatar edit

For those of you who are supporter but never picked an avatar before, you are probably running into problems now trying to edit an avatar that doesn't exist.

We are preparing a fix for this, but in the mean time feel free to use this link (/Club/Manager/avatar.aspx) to create your avatar and then edit it to your heart's content!

6-4-2011 Transfers extended

Because of slowness on the sites this evening, the transfers between 18:50 and 20:00 HT Time have been extended by 90 minutes.

We again want to thank you for your patience.

6-1-2011 Release notes for June 1st 2011

As part of release Wednesday you will notice that your Secretary's eyes and mouth might have changed. This is, in fact, to reflect his correct mood.

The Hattrick Open background has also been removed.

There are other tweaks and fixes released, but nothing really worth mentioning for now.

5-26-2011 Release notes for May 26th 2011

Today is release Thursday and here are some of the things we have coming for you:

- We launch a new transfers page, it is more complete and has all the correct information. You will find it where the old one used to be.

- You will no longer get ticker notification from ignored users on the forums.

- A message will now be displayed to inform you that the transfer engine might have been stopped if transfers are delayed for more than 5 minutes. That message will be visible on the transfer page, and on the players who's transfer should have ended more than 5 minutes ago.

- The Hattrick United widget on your team page is now active for supporters.

There were also other minor tweaks and fixes.

5-24-2011 Extended transfers once again.

Because of an attack around 11:37 HT Time, transfers between 11:37 and 12:30 approximately have been extended by one hour.

We thank you for your understanding as we find ways to prevent these attacks from spoiling your and our fun everyday.

5-23-2011 Transfers extended

As we suffered another DDoS attack we have extended transfers between 11:30 and 12 HT time by 60 minutes.

We are working on countering these attacks. We have been somewhat successful in that they now don't last as long as they once did. But we're still not there yet! So we urge you to plan ahead and make sure you make your lineups, so that you aren't caught off guard.

We thank you for your patience.

5-21-2011 No access for some CHPP programs

We have discovered a security problem that have forced us to close the access for those CHPP applications that still use the old security code access method. The new access method that has been available since November has been implemented by most CHPP apps works fine though. If your CHPP app cannot connect to Hattrick, you will not be able to download data from Hattrick for the time being. Once your program has an update to the new access method available, you will be able to install this and resume access.

5-21-2011 Network issues

During Saturday, we have again had network problems making it hard to reach the site. We are sorry for this but believe they have now been resolved. Transfers were extended by 90 minutes.

5-20-2011 CHPP Product connexion problems

CHPP products using the security code as a connection method are not able to connect right now. We are looking into this situation.

CHPP products using the new OAuth token system are not affected by this problem.

Update : CHPP apps using the security code should work again now.

5-18-2011 Transfers extended

Due to a new ddos attack the Hattrick site was temporarily unavailable. We stopped the transfers around 17:12 HT-time and have extended all transfers until 17:30 with half an hour.

5-18-2011 Release Notes for May 18th 2011 - Operation Bugsplat

Today is release Wednesday and after Operation Bugsplat we have a lot of fixes coming for you!

-NT games are now visible in a player's match history

-We still had a few events that would pop up in the ticker untranslated, those are now fixed.

- If a Hattrick Master's match went into extra time, the results could be seen before the end of the match on the team's page. This is no longer the case.

-It is no longer possible to see the star rating for a rookie before the end of his first match

-Likes, on your Press Announcements, by people you have blocked are now silently ignored.

-All the tabs that are available for club teams on the future match pages are now also available for National Teams.

- There has been a few Right to Left languages issues fixed.

- The National Cup winners are now showed next to the correct season.

-There were some players that had lost their bodies. Thankfully we've been able to find them!

- For youth players who've scored a hat trick and signed a contract, these events are shown as youth but also stay with the senior player when they are promoted.

- You can now comment on and like Hattrick Press articles.

-We had youth players who aged one year in one day because of how the age was displayed when being pulled. This should no longer be the case.

-Fan mood doesn't update before the end of a match any longer.

-When your Supporter package expires and you do not renew it, your friendly and cup default lineups will now only be kept for 7 days.

-As it is impossible for you to bid on players that you can not afford, we've added a 5% deduction to incoming available money to account for fees you will not receive. This doesn't impact the money you receive, just the money the system thinks you have available.

- Substitution behaviours when the individual order remains the same are now shown explicitly

-Teams who had subscribed to the friendly pool but were still in their National Cups will no longer be shown in the friendly pool. Their subscription will remain active and once eliminated from the Cup they will be entered in the pool again.

-Players who were being brought into a game as a keeper as a default will now be marked as keeper for those minutes played for training purposes.

-Player bookmarks are now sorted by Extra Information when that option is selected.

There were also other minor tweaks and fixes.


5-17-2011 New youth engine out and running

We have a new version of the youth engine now, for a final test. This engine includes a few fixes and minor improvements:

- Non-tactical longshots now work as they should. The bug which stopped any non-tactical long shots from happening is sorted out.

- When your captain leaves the pitch (either because of injury or a substitution), the captain's armband will be handed to the player most suitable to be a captain still on the pitch.

- If a player is given a new behaviour order which is illegal for the position he's currently playing in, that order will be cancelled and not go through at all.

- Bug fix for youth players' experience, youth players can now be pulled with wretched experience again.

This engine also supports player swaps. That functionality will however be tested on Stage first, to make sure it (plus the user interface) works properly.

As mentioned above we will test this engine for youth. As soon as we know it works as it should we will use it for senior teams.

5-16-2011 Transfers extended after new DDoS attack

We were again the target of a DDoS attack today, and the site was slow or unavailable for about 30 minutes. We managed to stopped the transfer engine this time, and transfer deadlines between 14.36 and 15.30 have been extended by 1 hour. If you're wondering what a DDoS attack is, you can get some basic knowledge on wikipedia: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ddos_attack).

5-15-2011 Delays and transfer extensions

Many of you may have experienced delays, site slowness and occasionally even not able to log in. Because of this we had to stop the transfers. The problems have been solved now and transfers between 21:55:55 and 00:45:00 have been extended by 3 hours.

It may take some time still before all updates have caught up.

5-14-2011 League Tables

For a few weeks now you may have noticed that your league tables disappear after your matches or are not visible for about 30 minutes there after. You might also experience delays in receiving the money from your ticket sales

We are aware of the situation, so there is no need to contact your GMs about it.

5-12-2011 Match reports in different languages

Last night the reporters for your matches decided to swap notes. Which had for effect that your match reports can be in many different languages. It might also affect past match reports. We are working on getting them back to your language settings.

You might have noticed also that some of the player names have gone missing in your match reports. We are working on getting those back as well.

Update : Your match reports should now be back to normal.

5-7-2011 Transfers extended

Because of this new down time. Transfers between 17.45 and 18.30 were extended by 45 minutes. We urge you again to make sure you have set your lineups as these down times might happen again during the weekend. We thank you for your understanding.

5-7-2011 Downtime because of DDoS attacks

Hattrick was down for about an hour because we were the target of a massive DDoS attack. As long as such an attack is going, there is very little we can do about it.

As Hattrick was unreachable, we couldn't stop or extend transfers this time.

About two weeks ago we were also down because of DDoS attacks, which lasted for a few hours. However that time we chose not to make that information public.

So a good piece of advice now is to make sure to set your orders for your match, because there is naturally a risk that this can happen again during the weekend.

5-5-2011 Database issue resolved and transfers extension.

We have solved the database issues and we now need to give our servers time to catch up. So it might take some time still before all updates are completed.

Transfers from 17:30 to 19:40 have been extended by 2h30.
Transfers that originally ended before 17.30 have had their deadline extended with another hour.

5-5-2011 Server problems and delays

Currently we are still having server problems and because of it we experience delays with the updates. It is possible we may have to close the site again in order to let our servers catch up. For the same reason we have stopped the transfers. Transfers will be extended when we feel it is okay to start them again.

5-5-2011 Transfers extended

Because of a problem with the database, we had to take the site offline for about 45 minutes . Back online we had to keep the transfer engine stopped for another hour.

We still experience some problems in the backend, but we don't see a need to keep transfer stopped anymore. Transfers deadlines between 13.30 and 15.30 have been extended by 2 hours.

5-5-2011 Release notes for May 5th 2011

Today is release Thursday and we have a few fixes coming your way!

- You can now disable the Hattrick Open background via the preferences, under site preferences. Please note that if you have used an Adblocker to remove it, you will need to first disable that to be able to remove it.

- We've removed the forum sneak peak from the World page.

-Youth player memorable moments now show scored hattricks.

- And we have kept the best for last! The mail counter bug that has been with us since the creation of NewD is no more. You will now have a notification on page reload of any new incoming mail. The cache is renewed every minute. So keep that in mind.

There were also, as always, a few other minor tweaks and fixes.


4-27-2011 Late youth matches

We are aware matches in the youth academy have delays and we are investigating the causes.

4-15-2011 Server woes and transfer extensions

Since our servers acted up again and the site was unavailable for a bit, we've extended the transfers during the down time by 30 minutes.

With all the problems we've been having today, it would be wise to make sure you have default lineups saved for your up coming match this weekend.

4-15-2011 Connection problems

We are experiencing internet connection problems today. We don't know yet what is causing these problems, more than it is out of our control. At times it seems our servers lose connection to the internet.

We are naturally investigating with our partners for the reason of these problems.

4-7-2011 Cutting pattern is here to stay!

We've decided to keep the cutting pattern in the arena. Only for fun, as these patterns will of course have no impact on the game itself, but we can now relax with a little gardening between matches!

We've also released a few other tweaks and fixes today, but nothing worth mentioning.

Update : It seems some of you have trouble finding where to look for the new patterns, once changed on the arena page, you will be able to see it on your match order page for matches played at your stadium.

4-1-2011 Late NT and U20 matches

U20 and National Team matches are late. We are working on it.

Update : matches have now started.

3-31-2011 Salary bug fixed

There was a bug in the salary discount for older players; older players didn't get the correct salary after the change at the start of this season. This bug is now fixed and the salaries for all older players are now correct.

3-31-2011 Release notes for March 31st 2011

Today is release Thursday and, again, we have a much awaited fix being released.

The match order interface is now usable on mobile phones.

There were also a few other minor tweaks and fixes.


3-29-2011 Transfer engine stopped again

We are still having problems with the transfer engine. So it is stopped again. Transfers will be extended once we are able to bring it back up. We know this is very frustrating and we are working as hard and fast as we can to fix the problems. We appreciate your patience.

Update : Transfers haven't been extended as the site was up and you were still able to place bids on players. So everything will be processed once the engine catches up.

Update 21:30: The transfer engine has now catched up and the servers behaves as they should.

3-29-2011 The server problems after today's downtime

We have experienced server problems all day long after the downtime, it's been close to impossible to login through the normal front page. Because of this the transfer engine has been stopped and all transfer deadlines have been extended regularly.

We have now found a temporary solution for the server problem and it's possible to login through our front page again. And as the site now works ok (it might be slower than usual though), we have started the transfer engine again.

Even though the site now works ok, we'll keep the 'server ball' above deflated until we've managed to resolve the server problem for real.

3-29-2011 Today's downtime

The planned downtime for server maintenance today took a while longer than expected, and as if that wasn't enough we ran into a server related problem which caused us to be offline for another hour. Sorry about that. We were finally back up around 12:30.

All transfers during today's downtime have been extended.

3-24-2011 Release notes for March 24th 2011

Today we have one, much awaited, feature being released.

For those with a Youth Academy, the sorting of Senior players and Youth Players are now separate.


3-23-2011 Two updates in the manual

These updates have been made in the manual (please note that it might take some time before they're translated and available in your language version):

Youth chapter, regarding youth systems:
Your weekly youth accademy costs also counts for your scouting network level (even if it's inactive). This make moving from a youth academy to a scouting network a lot swifter, as you don't have to build the scouting network up from scratch.

Training chapter, a clarification about stamina training and transfered players:
A player only recieves stamina training for the minutes he's played for your team during the week. 90 minutes give full effect, less than 90 minutes give 75% plus a share for each minute played. Players who have not played for your team during the week (which includes transfered players who've only played for their previous team) and who are healthly enough to train recieve half the effect.

3-21-2011 Player History

It seems that since the maintenance down time this morning, the player match history has disappeared. We are aware of the problem and are investigating.

Update 14:00: This problem is now fixed.

3-13-2011 Delays for qualification matches

We are experiencing delays in qualification matches. We are working on the issue.

Update : This problem was only affecting Netherlands, and is now fixed.

3-10-2011 Release notes for March 10th 2011

Today is release Thursday and here are some of the things we have coming for you :

- Some more Right To Left language bugs have been fixed.

- We've taken Financial income off the Economy reports of seasons since it has been removed. It is still visible on prior seasons.

-Top scorers are now visible on your league event page.

-The challenges "accept" and "reject" buttons now have a tip when you hover over them, to help clear up the confusion.

-On the latest matches on a player's page, you can now see if he's played on different positions.

Again this week, we've been hard at work on the new Dashboard. And there are, as usual, other minor tweaks and fixes.

3-7-2011 Alltid taken off line for some TLC (tender loving care)

As of this morning 8.00 HT time and for one week, Alltid is taken offline so we can try to solve some of the corrupted data issues by rebuilding the database.

We are hopeful that this will solve some of the issues that have been plaguing Alltid for most of this season.

Update : We have been able to run the maintenance in the background, and things are running smoothly. But be prepared for an extended down time on Friday.

3-3-2011 Release notes for March 3rd 2011

Today is release Thursday and here are some of the things we have coming for you :

-We have fixed some more Right to Left language issues.

-NT and U20 coaches are now able to view player orders in lineups for the national team they manage.

-We've added player nicknames to the lineup interface when they are used to distinguish the players.

-Youth team links are now available when not logged in.

-The bug that would sometimes give you an unhandled error when joining a federation and accessing the forums has been fixed.

-The ellipses in the Press Announcement league overview is now only used when needed.

There are, as always, few other minor tweaks and fixes. And we have been hard at work on the development of the, soon to come, new dashboard, which you can read more about on the Hattrick Dev Blog.

2-24-2011 Release notes for February 24 2011

Today is release Thursday and here is a sample of the fixes we have coming for you:

-We've remodeled the shop. It now looks better and more shopper friendly than before!

-We've tackled a lot of Right To Left language bugs.

-A few tweaks were made to the Press Announcement comments.

-We've corrected the flipping in IE that didn't work correctly before, we've also corrected the flipping of the minifield for all browsers.

And a few other minor tweaks and fixes.

2-17-2011 Release notes for February 17 2011

We have two really productive weeks behind us. As you can see on My Hattrick we've completed another upgrade for Hattrick Supporter, but apart from that we have also added some new features and made a bunch of other things. Here are the most important:

- You can now flip the matchorder form if you want. You can also flip it permanently in your preferences.

- A tiny, but important, fix in chapter 5 (match basics) in the manual. In the table "A normal case" for Defence left/right wing: Defending right/left winger is now placed before Defending goalkeeper, as it should be. Also, for Defence middle: Defending inner midfielder is now placed before Defending goalkeeper, as it should be.

- Press announcements are moved from the series feed to their own place on the series page.

- For Football teams (/Community/IRLTeams/) we've added a list of all fans (and info about their last and upcoming matches etc) for each team. Click on the number of fans to see the list.

- Fix for the series page, live text over the table was too long in some languages.

- Fixed an issue for match statements for right to left languages.

2-16-2011 Downtime Wednesday night

Our database decided it needed a breather this evening, and the site was down for about one hour. Things seems to be working fine now, but we have some delays on matches. Also, all transfers with a deadline during the downtime has had their deadline extended by two hours. We are sorry for this disruption in the service.

Update: 01.00
All friendlies have now been played.

2-12-2011 Downtime

It has not been possible to log on to the Hattrick servers between approximately 00:40 and 01:40 HT-time last night due to failures on our servers. Unfortunately we have not been able to bring the transfers to an immediate stop before 01:02. Transfers with a deadline after that time have been extended by 90 minutes.

2-8-2011 Match engine maintenance

We are going to make a short maintenance of the Match engine between 18:35 -18:45 HT Time

2-1-2011 Problems with Cup matches and friendlies

Right now we are having problems with matches not being displayed in Germany. We are investigating the issue.

Update 18.45: We have located the problem and all matches that have a start time of 18.30 HT time or later are being played now. We are still working on fixing the matches that were supposed to start earlier.

Update 19.05: Unfortunately this problem has also affected the Cup matches in Italy with a start time of 19.00 HT time. Other matches in Italy are not affected.

Update 19.35: The problems have been solved and all missing matches are being played now.

1-24-2011 Continued delays for youth leagues

Unfortunately matches being played in our youth system still suffer from delays. Right now we are troubleshooting the problem and hope to have the problems solved shortly.

Update 12.25: We have now managed to fix the problem. However there may be delays for the rest of the day since the youth engine has to catch up.

1-23-2011 Youth league delays

Some youth leagues that play games today are delayed. We have fixed the background cause and are now waiting for games to catch up. We are sorry for the inconvenience!

1-10-2011 Release notes for January 10 2011

The first release of 2011 contains a little bit of everything:

- Added ratings and number of users to CHPP products listings. You can now rate CHPP products and also see how many users that are using a certain product.

- Formation experience on training page: Your last choice of text/bars is now remembered and used the next time you visit the page.

- Youth skill bars (for Chrome users) have had some fixes for left to right languages. You may need to refresh your cache to get the fixes.

- Teamphoto for national teams added (link on players page).

- We increased the maximum number of forum subscriptions you can have to 75.

This release also includes some changes in the invite functionality as well as a bunch of other small stuff behind the scenes.

1-6-2011 Youth Academy problems

Because of a database issue, a small number of users who's matches were yesterday afternoon seem to be stuck in youth leagues that should have ended. We also have those same matches that don't appear on the league page, and the coaches from those teams might not have sent a training report. We are aware of the situation and are investigating.

Update : The problems were fixed.

12-26-2010 Youth matches not visible

Currently we are experiencing problems with youth matches not being visible. We are investigating and hope to be able to fix the problem soon. It is no longer necessary to contact your Gamemasters about it.

Update: the problem has been fixed now, but since the game engine has to catch up there will be delays for the rest of the day.

12-25-2010 Troubles with forum and more

One of our database servers has been causing us problems today, making the forums inaccessible. We are working on bringing it up. We also had to take the site down for a short while tonight because of this. Transfers that were supposed to take place a that time have been extended.

We have been forced to take the site down again around 21.30 HT-Time. Transfers are stopped and will be extended.

Update at 22:00
The site is up again, transfers have been extended and the forums are working again. The Alltid Hattrick statistics site will still have some problems until at least tomorrow.

12-21-2010 Release notes for December 21st 2010

Here is a sample of some of the things being released today :

- It should now be possible to add an extra fed slot as announced a season ago.

- We have now deferred the loading of the team photo to when the link is clicked. This should have the effect of speeding up the load time on the players' page in standard theme.

- Fixed an issue in the new posts tab where threads accidentally showed as read even if they weren't.

And a few other minor tweaks and fixes.

12-16-2010 Release notes for December 16 2010

In today's release we have lots of small tweaks and fixes coming your way. Here's a sample of what you'll be able to find.

- You are now able to report posts on the forums. This feature is to help moderators, we encourage you to use when needed, but do not abuse it!

- We've added forum sneak-peaks on the related pages. For example if you go to the World page, you will see a sneak peak of Global English.

- We've brought back the recommended forums. It now works a bit differently in that it suggests the most subscribed forums by users in your league.

- Some minor tweaks and fixes to the forum layout that you might not even notice.

- The progress bars in simple skin now shows divine as divine and no longer as utopian.

12-10-2010 Short downtime

We had a short 5 minute downtime this morning at around 08:35 (HT-time). The transfer was stopped and deadlines extended 30 minutes.

12-6-2010 Interest rates gone crazy

Some of you might have noticed that the interest rates calculated this weekend were not done on the right amounts. This has now been rectified for the concerned users.

12-6-2010 Release notes for December 6th 2010

-We've changed how the html works and you might need to update your CHPP tools and clear your cache (ctrl F5 works on most browsers) to get it to look right again.

-We've also removed a box from the log in page, that made IE and Safari not want to save passwords.

-Some of you may have already noticed but youth player IDs are now linked to senior player IDs.

12-4-2010 Accountants a bit too eager!

We have had a problem with Bankruptcy Warnings during this economic update. What this means is that some teams have received a warning that they shouldn't be getting and some may not have received a warning that they should have. The warnings will be corrected today. A small number of teams have been put into Bankruptcy because of this, when they shouldn't have.

We are working on resolving the effects for these teams now. We wont reopen them until we are done, to prevent actions to be taken by users that could jeopardize this operation.

The bug itself has been fixed and won't affect tonight's updates.

12-2-2010 Transfer deadlines extended

We had a little down time. Transfers between approximately 9:30 and 10:30 HT Time have been extended by 1 hour.

11-30-2010 Shop issues

We are aware that some orders placed up to 10 days ago have not been processed yet. This is due to a problem in the communication with our payment partner. The problem is now fixed and the payment information is being processed, so please wait a little longer before contacting customer services about this.

Update : Users who got a message saying that their order was canceled, but still have status "paid" on their orders, do not need to contact Customer Service, your order will be fulfilled soon. But if you have had your order status withdrawn, and you know you have paid for it, please contact Customer Service so we are aware of your situation and can remedy to it.

11-29-2010 Transfer woes

It seems that some transfers have happened twice, where some teams either paid twice or received twice the money for the sales. We are aware of the situation and are investigating what is causing this.

Also be aware that if you've received the money twice, the situation might be rectified and the extra money taken away. So only spend what is rightfully yours. As for teams who have been debited twice, we will also try to rectify that situation.

We will update you with more information on details and fixes when they are available.

11-22-2010 National Team matches delayed

Unfortunately we are unable to make contact with our commentators in the stadiums. We are working hard to restore contact with them as soon as possible.

Update: We have succeeded in restoring the connection

11-18-2010 A short stop

We just experiended a short "hiccup" on the site, and the site was unavailable for about 10 minutes. Transfers between 16:32 and 16:50 were extended by 20 minutes because of this.

11-11-2010 Downtime and extended transfers

Because of a problem with our main database server, Hattrick was down for around 45 minutes just after noon today. Because of this, transfer deadlines between 12:07 and 13:00 HT-time were extended by 90 minutes.

11-4-2010 Problems with CHPP products connecting to Hattrick

We are currently investigating the reports that some CHPP products aren't able to access data on Hattrick. We will keep you informed, once we've found the source of the problem.

Update : A patch has been released that should fix the issue.

10-31-2010 Transfer deadlines extended

Because of tonight's down time, transfer deadlines ending after 23.45 were extended to start ending approximately one hour from now.

10-30-2010 Bidding issues

Some currencies have problems allowing bids on the transfer market. We are working on a patch right now.

Update : The patch has now been released. Bidding should work again.

10-29-2010 Release notes for October 29th 2010

Couple of things note worthy for you on this Friday morning :

-We have now put in a better safety net to help prevent users from adding a 0 too many while making a bid on the transfer market.

-Some minor fixes on the match order form for RTL languages.

10-28-2010 Parallell youth investments removed

Until today, a small percentage of Hattrick teams have been paying for, and maintaining the levels of, both youth systems - despite only actively using their Academies. This was due to them not actively closing the old system when the grace period ended. We have now manually removed this extra investment. The only visible change for these teams will be less expenses every week.

10-27-2010 Release notes for October 27th 2010

Today on release Wednesday we release one fix :

Email reminders for Supporters are BACK!

10-16-2010 Really short downtime

Because the team updates in China didn't go through as they should, we had to take down the site for a short while (some 15 minutes or so) around 00.30 HT-time. This in order to fix the underlying problem with the one team that was failing and then to update a database table. After that, the Chinese updates went through as they should.

Transfers between 00.28 and 00.59 was postponed by 30 minutes because of this.

10-14-2010 Release notes October 14

Some minor fixes and additions have been released today:

- We have fixed a few issues for rtl (right to left) languages in the matchorder form
- We have added a link to the match order from the match page for youth teams
- We have added a missing youth event for CHPP programs
- Added possibility to search for youth matches on Search page
- Fixed bug with missing date when only one entry in guestbook
- Fixed bug where forums would be unsubscribed at random
- We added another color theme to the economic charts - Excelsior - based on the default color theme of Excel 2007

10-10-2010 Short downtime

We apologize for the 20 minute downtime on Sunday evening. This was due to a web server problem. Servers have now been rebooted and are working fine again. Transfers affected were extended by 60 minutes.

10-4-2010 Match kits and logos not visible

Currently logos and match kits which are stored on our servers are not visible. We are looking into the problem and hope to be able to solve the problem shortly. It is no longer necessary to report this problem to your GMs.

Update: The problem has been fixed now.

9-24-2010 Extended transfers, yet another time

And again we experienced another hiccup, and the site was unavailable for a few minutes. Transfers between 14.52 and 15.22 have been extended by 30 minutes because of this.

9-22-2010 Extended transfers again

We experienced another hiccup, and the site was unavailable for a few minutes. Transfers between 19.12 and 19.22 were extended by 20 minutes becausee of this.

And around 21:20 we experienced another hiccup. Transfers between 21.21 and 21.41 were extended by 20 minutes.

As mentioned earlier, we are working hard to find the root of this problem. We've taken a few actions so far, but unfortunately none of them have helped restoring normal operation.

9-22-2010 Transfer Feature on Mobile Site Disabled

Because of some problems with the transfer and bidding features on the Mobile site (http://m.hattrick.org), we've opted to disable them temporarily to avoid anymore wrong bids being placed.

We will work on fixing it and will inform you once it's relaunched again. For now, you can still follow matches on the Mobile site.

9-21-2010 Extended Transfers

Tonight around 21:50 or so we had another hiccup in service. Transfers between 21:52 and 22:10 were extended by 30 minutes.

We are working hard with our provider to investigate the leak that is causing these problems.

9-20-2010 Problem In The Match Order Interface

As some of you may have noticed, the little box that pops up when hovering over a player's name, in the match order form, doesn't show all the information.

We are aware of the problem, so there is no need to report it further to your local GMs. We are working on a fix.

9-15-2010 Transfers extended 15 minutes

We just experienced a little hiccup, and the site was unavailable for a few minutes. We managed to stop the transfer engine at around 16.20, and transfers between 16.20 and 16.34 was extended by 15 minutes because of this hiccup. The transfer engine is running again.

This hiccup is caused by a memory leak. The good news is however that we managed to get a memory dump this time, and we now can analyze it and hopefully find the leak.

9-11-2010 Another downtime

As if we haven't had enough problems lately, we experienced another downtime today. From around 11 to 13.40. The reason for this downtime was a totally different thing than the recent problems, it was due to problems with our firewall.

Transfer deadlines between 11.20 and 14.20 have been extended by 3 hours.

9-9-2010 Youth Academies Planned Down Time

The down time in Youth Academy that was planned to complete the disk check on our new database is no longer needed. The parity check is done and all is running smoothly over there.

9-8-2010 Release Notes For September 8th 2010

Today is Release Wednesday and here is what we have coming for you.

-Non supporters who played 2 matches this week in the Youth Academy, had a forgetful coach who had lost his notes. He's found them again, and you should be able to see training reports as intended.

-We've added a scroll bar to your old matches listings on the match order interface.

We've also fixed some things in the back that will allow us more flexibility with the match order interface. Of course, we have the usual minor tweaks and fixes.

8-27-2010 Youth Academy

The Youth Academy is up and running. You may now set lineups call scouts etc.

Keep in mind that since everyone will be calling their scouts in a hurry, that pools will empty quite fast, so you might want to wait a few days if you can.

8-26-2010 Release Notes For August 26th 2010

Today is release Thursday and here are some of the fixes we have coming for you :

-Because of the down time in the Academy, we've enabled for non supporters, the ability to check training for the past 2 weeks. This will be removed in 8 days, to give everyone the chance to take notes of what your coaches are reporting. You will be able to see those reports when the Academy is reopened.

-We've fixed the date to reflect when you will be able to fire staff again; before it showed the date of hire.

-The History page has been updated with seasons 40 through 42.

Some more minor tweaks and fixes behind that scenes.

8-26-2010 Impossible To Fire Staff / Part 2

It seems that some users were unable to fire staff again. We've now rewritten the code, and you should be able to fire any staffer you need to, barring that it's been at least 7 days since the last hire of that type of staff.

8-26-2010 Youth Academy Down Time Update

We are having to keep the academy down, still, the new estimate is tomorrow mid day.

The estimate of today noon was made when we still thought that performance on the new disk system, that is going through a disk check, would have been enough once the youth match engine had caught up to its schedule. But the tests we made yesterday afternoon and this morning showed that that was not the case. We now have to wait for the disk check to complete.

During this down time, matches booked are played and training is occurring.

We again apologize for all inconveniences this may cause you.

8-25-2010 Youth Academies Down Time

The Youth Academies will remain closed for longer than originally planned. Right now we dont have an estimate to give you. We are monitoring performances of the Youth Engine catching up. And as soon as we know more we will of course let you know.

Update : Right now, it's looking like we might not be able to bring back the YA up today. Estimation is Noon tomorrow. The process is taking a long time. Alot longer than expected. We're monitoring it, to see if it can't/ won't speed up. We'll keep you informed on developments.

8-24-2010 Downtime: Why we can't postpone matches

Some users are asking us why we don't postpone matches in situations like this. Postponing matches is tempting, it would be relief for many users and ourselves as well in situations like this. But the system isn't really designed for it. And doing it - without ever testing it - would be to open Pandora's box for real, and it could lead to a lot of problems (matches not starting, failed updates etc) for many months to come. It's just not worth it.

Bear in mind that during the past season we had problems with the German national cup and also World Cup matches being out of schedule, which caused a lot of frustration among users. We don't like today's situation either, but we simply don't want to risk making it any worse.

This is why we always recommend you to set a default order, for reasons of precaution.

8-24-2010 Down Time : What Does This Mean For My Team?

Anything you have done on the site during that time (aprox 15:00 and 15:30 on Monday) doesn't exist for Hattrick anymore. Lineups made don't exist, friendlies weren't booked, youth pulls have disappeared, transfers didn't happen, forum posts read or written aren't, staff and players fired are still with your team, staff hired never showed up, etc.

There is one exception to all this, HT-mails. The HT-mail back up goes back to around 5:00 HT time yesterday morning. So all correspondence sent after that has vanished.


All transfers taking place between 15:00 yesterday and 15:00 today were extended by 24 hours, but we've added an extension on top of that, so that no transfers should end before 20:00 HT time.

Youth Team

Youth teams are still down to allow the youth engine to catch up. They should be back shortly.

We've had to close down a handful of Youth Academies that were stuck in activation during the crash, for those users, you will have to start a new YA.

Promoted Youth that happened during that time is showing in both senior and academy, this will get sorted.

Training in the Youth Academy did however take place as it was supposed to.

It should be noted that the Forum server is slow. We are aware of the situation.

Supporter will be extended as usual for this unplanned down time, during the uptime review the first day of next month.

8-23-2010 Impossible To Fire Staff

Some of you may have noticed that you aren't able to fire staffers, despite them having been on your team for over 7 days. We are working on solving this issue.

Update : It has now been fixed. You may fire staff now.

8-19-2010 Email Reminders Not Working

We've been notified that the email reminders aren't working as they should. We are working on a solution right now and we'll let you know when it's fixed. Other reminders work fine.

8-12-2010 New Groups For Round 2 of the WC

The groups for round 2 of the WC have been redrawn, now that all correct teams are known. And the new matches populated.

8-11-2010 Release notes for August 11th 2010

This is Release Wednesday and here is what we have coming for you:

- There was a problem with friendly pool subscription, where it would boot you out once you've booked your first friendly. This has been fixed. Please make sure that you are still in the pool if you were counting on the tool to book it for you.

- There was an issue with some German users not being able to see their matches because it showed as to be played on the 24th of August. This was a cache problem on our side, and it is sorted now.

- Sorting youth matches on HT-Live works as it should again.

8-9-2010 Up again - what happened during downtime

We're now up again after the scheduled maintenance. The game engine however still has some catching up to after the downtime.

During this downtime we have apart from the seasonal database cleanup and the release of the seasonal changes also released:

- Your staff page is now up do date with the staff changes. Accountants are removed (free of charge) and club boards around the Hattrick world have fired staff members to meet the new limits. If your board have fired any staff member for you, you'll find the cost for it among your temporary costs.

- We have changed the rounding of how fans join (and leave), as the old rounding could lead to some weird situations over time. We don't think you'll ever notice any difference, but you should at least know it will work a lot better now.

- The manual has also been updated.

- New fixtures are being used this season. A MyHT telling you more about it will be published on Thursday.

8-8-2010 Transfer problems fixed

The transfer is now running as it should again. Transfers with deadline between 11.15 and 13.40 Ht-time have had their deadlines extended by 4 hours.

8-8-2010 Problems with transfer and more

Due to a database problem you may have experiences problems with the transfer (now stopped) and that mother club money, previous club money have not been delivered (yet).

Also you may have experienced messages about challenges and other things not being delivered.

We're working on the problem

Update : There is also a problem with the Economy data for last week showing just zeros. This is a different problem, and this one is presentational. It should be fixed by Wednesday's release.

8-5-2010 Problems booking friendly matches

It seems that teams who had booked a friendly match with cup participants and had their match deleted are not able to rebook a new one.

We are working on a fix right now.

Update : The fix is now live and everyone, who isn't in their national cup, should now be able to book friendly matches.

8-5-2010 Release Thursday

It's been a few weeks, I'm sure you've missed them...
This is release Thursday and here is what is coming for you.

-New users who could not enter their finance page, are now able to.

-Also you should all be able to see your correct currency on the y axis label.

8-4-2010 Problems entering finances page for some users

Some users report they can't enter the finances page, and if you experience the same you don't need to report it. We will have a look at this as soon as the problem with the cup is solved.

Update:This is fixed, but a code release is needed to make the fix live for all users.

8-4-2010 Cup & Friendlies Rescheduled

Update 23.30: We can now close this subject.
New cup matches have been created in all affected leagues, and the cup matches that have been created the "normal way" during the afternoon/evening are correct.

All friendly matches involving a team playing the cup have been deleted, which means some teams not playing in the cup need to find a new friendly. It's now totally safe to submit orders for your upcoming friendly/cup match.

A problem with the cup ranking formula this week has caused incomplete and incorrect Cup games to be created for next week. These games have now been erased.

We are still working on validating the correct rating, and only when this have been done will a new cup draw be created. Please be aware that this affects all teams, as we will also need to remove many friendly games that have already been booked, as teams with friendlies may be heading for the cup instead.

Do not book new friendlies, and if you have, please wait for further information as to what will happen with your scheduled game and any match orders already submitted. We are working hard on getting the schedule right but do not expect to get a final green light on next weeks games until tomorrow.

Update 16.50: We're hopefully starting to see an end to this problem. The faulty ranking has now been dealt with, and new cup matches are currently being created.

Update 20.40: New cup matches for most leagues have now been created, and affected friendly matches have been deleted. We have some stuff left to fix though, in particular the cup matches for Germany, before we can close this subject.

7-29-2010 Problems With Youth Matches

We are experiencing problems with the youth match engine. Matches starting after 17:35 are delayed.

Edit: Matches have now started the engine will catch up.

7-24-2010 Top Scorer rewards too low? Yes, and no

We have reports that the top scorer rewards being paid out this weekend are too low: 1/10 of the correct value to be precise. However, this problem is only presentational. Please do not contact your GM about this, we will sort out this presentational error once all leagues have ticked through.

7-18-2010 A taste of what is to come

This weekend, we gave you an unplanned taste of some of the changes that are coming to the match engine next season. The updates to how we handle overconfidence and cup experience events, as well as some changes to how Special events are created, went live on Friday, a few weeks ahead of schedule. The effects have been visible in some NT games as well as in the league games this weekend. We are sorry about this, while the code has worked correctly we had no intention of releasing this before we gave you a more detailed presentation of the changes. Before the Cup games this week, these changes will be reversed. In the upcoming season break, we will make a proper release of these changes.

7-12-2010 Database Problems

As some of you may have noticed, we are experiencing problems with the forums and some delays with youth academy matches and updates. This is because our database servers are running at full capacity. We are doing some maintenance on them as I write this, to try and fix the problem. Hopefully everything will be in order soon, but be advised that the site might have to be taken down in order to ensure that they have enough capacity to get the maintenance job done and catch up with updates and matches.

Update : Things are now sorted, and the engine is catching up. Thank you for your patience.

6-23-2010 Lineup interface

For those having problems with the lineup interface where only some of your players show up on the right hand side, if any at all : using the simple lineup interface should work.

We are investigating the problem and will try to fix it as soon as possible.

update : The problem should now be resolved. Using both lineup interfaces should work.

6-23-2010 Problems with disappearing forums

Some of you may have noticed your subscribed public forums disappearing. We are aware of the issue and are investigating it.

Also, sadly your preference settings for those forums are likely lost. You should be able to add them to your list again and sort them.

This problem seems to affect a small number of users.

6-23-2010 Release Notes for June 23rd 2010

Today is release Wednesday.

Match Order Interface:

-We've added + and - buttons on the slider in the substitution tab, to allow for minute by minute setting.

-The reset button also has been changed to clear.

-For teams with players who sport the same name, the initial was added.


-On the finance page, we've eliminated a source of confusion by removing the week number. Now it states only "Last Week" and "This Week".

There were other changes made on the back end that you'll feel but not see, such as implementing version numbers for certain things which will help when you had to clear your cache at times for things to function properly.

It should also be noted that the 15 minute cut off for providing match orders doesn't always work properly. We are aware of the problem and are investigating it.

6-19-2010 New Finances page showing you strange numbers?

There is a problem with the new Finances page showing the wrong numbers (for the previous week). This happens during the weekend to many but not all users. It depends on the difference between when your league has its weekly economy update in comparisson to when the Hattrick Week is officialy incremented to a new week.

We're currently working on a fix for this.

Update: A fix has been released which should now mean that the previous week in the current finances view is displayed with the correct numbers. We will continue to work on this issue and check the other views as well. It may take a few days until all things are settled but most important is that you now can see your current financial status correctly.

6-16-2010 Release Notes for June 16th 2010

Today is release Wednesday and here is what is coming your way :

-There was a bug that protected forwards from getting carded in matches. That has been fixed, they are no longer immuned of naughty behaviour.

-Today we release the new and improved finance page. It should be known that it only shows financial data dating back to week 8 of last season and for fans and sponsors moods dating back to week 13 of last season. That is when we started collecting these informations.

There were a few other tweaks and fixes, but mostly on the back end of things.

6-14-2010 Paypal problems

When creating an order in the shop you are usually able to pay by using Paypal. Due to a software problem we are having problems with Paypal at the moment. We hope this problem will be fixed during the week.

Update: The problem should be fixed now. If you run into problems using Paypal please contact our Customer Services department from the Contact page.

6-9-2010 Release Notes for June 9th 2010

Today is release Wednesday and here are a few fixes coming your way:

Match order interface :

-Some presentational bugs were fix in the normal form.

-On the simple form, in the sub orders, the in and out boxes were wrong for right to left languages. This has been fixed.

-On the simple form, there was a problem with the form interpreting the wrong player as Keeper when trying to change orders. This has now been fixed.

-Now when you place a match order for your youth team, the checkmark should appear both on your match page and the league page. In the past, for away teams, it didn't work.

Match Engine:

-The format of the minutes in the countdown was fixed.

-For NT and U20 players, you could see in their stats on the National Team's page what was going to happen in the match they were currently playing. These will now be hidden until the match is over.

-On the transfer market, in some cases the minimum bids prompted were too low. This is now solved.

-From now on, when scouting a player in the academy, if your scout gives you a specialty, it will be indicated on your player's page.

-The insurance premium for injured NT and U20 players will be paid at 21.45 as it should be.


-5 latest logins accessed through the left side menu is now fixed.

-When challenging teams for friendly matches, your session will remember venue (home or away) and match type (normal or cup rules)

And a slew of other minor tweaks and fixes.

6-2-2010 Release Notes June 2nd 2010

Today is release Wednesday and here are a few fixes coming your way:

In the Youth Academy :

-You might have noticed that you now get messages that secondary training has topped for one of your players. That didn't use to happen, it is now fixed.


-In certain circumstances, sending an HT-mail or challenge from the manager's page would, instead, send it to you. This is resolved.

-Editors can now edit articles directly.

-You can now sort by leadership and experience on your players' page.

-There were problems with the latest 5 loggins visible on manager's page. It's now fixed.

On the match order interface :

-Attitude and tactics now also get reset when pressing the reset button.

-You can now sort by category, age, TSI, leadership, first name and last name.

-Category, age and TSI were added to the player card.

-The order of the subs has been switched and now go from top to bottom as opposed to bottom to top previously. In order to help with usability, sub orders have also been numbered now.

-Added the 15 minutes warning to Youth matches and NT matches.

-For non supporters, the default sorting is now last name.

Match reports:

-The presentational bug in regards to formation after a sub was executed is now fixed.

-The problem, after an order, of players playing from normal to normal instead of, for example, towards wing to defensive, has been fixed.

-A few changes to the right hand side of the match report. Added information.

Some other minor fixes and tweaks were also made.

6-1-2010 Scouting network instead of youth squad

We're changing the name of the old youth system (youth squad) to Scouting network. This because the old name could lead to confusion and mix-ups with the youth teams (youth academies).

Please note that this name change will only be made in languages with confusing names (English for example). Many languages already have clear names which aren't too similar, and these languages will naturally keep their current names.

Please also note that even if we have now changed our 'master language version', it may still take a few days before your local language administrator (including English LAs) have had the opportunity to amend the changes.

5-26-2010 Release Notes

Today is release Wednesday and here are a few fixes coming your way :

Engine fixes:

- Some of you may have noticed, when you had conditional substitutions in a game, it would scramble the order in which your players were listed at the start of the game, giving away possible outcomes to the game. This has been fixed and will no longer happen.

- Your coach will help your team regain organization before extra time if you've suffered confusion.


- You can now send messages and challenges directly from the manager's page, not only from the team's page.

- Experience and leadership are now visible on the players' page.

- Best Players are now visible on the head to head supporter stats page. Since the new engine they weren't.

- For supporters, you can now erase the comments made by your players, by editing to an empty one.

- It was sometimes possible to transfer list a player without him having played a single game, or the right amount of games for your team. This is not possible anymore.

Match Order Interface:

- There is now a check in place that will make sure your captain and setpiece taker are in your starting lineup.

- When editing a lineup, some users were experiencing a hanging rotating star when trying to save. The work around was to delete your subs and start over. This is now fixed.

- Since the new engine, sub orders, attitude and tactics given in a default lineup were not carried out. This has now been fixed.

- There were situations when 16 minutes or so before a game, the engine would reject the orders. This is now back to 15 minutes as it should be.

As the devs were having a sort of bug boot camp, there are other minor fixes and tweaks that were also done.

5-19-2010 Release Notes

Today is release Wednesday and we have a few fixes for you.

As you can see, system infos are now visible on the MyHT page for 7 days. Make sure you check back here, as sometimes there might be important information for you.

In the Match Engine :

When a set piece taker is injured or red carded, the first player available on the penalty takers' list will be replacing him. (It was meant to be that way from the beginning, but it never worked according to plan, now it does)

In the order form :

We've also added an abbreviation to the in coming sub, on the subs/orders tab, that is linked to the position given in the minifield, in advanced conditions.

5-12-2010 Left Forward Training Bug

There has been a bug where forwards played in the left slot didn't receive scoring training. This bug has been in effect since the first match with the new engine. It is now fixed and so training this week is not affected. Form and Stamina were not affected by this bug. Neither was the Youth Academy.

We're sorry to say that there will be no compensation, as that is impossible to do in a fair way for everyone involved.

5-11-2010 Release Notes

This week the release is one day early.

In the match order form :

-There are now abbreviations in the boxes on the field.

-We've added occupied highlights on the minifield in the substitution tab.

In the simple form :

-The substitutions have been completely revamped.

-We've added the shirt numbers for supporters.

5-5-2010 Release Notes

Today is release Wednesday and we've got a few fixes for you.

Fixes for the simple form :

-You can now load lineups from previous matches

-You can now save lineups with names

-You can now sort players

Fixes for the normal form :

-Importing previous matches lineups should now work

-Default sorting is now numbers for supporters

-You should also be able to delete formerly saved lineups

-The names of boxes on the bench have now been moved below so that you can see what each box is even when there is a player there.

Fix for the Shop:

-The shipping cost is now only added at the end when you check out.

4-29-2010 Server problems the sequel

As soon as the earlier sysinfo went live, the servers went down again. Transfers were stopped at 21.05 and restarted at around 22.00. The affected transfers were extended by 60 minutes this time.

4-29-2010 Server problems

As some of you may have noticed, we've experienced server problems this evening. The transfer engine was stopped at 19.35 and restarted at approximately 21.00. The transfers were extended by 90 minutes.

4-28-2010 Release Notes

Today is release Wednesday and here is what we have coming for you :

In the Order form :

- We've changed the way of saving default lineups. We are back to the good old trusted check mark. More about this in the MyHT

-You now have new sorting attributes, and more are coming.

-We've fixed some compatibility issues with earlier versions of Firefox, that lead to a hanging rotating star.

-You will now have access to your past 4 away lineups and 4 home lineups under the Matches tab on the Lineups button.

In the simple form :

- You can now set a default lineup. By ticking the box at the bottom of the page.

- We've switch the behaviour and new position boxes. It makes more sense this way as the behaviour affects the position, not the other way around.

Lineup page :

- The Captain and Set piece taker swapped places on the lineup page to match the order form. We've also removed the big gap on the lineup page.

- For the sake of consistency, we've disabled the preference which allowed you to flip the old flash order form, because it also affected the lineup page. This feature will eventually be brought back.

In other news :

- The user manual is now up to date

- The new xml files for CHPP applications are now fixed an available.

4-26-2010 Problems booking a youth pool friendly

Some teams are having problems booking a youth friendly via the friendly pool. We're investigating.

Update: This problem is now fixed.

4-22-2010 Two interface fixes

When collecting a previous match order you will now also get the substitutions and penalty takers orders for that match.

We've also fixed a 'left is right' bug in the form for visually impaired.

4-21-2010 Release Notes

-We've changed how things work a bit. For teams who haven't entered a lineup, for example new teams or teams who haven't logged on, a 442 lineup will be made "on the fly" by the engine. So that a Walk Over doesn't happen.

The one important condition that needs to be met for this to happen, is that the lineup needs to be completly empty. If there is as little as one player saved, this functionality will not work.

-Also with regards to some teams fielding 0-0-0 lineups despite having submitted orders. We are adding an extra check, that will notify you if there is something causing your orders to not be accepted by the engine. Wether the error is human (ie yours), or technical (ie ours), if your orders can't be saved, you should get a notification.

- It should also be noted that orders fielding less than 9 players, or without a keeper won't be accepted anymore.

- Formation experience for NT and U20 teams is now showing all formations that the new engine allows.

-Sub orders were shown as "playing normal" in the right panel of the match report, regardless of what the real order was. This has now been fixed and it was only presentational.

4-20-2010 Too strong bots

As some of you may have noticed, we had bot teams with really strong lineups in some of today's cup matches. Their lineups were selected randomly, which lead to stronger players, than usual, entering the pitch. This has now been fixed. This fix takes effect for matches scheduled to start Tuesday evening at 22.00 (HT Time) and there after.

4-20-2010 More stuff for the interfaces

Some stuff has been added and some fixes have been made for the order interfaces.

Normal form:
- Saving a lineup now requires an unique names
- Some fixes for national team coaches (and more will come later today)

A general note: If you experience a hanging rotating star when trying to save your orders, it's most likely because of a sub order has become obsolete. Deleting your subs and putting them in again will solve your problem, until a proper fix is included.

Visually impaired form:
- Subs are now included
- Full names in the dropdowns

Note that the subs part is not in its final shape yet. For now:
- To change behaviour for a player, put him in both the out and in dropdowns.
- For the minutes field: 0 minutes = any minute.

4-14-2010 Release Notes

Lots of things being released on this Wednesday.

There was a bug which caused the swapping of forwards and wingers on the bench. This could lead to the wrong player entering the field. That bug has been fixed. We've swapped them in both stored orders and lineups. So you might want to double check to make sure you have things the way you intended them to be.

The bug causing formation experience not to be updated correctly has now been fixed. It will work for matches being played from now on. Regrettably this fix is not retroactive for the friendlies played before it's release.

There was a presentational bug on formation experience above excellent. You might see your experience go down, but that is only presentational. The true value hasn't changed.

From now on, substitution orders, with wrong behaviour, will be changed to normal and be executed by the match engine.

Latest match played by a player will now be visible on his match page. Training has occurred, this was just a presentational bug.

Fixes in the match order interface :

You are now able to remove penalty kickers.
Lots of presentational issues were fixed for IE

Fixes released for the visually impaired interface :

New header for Tactics
The left is right, right is left bug
Unique players as penalty takers
An IM can now play defensively
Team attitude only shows up when it should

4-14-2010 Cup Reredraw

All cup matches have been redrawn. And this time they should all be correct. Third time's a charm as they say.

We appreciate your patience in these tumultuous times.

4-14-2010 Formation experience

We have an issue with how formation experience is updated for teams that made tactical formation changes during their match. We are working on a solution for this.

4-14-2010 Cup redraw

The Cup was redrawn yesterday evening, but it is still not correct. Another redraw will be made tomorrow. If you expect to play the Cup, please do not book friendlies for next week as they may be cancelled.

4-13-2010 Cup Matches

The matches for the first round of the Cup that have been drawn are wrong. We are working on solving the issue.

But please hold off on booking a friendly until they are drawn again, and corrected.

4-13-2010 Transfers.

The transfer engine was stopped at 12:50pm HT time. The deadlines have therefore been extended by 6 hours. For the transfers that happened between 12:25 and 12:50pm, we're sorry to say that we weren't able to stop them in time.

The merging is still taking place. We've run into some hurdles. We hope to have it all sorted as soon as possible. So if your player's names are missing from your match report for instance, this will eventually be sorted.

4-13-2010 Downtime

The preparation of the database for the new engine is taking a little longer than expected. The site is now back up, but you will notice that your player names are still missing in the match reports and that the last match section of your player details page is also empty. We are importing those data from the old format to the new format as I write this. It should be done shortly.

4-11-2010 Relegation and promotion

We've been made aware of problems with the relegations and promotions in some countries. We are investigating the issue.

As well the problem with the Youth matches was found, and the engine is catching up now. Your matches should be played soon.

4-9-2010 New fixes for the both match order forms

Here's a new batch of fixes released today

For the match order form:
- Subs
- Links to older form (from match preview page)
- Info box covering player list in some languages
- Moving a selected player doesn't remove him from penalty takers
- Orders not send if you save your linep at the same time now fixed

For the form for the visually impaired :
-Team attitude and tactics will now be correct.
-Save Lineup will be a normal button.
-No players in attitude or tactics dropdowns.

A new list of possible improvements should be published soon.

4-9-2010 Bug fixes in new order form for seniors

This post will be continuously updated with information about the bugs that we are aware of in the new order form for seniors. Most importantly, it will also show when we have fixed a bug.

Known bugs
- Substitutions are not working. They are in fact saved in the database, but the code that should read them again when a match order is viewed is not working correctly. Will be fixed ASAP.

- Some links still point to the old order form. These are the links on the match page, in the preview panel and the tabs. This is fixed and will be released Friday morning.

- In the simple form, the dropdownlist for tactics actually contains team attitude values, and also lists all players. Conversely, the attitude dropdown (only visible for non-friendlies) contains tactics values. This is fixed and will be released Friday morning.

Fixed bugs
- Formation experience was shown as non-existent for 4-4-2 and the new possible formations. This was due to the database not yet having the new starting values stored and of course had no impact since these values will not be used until the matches are actually played with the new engine next week.

4-7-2010 Better star ratings in youth

Many have been concerned on the forums about their youth players getting a much better star rating now (in the new engine). This is however not a bug.

The reason for youth players getting a better rating now is partly because of the changes now, but in fact more due to past changes (up to two year old changes) which have not been included in the youth until now. In particular we have had a star rating change for senior players to better show their true contribution on the pitch, and this change comes into effect in youth now.

Overall all players will get more stars, especially forwards because they got a boost now (on addition to the past changes). Moreover, the increase is also more noticable for multiskilled players than for monoskilled ones.

4-6-2010 Youth update

A summary on problems/bug in youth related to the new engine release:

- The problem with no player names in training reports (and no visible player ratings as well) for matches played earlier than 06.50 today will be taken care of during the night/morning HT-time. This problem is not really related to the new engine, it was caused by a database error.

- Formation experience was only updated partly in matches between 09.00-17.05. This problem is fixed in matches started 17.10 and onwards. We'll see if anything can be done for the affected teams tomorrow.

- Matches with cup rules were played as normal matches. This is fixed, and in effect for matches started after 14.

4-6-2010 Bug in youth matches played 09.00

Because of a bug in the youth matches scheduled to 09.00 HT-time today, all teams played with a 5-5-0 formation. Unfortunately we can not replay these matches, so there is nothing we can do about it now. This bug is now fixed and will not happen again, but we understand that it's not much comfort for those affected by it. :(

Please note that this bug only affected matches starting exactly 09.00 today.

4-6-2010 Some youth info not accessible

Because of an error in a database table some youth match info (player ratings, player names in training reports etc) is not there for matches started earlier than 06.50 today.

This information is not lost - but it will take some time to get it accessable again. We are working on this, but it will probably take all day at least.

3-31-2010 Release Notes

-You will now have to wait 12 hours after having sacked a Youth Academy player to sack another one.

-Also for the Youth Academy, we've now added the new available formations to the list on the training page. You will however not gain nor lose formation experience for 4-4-2 and the new formations before Tuesday 9.00.

*Some of the new interface bugs were fixed, you might want to check the Order interface bug system info to see which ones.

3-29-2010 Match delays

Currently there are some problems with the game engine which are causing tonight's league matches not being played and updates not taking place. We are investigating the situation, but right now do not have an ETA at this time when everything is running as it should again.

Update 2010-03-29 08:00
The problem has been fixed and the game engine is playing all matches that where delayed.

Update 2010-03-29 09:45
All matches have now been played.

3-26-2010 Order interface bugs

Most bugs are now sorted out in this beta, see below. This post will also be updated with the current bug status, just so you know what's reported and recently fixed.

Fixed bugs
- Fixed a cache problem in Internet Explorer. This cache problem made it look like your lineup wasn't there (you needed to logout and login again to see your order).

If you still experience problems saving your lineup, try clearing your cache.

Pending bugs
- In Internet Explorer 7, if you deselect a selected player he doesn't turn back to green in the sortlist.

For improvements (things not yet implemented in the interface), see our post below.

3-25-2010 On our todo list for the new match order interface

As we release the new match order interface to the youth academy as a beta, we thought we'd keep a list of known issues here for you to know what we are working on. The list might evolve, as some of you report new issues to us, so make sure to check back and see what's happening. Happy testing.

on the list for normal interface:
- Player age and shirt number should be amongst the sort criteria
- Positions (IM, CD etc) for the sub boxed (to get a better overview)
- Show occupied positions in minifield
- When selecting a position in the minifield, other relevant sectors should also be selected.*
- Remove non-possible behaviour options for sub (for example offensive keeper)

3-25-2010 On our todo list for the match order form for the visually impaired

The version we are releasing today is an early beta. So we would appreciate your input on it. Feel free to come to the Hattrick Access forum to help us improve the usuability for you. Here you will also find a list of known issues we are working on. Please note that in order to get the new interface you will have to go to your preferences, under Site Preferences and select Match order form for visually impaired.

On the list:
-Javascript validation (so that you can't use a player twice etc)
- Subs
- Cards
- Default lineup
- Health
- Player skills
*This form is also to be used by mobile phones and older browsers such as IE6

3-18-2010 Unbalanced loadbalancer

I'm sure you've noticed the return of webserver numbers in your address bar. With all the performance issues (downtimes, firefox problems, slowness etc) we've experienced in the past month or so, we've now decided to pull the plug on the new loadbalancer. It seems it was the culprit for everything. It just never managed to do what it was meant to do, and the hardware vendor had no immediate solution to this. So we are back to the old, long trusted, method of balancing the load on our servers. The site should be faster than it has been lately and the reliability should be what it ought to be. We might revisit the load balancer solution later on, but for now it was wiser to end the madness. I guess sometimes there is nothing like an old comfy pair of jeans.

Also released this week is a fix for the disappearing matches bug in the live viewer.

3-17-2010 Midnight Blues

We had some downtime between 01 and 02 HT-time, which led to transfers being postponed for one hour. We have some hard love therapy booked with the servers tomorrow morning and hope they will start seeing things our way very soon indeed.

3-16-2010 Nasty Forum bug

For those of you, who experienced the forum disappearing bug this morning: the fix is to stay logged out of Hattrick for 15 minutes and then come back. You should then be able to re-add your forums and reset your forum settings.

The problem was with a webserver cache, 15 minutes should give it time to clear.

Should you keep experiencing this bug, after having tried the fix, feel free to report it to us.

Also, while we are talking of bugs, if you have trouble logging on with Firefox, try clearing the cache of your browser. Closing all tabs. And launching it again. That should do the trick.

3-10-2010 Sorting matches in HT Live

It's now possible for you to sort your matches in HT-Live, so you choose your preferred order. Just hover a match tab and the sorting arrow(s) will appear.

You may need to refresh the cache in your browser in order to see and use the new sorting arrows as intended.

3-3-2010 Behold! A light in the (server) tunnel!

We are now quite sure we have found the reason for the recent server problems, it's because of memory leakage. Something just consumes a lot of memory, and with time the memory level gets so low that it causes the server managing all user sessions to break down - taking the web with it. We're relieved that we found the reason, but at the same time you should also know that it's really hard to find exactly what's causing the memory leakage and it will take time to find it.

But as we now know what's causing the problem we can also take measures against it, to prevent the site to go break down because of it. This is also what we've done now; most of these measures are now active (and more will follow). We don't think you will notice any difference when using the site, and we hope that these measures will put an end to all the breakdowns we've experienced recently.

(That said, exactly what's consuming a lot of memory still has to be found before we can actually guarantee that this problem is out of the world).

3-3-2010 Transfer accessible from all places again

With today's release we fixed the transfer link problem (see below) from yesterday. Apart from that it's not that much more to tell this week, most of our current work is about the upcoming changes (see editorial space) as well as investigating the recent/current server problems.

3-2-2010 Reaching the transfer

Currently there is a problem reaching the transfer page if you go via your team's transfer page or the quicklink (top right). Going via World --> Transfer search (under International) works though.

It should be noted that all links work in some browsers.

2-27-2010 Downtime again

We had yet another downtime today for about 40 minutes. We are having problem with a server that is central to the system but which goes down occasionally and without warning, taking the web with it. We are still working on solving this issue, but in all likelihood we will still have problems today and tomorrow. We will do all in our power to limit further downtime as much as we can, and hope to see a permanent solution by next week.

2-26-2010 Server problem once again

During Friday morning we experienced server problems and some downtime again. Just as last week the server which is managing all user session data was involved (it's almost like it's trying to say that it doesn't like weekends), even though it was not exactly the same problem now.

Because of the nature of this problem we couldn't get a downweb message up at first. The transfer engine was however stopped, and all transfer deadlines during the downtime have been extended.

Needless to say, we will do everything in our power to make everything work as it should. Downtimes like this are not acceptable.

2-24-2010 Release notes

During the week we've got some reports about the final result has been shown in HT Live before the end of the match. When investigating, it turned out it only happened when a user used Livefox (a CHPP add-on). We're quite sure we've now found a solution for this problem, but we'll still keep an eye on this to be totally sure.

Other stuff released today:
- This system info page has now got an archive (link at the bottom of this page), if you for any reason want to reread older messages at some point in the future.
- Fixed a bug which made it impossible to promote youth players who were 17 years and 0 days.
- A bunch of small forum fixes and tweaks.

2-21-2010 Downtime Sunday

Unfortunately, we have had a new episode of downtime today, during the Sunday games. The cause is the same as during Friday and Saturday, the server responsible for managing the user sessions breaks downs and needs a restart. This results in the web servers not accepting new connections, and it looks like the entire site is down (although some people already logged in can keep surfing). Needless to say, this is not acceptable and will be sorted, but so far we have not been able to eliminate the problem. We are sorry for this.

Transfers that had a deadline at around 1400 HT-time have had their deadlines postponed by 2 hours.

2-19-2010 Brief downtime again

We have had two more episodes with our server trouble today. The problem is a server that is handlig the session data of the people online, this server was upgraded yesterday but this seems to have introduced some kind of new problem. We are of course working on solving this. Deadlines of transfers that happened during the second downtime has been postponed by an hour.

2-19-2010 Transfers extended after downtime

Hattrick has been down due to server problems. All transfers during the down time have been extended by 2 hours.

Update: We extended transfers again with another hour after it appeared many users still had problems with logging in. This problem has been solved now.

2-19-2010 Problem with manager license solved

The problem with the manager license (see below) is now solved and all affected teams have got their money.

2-18-2010 No rewards for completing Manager License Challenges

At the moment we are having problems with new teams not receiving money for their completed Manager License Challenges. We are looking into fixing this problem as soon as possible and of course make sure the money is being handed out you are entitled to receive. It is no longer necessary to contact your GMs about it.

2-17-2010 A warm welcome and some release notes

First of all, welcome everyone to our new system information page! We hope you will find it useful. Below you'll find some notes from releases made during the testing phase on Stage. At the bottom there's also the old introduction written for Stage, but it's just as valid today.

Released today:
- Injuries and cards are now always visible on the player page, even during matches. Card and injury status are updated after the match.
- A notification on the player page (and on the transfer) informs you about if the player's team is currently playing a match.
- League position, winning streak etc will also always be visible on the team page (plus an alert if the team is playing a match).

The above improves two things: Fair play on the transfer (some managers sold their injured players during their match when injury status used to be hidden) and the end of different spoilers where you could see the match outcome before it was finished.

Apart from the above today's relase also includes a bunch of small forum fixes and naturally also the release of this page and blog.

While talking about this blog, it's also worth mentioning that the LAs are now able to translate our system information. That said, we consider any translation of this blog as a very voluntary task. So, if you can read this in another language than English - praise your LAs accordingly.

2-4-2010 Some changes to HT Live in this week's release

Among the code released this week there were some changes and improvements to HT Live:
- Penalty shoot-out goals are now added to the results on the match tabs
- New countdown for live games.
- Match result becomes bold when the match is finished.
- Solved the problem with WO games not showing the correct result in match tabs

We've also fixed the presentational problem on the your transfer bid page, where the mother club fee was not shown.

1-20-2010 Release notes

New code released today, but more importantly we've made a change to fix the problem with late matches in USA (match reports being 20-25 minutes delayed). We've now reschuled some other updates, which most likely caused the delays.

Apart from that:

Cup history display problem for the last two seasons fixed.

Promotion texts (team was promoted, for example) turned up in the series history, now removed.

NT coaches are now able to see the player development for the NT players.

Fixed a bug which made it possible to set up a youth friendly in the youth season break.

And a bunch of other small fixes and changes...

1-14-2010 Издадени белешки

Помеѓу вчерашните издадени белешки, ова се работите за кои е вредно да се напомене:

Проблемот со паѓачкото мени на страната за најавување, допринесе неколку од корисниците да завршат во регионот Берат во Албанија, наместо во регионот на својата држава.
Ова е сега средено.

Решен проблемот со прикажување (кога го продавате својот млад играч)на деталите за наддавање.

Ажурирано знамето на Ирак.

Реализиран предлогот на еден корисник;
Сега се прикажува моменталниот и максималниот број на празни Supporter места, на сратаната на подржувачите.

Решен проблемот кој предизвикуваше отстранување на неактивните корисници на Stage.

12-14-2009 Каде се натпреварите од квалификациите?

Формирањето на паровите од квалификациите беше одложено. Работиме на тој проблем и се надеваме дека истите ќе се појават малку подоцна, денеска, но тоа ќе потрае малку се додека квалификационите натпревари не бидат видливи за сите.

12-2-2009 Издадени белешки

Помеѓу денешните издадени белешки најдовме....

Решение за процедурата при најавување. Некои корисници не можеа да се најавуваат од прв пат, но сега тоа е средено.

Ажурирано правилото на фрлање паричка за Светскиот куп.

Во врска со навивачите:
Решение за известувањето на печатот, кое не беше ажурирано на страната на земјата.

Аватарите на поранешните Supporter-и повеќе нема да се прикажуваат.

HT-ML таговите отсега ќе работат и кај известувањата за пешат кај младинците.

Решен проблемот со опцијата "одговори на сите"

11-25-2009 Release notes and short introduction

We regularly release new code but we usually only tell you about new releases when they come in shape of a new (and big) feature. What we want to do here (besides try to keep you posted on current issues and so on) is to write release notes informing you about some of the things we’ve been up to.

Not everything we release is worth mentioning, it might be something deep down in the system or rather abstract things only interesting for a select few geeks out there, so only a fraction of our ongoing work will be highlighted in this way but we hope you find it interesting to see a bit of what is happening.

Releases of bigger features, new rules and so on will still be presented on My Hattrick whereas here we can mention the smaller things that often are ever so important. Some weeks it is a long list, others it is just a short one depending on what we’ve been up to.

Released earlier today:

A new feature making it possible for you to report a banner that is inappropriate or perhaps carries malware. You’ll find this feature at the bottom of every page.

A new preference among the team settings making it possible to say no to extra promotion (see the recent editorial “Bots to the bottom”).

Fixed links to youthteams on a few pages where some youthteamIDs got confused with national teamIDs.

Better info about team name change and the costs connected to it (in the manual and in teamsettings page).

A bunch of various tweaks to boost performance here and there.

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